I want to limit the upload image size to 2MB so that images uploaded don't slow down the website's interface.
I tried adding into the image field a validation like so:
I'm using tcpdf to generate a report that contains a logo from a svg vector image.
My goal is to efficiently re-use the same image payload over and over in the report, not storing the logo as if it was a different image on each page.
Right now, with the current data, the report generates 32 pages. The file size considerably increases with new pages being added. This seems to be due to the logo being repeated on every page.
I don't have tools to analyze what is inside the pdf but I can see from other reports that are generated by other applications, that the file size of pdfs containing repeated images peaks at 1 page and then on each consecutive page, the size increases very slightly, indicating that the first logo is efficiently re-used.
How can I achieve that using tcpdf?
If in my report, I place the logo only in page 1 and omit it in pages 2 - 32, still outputting all the text data, the file size is greatly reduced, just as in the examples that I mentioned before. This indicates that the svg data is repeated on every page.
From the example 009 in tcpdf's site documentation, I've tried loading the image from file and also tried using a "data stream" (this is encoding the svg in base64 and instead of referencing the image from a file, you use the text-based base64 variable content as a stream that contains the image payload).
I thought that using the data stream would take care of it, but it didn't.
Is there a way to reference the same image over and over in tcpdf?
There is any possibility to upload a file with different sizes in DropzoneJs?
I'm using vue-dropzone which is made with dropzonejs and i have to upload the same file with different sizing for srcset.
I want to upload the file test.png which is 1000x500 px. There is any possibility to upload it at the same time in original resolution and also in 500x250px?
Image resizing in the browser has been a seat-of-the pants experience for a long time. Web assemblies are the way of the future for processing-intensive tasks in web apps. I came across this project the other day. It looks fantastic and I really can't wait to strip out our home-baked image resizing with canvas and replace it with this.
The usual reason for doing this is to avoid large uploads. It's a little bit weird to want to resize in the browser then upload the original. You might be better resizing on the server. You'll save bandwidth and the server libraries will be more mature than what's available on the client.
Along with the original image object you can add one more your custom resized image to the array of images by using resize config of dropzone. You can do the above on drop event or adddedFile event of dropzone.
I'm having trouble in rendering my images because the file size is big, so I would like to adjust the size, to render it faster.
I would like to upload my photo like this.
I would like also to upload like, https://res....../upload/q_60/woman.jpg.
Thanks for the help.
You can apply incoming transformations while setting the quality parameter to your desired value. Doing so will apply the transformations before the resource is actually saved on your account.
Another option would be to set a default image quality via your account's setting.
I have a few questions related to images in gracenote API.
Let's take this image for example: http://akamai-b.cdn.cddbp.net/cds/2.0/image/5899/C629/E091/E3A2_medium_front.jpg
After trying to manipulate a bit the image name, i found that i could get another format for the same image: small.
Is there somewhere in gracenote documentation where i can get list of possible image formats ?
Another thing that i noticed in image name is "front".
Does that mean that there are other images for the same content that we can get ?
Thanks to anyone who can help me about that.
You can find options for image sizes in the eyeQ Web API Reference Documentation https://developer.gracenote.com/sites/default/files/eyeq-webapi-ref.pdf
The image sizes available are
SMALL (170)
MEDIUM (450)
LARGE (720)
XLARGE (1080)
(Note, all dimensions are max size - some images are not square)
You can select one or more image sizes through the IMAGE_SIZE option, e.g.:
The image format is .jpg but I assume you are asking about image sizes.
There are at most 5 sizes available: thumbnail, small, medium (default), large, xlarge.
Also there is only one image returned per content.
i use paperclip to upload images to the server in rails 3. If the user didn't choose any file to upload i want to store a default image in the server i.e., storing a default image in different size like thumb, normal, feature...
:default_url => '/images/:attachment/missing_:style.png'
I already put the above line in the config/initialize folder.
But for my popup slider i use jAlert in that i use js(to read the image from the server) and db(to get the object id) to show the images. So if an id didn't have any image then no folder(thumb, normal,...) are created.
For that reason i want to store default image for id which didn't have image.
My basic need is to make image slider in a popup window.
Arivarasan L