J ai un probleme pour editer avec une api [closed] - api

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Closed 6 days ago.
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bonjour, j ai fais une app copie de malt, quand je suis sur les profils et que je souhaite les editer, j ai une erreur quans je fais appel a mon api. pour que cela fonctionne il faut que je mette l id de mon profil a la fin de l api. je souhaite pouvoir editer n importe quel profil, je ne trouve pas de solutions; merci a vous
j ai tout essayé, changer api et le reste


Spotify answer for school project [closed]

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Closed 23 hours ago.
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Olá sou aluno da ETEC João Maria Stevanatto, estou fazendo um trabalho para a disciplina de Qualidade e Teste de Software, queria saber se voçê conseguiria responder algumas perguntas sobre o app Spotify, tipo o que ele pode melhorar em sua segurança, otimizaçao, design e etc. Desde de já agradeço a ajuda
Hello, I'm a student at ETEC João Maria Stevanatto, I'm doing a project for the Quality and Software Testing subject, I wanted to know if you could answer some questions about the Spotify app like what they can improve in terms of security, optimization, design, etc. Thanks in advance for the help.

Problema no consumo da api [closed]

Closed. This question is not written in English. It is not currently accepting answers.
Stack Overflow is an English-only site. The author must be able to communicate in English to understand and engage with any comments and/or answers their question receives. Don't translate this post for the author; machine translations can be inaccurate, and even human translations can alter the intended meaning of the post.
Closed 4 days ago.
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enter image description here
meu codigo ta assim porem quando coloco pra deletar aparece mensagem de ok mais nao ta deletando de fato no BD
enter image description here
oq sai no json!

How to return results in every possible language when querying "official name" (P1448) via SPARQL?

I am trying to get the official names (sometimes called "formal" or "full" names) for every country in as many languages as possible. I'm essentially looking for the exonymic versions of the government name.
The United Nations provides such data in all of its six working languages (plus Portuguese!?), as does the EU in all of its member nations' languages.
I was hoping to augment these lists with data from WikiData.
A working example:
SELECT ?official_name (lang(?official_name) AS ?lang)
# Q30 = United States
wd:Q30 wdt:P1448 ?official_name .
United States
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
the United States of America
Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko
Estados Unidos de América
États-Unis d’Amérique
Stati Uniti d'America
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Statele Unite ale Americii
Сједињене Америчке Државе
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
However, some countries, despite having "official name" entries in multiple languages, only return one result. These include (non-exhaustive list):
Q183: Germany (in 'de')
Q148: China (in 'zh-hans')
At first, I thought it might be that the query returned ALL official names if the country does not have an official language (English is the de facto official language of the United States, but not de jure). However, Finland (Q33) has two official languages, yet returns nine entries as of 2022-05-19 (including French, which cannot possibly be an official minority language in Finland)
Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way I could form this query?
There was some discussion about the flaws of this property, albeit nothing fruitful: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property_talk:P1448

How to turn API information into a dictionary

I'm trying to create a Twitter bot that gives daily news about random subjects.
I want to import those daily news from Mediastack and it works pretty well, but I receive something like that (I'm French, that's why the article is in French and there is those strange characters):
Article(author=None, title='La pand�mie motive les voleurs: Une nette hausse
des escroqueries financi�res constat�e', description='L�instance de m�diation
des banques suisses a trait� 2175 nouveaux cas en 2020, ce qui repr�sente une
hausse de 8% par rapport � l�ann�e pr�c�dente.', url='https://www.tdg.ch/une-
Tdt5Oqhp9VzkeyvqdPJ.jpg', category='general', language='fr', country='ch',
published_at='2021-07-01T12:17:02+00:00', source='Tribune de Geneve')
I would like to put all this informations into a dict so I can use what I need. I would also like to change the strange characters into the letters with accents (like "é") they should be.
I changed the API I was using and I directly get a dict to the request.

How to check if a field is empty or exist if the field is deep in the inheritance tag tree. (SSRS report)

I need to show a FileName (NomFichier in french) if only there is a file attached to the report.
enter image description here
Here you can see a part of the XML, where PiecesJointes = attached files and inside it has multiples type of files. The one that interest us is ResolutionCA.
My question:
Let's say I want to check if NomFichier (NameFile) inside the InfoFichierJoint tag that is inside ResolutionCA tag, has a name file written in the tag or exist. What do I have to do?
Here you can see what I tried but didn't have success with. Which let me to think that the inheritance of the tags were the problems.
=IIF(IsNothing(Fields!NomFichier.Value)= "true" OR Fields!NomFichier.Value ="", "Les conditions de votre demande ne requièrent aucun document. ",
"Résolution de la personne morale, société ou autre entité qui autorise le répondant à présenter la demande de permis")