Running Flask-Vue site with Gunicorn and Nginx - vue.js

I have website that was created by a colleague that I’ve taken over. It’s been designed with Flask and Vue. I’ve been able to run this locally after some troubleshooting, but when trying to deploy this onto a server, I can’t get the site running.
I’ve followed numerous tutorials where I’ve used the following:
gunicorn --workers 1 --bind -m 777 wsgi:app
Config for nginx:
server {
listen 80;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
# To allow POST on static pages
error_page 405 =200 $uri;
location / {
root frontend/dist;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
location /config {
include proxy_params;
Within my frontend App.vue, I link to the backend - which I've tried:
backend_url: ''
backend_url: ''
Then when I load up, the frontend starts initially, but when it comes to communicating with the backend via different flask #app.routes, it stops.
I’ve also tried using a socket to connect between gunicorn and nginx, but I get the same issue.
When looking on the console in Chrome, I get:
POST net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
Whereas in Firefox, I get:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null)
This is why I added add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; within my nginx config file
Any ideas?
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type'
cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}})

Looks like you need to enable CORS in flask for the domain and/or IP serving the Vue app.
See flask-cors extension How to enable CORS in flask


How to fix incorrect nginx s3 reverse proxy paths?

I'm working on an nginx s3 reverse proxy container image to proxy frontend files (Angular apps) from s3 behind an Application Load Balancer. The frontend files are located in the specific folder of the given app name in the s3 bucket. These are angular apps which are built using standard angular commands. The dist contents are uploaded to s3 and then the ALB route paths, along with the nginx locations map to those app folders in s3. For example, here is my nginx conf file:
server {
listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/nginx-server.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/nginx-server.key;
sendfile on;
default_type application/octet-stream;
server_tokens off;
location ~ ^/app1/(.*) {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_buffering off;
proxy_ignore_headers "Set-Cookie";
proxy_hide_header x-amz-id-2;
proxy_hide_header x-amz-request-id;
proxy_hide_header x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs;
proxy_hide_header Set-Cookie;
proxy_set_header Authorization "";
proxy_intercept_errors on;
rewrite ^/app1/?$ /app1/index.html;
proxy_pass https://<s3 bucket name here>;
So there is a corresponding bucket folder /app1 in s3 which has the dist contents and is serving up the index.html. And on the ALB, there are two route paths. The first is /app1 which redirects to https:{port}//app1/ and then the second route path /app1/* which just forwards to the nginx reverse proxy container deployed via ECS Fargate.
This is not using cloudfront. The bucket is proxied internally on https and specific permissions are set on the bucket to be accessible w/in the given VPC.
The angular apps have specific modules, but the issue is since Im not saving any of this content in the container, I can't just do a try_files, or set an index to make this work, since all of this is proxied from s3 and the content is accessed differently.
I can access the app at with the given proxy configuration above, but for other paths, say when I navigate to the part of the apps where its /app1/account and then do a refresh, the page throws an access denied on the bucket and I just get the standard xml page in the browser.
How do I get this to work with all of those other relative paths without having to add each of those paths to nginx or the ALB routes? In other words, I dont want to have to add
location /app1/account {
and so on, or something like that. Yes, Im sort of new to nginx, so im still figuring things out.
I was expecting the above proxy to work with all paths on /app1 but im unsure what other route paths need to be added to the ALB or if the regex is off, or what else needs to be added to the nginx conf file.
All that to say, when I enter this
or this,
both work and just rewrite to the index.html which is good.
After this, when I click on another icon in the UI that directs to another path on /app1/, I get directed to the page correctly at...
but then on a refresh on this path, instead of hitting url, with all the data shown when I accessed this through UI, the url stays at but the page defaults to s3 bucket access denied on that route(.xml).
The goal is just to be able to reload on the pages I can already access without the UI blowing up and defaulting to the access denied message. So I would like to be able to just enter, which will display the content, then do a refresh and see the content again.
The are various modules within the angular apps and so these are relative paths, which may be part of the problem.
NOTE: All files, aside from assets folder, are in the base app1 bucket folder. So https://<s3_bucket_name>/app1 (with app1 being the folder).
Angular's docs indicate to use the Frontend Controller pattern for static files like so:
Use try_files, as described in Front Controller Pattern Web Apps,
modified to serve index.html:
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
Obviously, that won't work here (since the files aren't local to nginx) so my understanding is we're looking for equivalent logic to that for when the files are hosted elsewhere.
Route not-assets to index.html
All assets are in the /assets/ folder - so the simplest solution is to look for anything starting with not-that and proxy those requests to the html file for the response:
server {
location ~ /app1/ {
rewrite ^/app1/(?!assets/) /index.html;
proxy_pass https://domain/bucket/app1/;
That regex means that:
/app1/assets/some.css gets proxied to https://domain/bucket/app1/assets/some.css
/app1/ gets proxied to https://domain/bucket/app1/index.html
/app1/something/else gets proxied to https://domain/bucket/app1/index.html
Do note that this is going to make your app respond HTTP 200 OK with html to almost any url - which may be confusing.
If there are any problems setting this up, enable the nginx debug log to see to what url requests are being proxied, and determine the difference from what's desired.

Nginx -> Apache 2 authentication -> return to Nginix

We have a nginx and an apache2 server.
Apache2 is configured to manage Kerberos (Active Directory) authentication.
We have a website managed by nginx with a reserved area.
I would know if this is possible:
the user goes to main site managed by nginx
from main site, there is a link to "/login" mapped to apache2:
location /login/ {
proxy_pass http://apache2server/testlogin;
when the login is successful, apache2 is configured to go to another nginx webpage, using proxypass too:
ProxyPass /testlogin http://nginxserver/logindone.php
ProxyPassReverse /testlogin http://nginxserver/logindone.php
I wonder if this is the right solution to the problem.
The best way you can implement an external authentication to your NGiNX website is using auth_request directive.
Basically, you can protect any request doing a subrequest to any external web server. The subrequest must return HTTP code 2XX to allow proceeding to the content, and any other HTTP code returned will deny access.
To accomplish that, be sure you've NGiNX with auth_request enabled (compiled with --with-http_auth_request_module). To check that, use the following command at shell:
nginx -V 2>&1 | grep "http_auth_request_module"
Add the auth_request directive to the location you want to protect, specifying an internal location where the authorization subrequest will be forwarded to, using:
location /system/ {
auth_request /auth;
So, when a request is made to /system/ location, the system will create a subrequest to /auth location. Now we need to create the internal /auth location. We can use the following example below:
location = /auth {
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
Here, we created the /auth internal location. We used the internal directive to disable external NGiNX access (any external request to /auth will not be processed by this location). Also, we removed the request body content and set the request length to zero, removing any original request variable. We do a subrequest to passing all requested cookies, so your backend application could determine if user has access or not.
If you need to know the original requested URI, you can add it on an extra HTTP header at subrequest adding:
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
You can learn more about NGiNX auth_request directive here.

nginx proxy_reverse not setting cookie from upstream server to the client browser

I have an expressjs server to authenticate login requests from a front app built in svelte.
The front app is running on and the expressjs server is running on
Here is my login post route that authenticate and set cookie:'/login', (req, res)=>{
// check db,find the user, write a jwt token and put it in a cookie to send it to the
// browser
res.cookie("accesstoken", accessToken)
res.cookie("refreshtoken", refreshtoken)
This server code deployed to an ubuntu server with Nginx running as a proxy_reverse, here is my nginx block configuration:
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
proxy_cookie_domain localhost;
proxy_cookie_domain ~^(.+)($ "$1 $3";
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /var/www/;
index index.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
When I run the server and svelte app (front app) using my local machine, everything works (customer provide credential, cookie is sent to client browser and upon inspecting google dev tools, I confirm that the cookies has been set correctly in the client's browser)
When I deploy my expressjs server to ubuntu (20.04) and use pm2 to run my server, it does start and I can view all my console.log. My front app runs and I go to my login page, enter credential and click submit, the app logs me in (because credentials are correct and user set to true on the front app localstorage) but NO COOKIES are set in the browser.
I read the nginx docs, I read material and posts from different sites on how to set Nginx proxy_reverse cookie domain but unable to fix the problem (the problem is cookies are not set in the browser, the server issues them) but my proxy server is not passing them to the browser.
These questions about proxy_reverse and cookies come up, the poster comeback and post vague answer to their own question and no other answers. It seems like there are not enough technical people out there with knowledge of this issue.
my location code has the proxy_cookie_domain localhost;
How do you set nginx proxy_reverse to pass-set cookies to the browser passed on from upstream server?
So it wasn't related to the nginx block configuration but it was the cookie settings. For cross site cookies to work, it has to be set with sameSite : none (or strict) and secure flags. Make sure that your backend and front has to be using domains (ip is not allowed in the latest draft as of this writing)
You also need both front and back domains to be secured (https) with an ssl.
Your ufw on nginx needs to allow https.
Cookie settings:
res.cookie("name", "value", { sameSite: "none", secure : true })
restart your nginx after updating the server and your nginx conf sites-available
and it should work.

Nginx reverse proxy didnt load site correctly

I have an nginx configuration which listens to any subdomain *,
and I want to use subdomain as variable, to proxy request to other site.
Here is my nginx configuration
server {
listen 80;
server_name "~^(?<subdomain>.*)";
location / {
resolver ipv6=off;
proxy_redirect off;
access_log /var/log/nginx/proxy.log;
As I request the site directly and it loads perfectly
Site placed on AWS S3, and bucket static website address cnamed to mydomain
However, when I try to access via, the page didn't load images, and css
This is the same site
And in browser network panel shows
Difference between direct and proxy access
This issue is made, because I have many sites stored in S3 bucket and located in different folders (the folder name is used as subdomain).
And I want to use a single domain to access all of them via subdomains.
Thanks in advance
You forgot to proxy pass the URI, you're serving user1/index.html for every request, including for JS and CSS requests, it's why all of responses are the same size (2kb, the size of user1/index.html), and it's also why you're getting Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in the first line of Enterprise_skeleton.bundle.js because it's returning an HTML document that starts with <!doctype html> instead of the actual JS bundle.
location / {
location / {

How to change http response code on an object in Amazon S3

I have a webpage hosted on Amazon S3 but I don't want the http response code to be 200. The page is a maintenance page that I'll redirect traffic to when I take our main website down for maintenance.
I want the Amazon S3 page to include a response header of:
HTTP/1.1 503 Service unavailable
Amazon give the ability to add some metadata to the S3 Object but there is nothing for the http status code.
Is it possible?
Not sure which browsers, or crawlers, that supports this. But you could potentially use the meta http-equiv status meta tag to accomplish this.
<meta http-equiv="status" content="503 Service Unavailable" />
The specification says to treat it in the same way as if 503 had been sent as the status code.
I believe you can get Cloudfront to do this. I haven't tested it yet, but try this:
You cannot customize the status code for S3 responses.
You can use API Gateway as a proxy to your S3 website error page where you can customize status codes returned.
Until Amazon allow a custom status code from S3, here is a workaround using nginx.
We watch for the existence of a specific file, that acts as a "ON switch" for maintenance mode. If found, we proxy_pass requests to S3 - The trick is to return 503 but redirect processing of 503 status codes to a nginx "named location".
Example nginx conf file (just the relevant bits shown):
server {
# Redirect processing of 503 status codes to a nginx "named location".
error_page 503 #maintenance;
# "Maintenance Mode" is off by default - Use a nginx variable to track state.
set $maintenance off;
# Switch on "Maintenance Mode" if a certain file exists.
if (-f /var/www/app/maintenanceON) {
set $maintenance on;
if ($maintenance = on) {
# For Maintenance mode Google recommend using status code: "503 Service unavailable".
return 503;
location #maintenance {
# Redirect the request to a static maintenance page hosted in Amazon S3.
# Note: Use proxy_pass instead of rewrite so we keep the 503 code (otherwise nginx serves a 302 code)
rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.html break;