Searching Youtube videos by keyword and filter the results by quality and length - selenium

I am trying to build a code to look for youtube videos by inputting a keyword.
Ideally I would like to use a filter to only select HD videos less than 4 minutes long. Then select the most popular and copy the link of the video and paste it in an excel sheet.
Now I tried a code that uses youtube API, but I can't find the way to filter the results by quality.
Can anyone help me with this code? Now by now I just would like to find the way to search videos, filter the result and select the most popular one


How do I search this? Possible to access more than 100 JSON api search results if I pay for it?

How to search this?
I want to be able to:
1. create a search engine
2. programatically search it thorugh an API (python, or other)
3. paginate through the results (all of them, if I chose)
4. store URL's or results that I want.
Is this even possible with Google Custom Search Engine?
I enabled billing, my CC is up to date with Google, I do steps 1..3 above.
On a search, I will get back 4,000 results for example, but I can only access 10 at a time with the API, none more, and when I reach 100 results I am shut off.
I want to be able to process 1000 results if I wish.
Before you reply, do you personally have working code that goes beyond the 100 limit?
If so, would be very much interested in speaking, learning how you did it.
I am using Python at the moment, but it could be any language.
I tried using the &start=100, 200, and so on to paginate through, but this does not work.
I tried getting 100 results in a python script, ending the program, calling it again setting start=100 (after the first set returned), and nothing happened.
I want to be able to use the Google Custom Search API, pay Google for a monthly subscription but have not found that this is possible.
For any given search, I want to decide how many results to process, could be 1K, could be 20K, I simply need/want access to the full result set, but I do not, have not seemed to find a way to do this.
The API allows only a max result depth of 100. See

Show Phone No is Google Search

When I'm trying to search any helpline number from google search the result showing like the image shown below with number that's a very good improvement in search result
is there possible that I can show my own personal number there? if yes than what procedure should I followed for it. Thanks
To make your phone number visible on google search first submit snippets of your site. Submit your information to google business *free. Try to add you number in meta tags so that google can index it.

Server query to YouTube API “is there any YouTube video containing this specific word?” - if so, what is the link, upload date etc

Do you think we could use the YouTube Data API to get to know which products have any YouTube review/video. Then paired with our system via, for instance, Video Name?
Your question isn't very clear. However, you want to try this.
You can set type to snippet and q to the words you want to search for.

Google custom search engine result counts changing as results are paged

I have implemented a Google custom search engine in a website. When searching a word, it brings out results like totalResults - 168 and I am retrieving it by 10 results per page.
Up to 60 results it works fine, but in the 7th page, the total results from Google api response changes to a total of 67.
I am using a free version of the Google custom search API. I don't know whether it is working correctly or not. Please provide me a solution if it is wrong or correct me if I am wrong.
It is because of google search behaviour well explained in following links.!topic/customsearch/D4--2TfYk9A!topic/customsearch/SjlrUMa-X-k

Filter google query results

I'm writing a search engine for wikipedia articles using lucene on the wiki xml dump and I want to calculate the accuracy of the engine when compared to google wiki result on a particular query, when I give "" along with the query. I want to do it for multiple queries so I'm getting the google search result URLs manually. I got Google APIs to use a bot to search Google but the problem is I want to get rid off certain type of results like
and user pages.
But I haven't found a convenient way to do this except for using an iterative method of issuing a query, get n number of results, then filter out by using regular expressions, then retrieve the remaining (n-x) results and so on. Google keeps blocking me when I do that.
Is there an intelligent way to get Google results the way I want using Java?
Thanks in advance guys.
You could just try excluding those pages from the Google results, like this:
living people -inurl:category -inurl:category_talk -inurl:file -inurl:file_talk -inurl:user -inurl:user_talk