I am trying to get early hints to work in HAProxy, but no luck so far.
Surprisingly so, as it ought not be overly complicated (supposedly)...
frontend mysite_frontend_ssl
mode http
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/mysite.com.pem alpn h2,http/1.1
http-request early-hint Link "<https://static.mysite.com/test.css>; rel=preload; as=style"
http-request early-hint Link "<https://static.mysite.com/test.js>; rel=preload; as=script"
option forwardfor
default_backend mysite_backend
I am using Chrome 109 for testing (and Chrome supports early hints since v103)
HAProxy is version 2.5.5, which was released in 2022/03 (and HAProxy supports early hints since 2018 if I'm not mistaken)
So, why can't I see the early hints and the preloads in my Network tab in DevTools?
Any idea? I literally can't find ANYTHING about early hints with HAProxy on the Internet. No tutorials, no explanations (except the announcement in 2018 and the small paragraph in the docs). Nothing.
Aren't people supposed to be using it all over the world? Now I'm confused...
Bonus question: any idea how to have different preload links / early-hints for different "locations"? ("location" as in nginx, e.g. an URL regex of sorts). Should I only add an "if" condition after the early-hint? For example, for my homepage I'd like to early-hint a few scripts and images and fonts, and for the catalog page I'd like other resources to be preloaded. I know how to do selective push with nginx, but alas it's complicated with HAProxy in front of it, plus it's not possible for cross-domain, so I ought to do it (preload I mean, not push) with HAProxy.
Thanks everyone! :)
I have a question. Can I find out the version of Apache when full signature is disabled. Is it even possible? If it is, how? I think that is possible because blackhats hacking big, corporate servers while knowledge of the version of the victim services is essential. What do you think? Thanks.
Well for a start there are two (or even three) things to hide:
ServerHeader - which shows the version in the Server response field. This cannot be turned of in Apache config but can be reduced to just "Apache".
ServerSignature - which displays the server version in the footer of error pages.
X-Powered-By which is not used by Apache but used by back end servers and services it might send requests to (e.g. PHP, J2EE servers... etc.).
Now servers do show some information due to differences in how the operate or how they interpret spec. For example the order of response headers, capitalisation, how they respond to certain requests all give clues to what server software might be being used to answer http requests. However using this to fingerprint a specific version of that software is more tricky unless there was an obvious, observable change from the client side.
Other options include looking at server status-page - though you would hope any administrator clever enough to reduce the default server header would also restrict access to the server-status page. Or through another security hole (e.g. being able to upload load executable scripts or the like).
I would guess most hackers would more be aware of bugs and exploits in some versions of Apache or other web servers and try to see if any of those can be exploited rather than trying to guess the specific version first.
In fact, as an interesting aside, Apache themselves have long been of the opinion that hiding server header information is pointless "security through obscurity" (a point I, and many others, disagree with them on) even putting this in their documention:
Setting ServerTokens to less than minimal is not recommended because
it makes it more difficult to debug interoperational problems. Also
note that disabling the Server: header does nothing at all to make
your server more secure. The idea of "security through obscurity" is a
myth and leads to a false sense of safety.
And even allowing open access to their server-status page.
I'm trying to use Liferay for http and https
if I include in portal-ext.properties:
Will be working ok with https but in http is showing incorrect themes due is trying to load https://domain.com/theme
If I remove this two lines is working ok for http but not for https.
What can I do?
IMHO mixed mode, e.g. offering http as well as https never gives you what you expect: You expect security from https, but you always risk leaking session information, e.g. being vulnerable to session-hijacking attacks (ala Firesheep). My actual advice would be to go https only if you do https for security. Read on if that's not an option for you, but don't complain when you find information leaking (this is not dependent on Liferay, but for any web-based environment)
What is the exact problem that you have with the themes? (images/css through http?) Which version of Liferay are you using?
Before you specify more, you might want to configure your theme's "virtual path", this will rewrite all the URLs referring to your theme. It's typically used to serve static resources through a webserver or cdn, but it works with any kind of URL. Simply using a protocol-relative URL should work (I love this mostly unknown http feature):
Add this to your theme's liferay-look-and-feel.xml:
<theme id="my" name="My Theme">
note that the URL omits the protocol part, http: or https:, thus the browser will use the same protocol that the whole page is loaded with.
Edit: corrected the xml. Will investigate if there's a problem with protocol-relative URLs in themes.
Edit 2: Something is weird. It seems, virtual-path does not work like this, but I recall it did earlier. Do you add domain.com as cdn.host.http or cdn.host.https? (this would be concatenated)
On related stuff, please check if you're running Apache in front of your appserver. In this case you might forward some traffic for the portal (e.g. in the virtual host for http) but not forward the traffic in the https virtual host.
I have purchased an ssl certificate, I have enabled the SSL setting in the settings and I have changed both config files to go to https but when I visit http://bit.ly/TCkEBv the first page is https the rest are not. How can I fix this?
I realize this is an old thread but considering the recent google SSL-everywhere indexing changes, i figured it was relevant. The following example will make OC use https in all links. You have to change 3 characters in system/library/url.php. They deleted this on the forums which is understandable, but we have ran it for a week of production traffic on mixed SSL multistores with no issues.
WARNING: Your mods may be different - run through them all in a test after enabling this...especially any redirect managers. Here is the tweak for 1.5.6:
Open store/system/library/url.php and find $url = $this->url; in an IF statement somewhere near line 18. Change it to $url = $this->ssl; and there ya go.
PS: Also there is a vastly untested method to send the https-preferred as a header using $response->addHeader('Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000'); but i am unsure of best spot to put it besides index.php. Also, although it works in test, unsure of all-server implications. Header controller seems logical, but not all OC areas use header controller :). Experiment with best placement for that....just dont do it in the $url replicator even if it seems like it works.
As per the forum thread, this is not actually a bug just the way that the cart is set up - that is most pages are not set as HTTPS and will revert to HTTP once you click on a non HTTPS link
Let's say you have a Domain called example.org
Instead of changing the code, in Apache, you could do this...
In addition to your Domain-SSL.conf, you can copy that configuration to Domain.conf and edit it to use port 80 instead of 443
Then, add this line in the Server definitions at the top, right before DirectoryIndex...
Redirect / https://example.org
This will simply redirect every request back to the SSL configuration, adding the https:// in front of every link. No code changes required to OC.
This has been working on my busy production server for several years without a single problem.
I have a blog, dynamic (php) and static content (images, css, js). I googled a lot to find benchmarks on each server and figured out that there's actually no best server. Therefore I'm looking for returns on experience to choose the good combination.
Update in response to wheaties: well, my needs are I think, the same as everyone; I need all my pages to load quickly--including static content--an I need the highest HTTP queries/second rate possible. Also, if it can help, I'm using MongoDB. Btw, do I still need to cache my DB queries with this?
Regarding Apache and Nginx:
I used Apache for almost 10 years. Then I discovered Nginx.
Quickly I found Nginx appealing
simple and powerful C code
configuration syntax is intuitive and elegant
Nginx was built with performance and efficiency in mind. It is incredibly efficient, even with thousands of connections.
php-fpm works well with Nginx
So, I would recommend, between the two (Apache and Nginx), Nginx.
Lighttpd is well known for serving static content. Nginx is a good option for dynamic (php) pages. I've heard of few sites which use lighttpd only for serving static content.
Lighttpd for static content and some caching scripts for dynamic (PHP).
Is there a way to detect if a site is on a Content Delivery Network and if yes, can we tell which service are they using?
A method that is achievable from the command line is using the 'host' command, with the -a flag set to see the DNS record e.g.
host -a www.visitbritain.com
www.visitbritain.com. 0 IN CNAME d18sjq5nyxcof4.cloudfront.net.
Here you can see that the CNAME entry tells us that the site is using cloudfront as the CDN.
Just take a look at the urls of the images (and other media) of the site.
Reverse lookup IP's of the hostnames you see there and you will see who own them.
I built this little tool to identify the CDN used by a site or a domain, feel free to try it.
The URL: http://www.whatsmycdn.com/
You might also be able to tell from the HTTP headers of the media if the URL doesn't give it away. For example, media served by SimpleCDN has Server: SimpleCDN 5.6a4 in its headers.
cdn planet now have their cdn finder tool on github
http://www.cdnplanet.com/blog/better-cdn-finder/ The tool installs on the command line and allows you the feed in host names and check if they use a CDN.
If Website using GCP CDN you simply check it using curl
curl -I <https://site url>
In reponse you can find following headers there available
x-goog-metageneration: 2
x-goog-stored-content-encoding: identity
x-goog-stored-content-length: 17393
x-goog-meta-object-id: 11602
x-goog-meta-source-id: 013dea516b21eedfd422a05b96e2c3e4
x-goog-meta-file-hash: cf3690283997e18819b224c6c094f26c
Yes you can find by
host -a www.website.com
Apart from some excellent answers already posted here which include some direct methods which may or may not work for all the websites out there, there is also an indirect way to see if a CDN is there. And especially if its your own website and you want to know if you are getting what you are paying for !
The promise of a CDN is that connections from your users are terminated closer to them so that they get less TCP / TLS connection establishment overhead and static content is cached closet to them so that it loads faster, puts less strain on your origin servers.
To verify this, you can take measurements of site load times across the globe and see if all the users get similar loads times. No you dont have to get a machine everywhere in the world to do that ! Someone has already done that for you
Head to https://prober.tech/ and the URL you wish to test for load times.
Because this site itself is in Cloudflare's CDN, you can put that link itself in the test box and use it as baseline !
More information on using the tool can be found here