Illustrating Div's in PDFKit - node-pdfkit

I'm Struggling Illustrating "Divs" in PDF-KIT module
I Can't find a way solving the "div's" fitting perfectly in one page without breaking in the middle
I Attached a Picture with the PDF result -
the thicker "div" selected
is the corrected way that I need to present it
and the thinner one is the broken one that the header is in another page than content
Many Thanks for You Help !


Razor Pages horizontal Table

Good morning,
I am developing my Web Application using .Net Core 3.1 and Razor Pages.
In my application I need to display a large amount of data on a grid and would therefor like to rotate a standard grid 90 degrees. I would like to obtain something like the "Horizontal Scroll" of this blog post but instead of just scrolling horizontally I would likle to move the headers to the side and, as mentioned above, rotate the entire grid fields.
I can't find any API that suites my needs though. Does anyone have suggestions on something I could try? I wouldn't want to have to build the entire grid myself (with all the paging, filtering and ordering logic). I am open for alternative solutions as well!!
Thanks everyone!
This seems more like an HTML question, and does not really relate to Razor Pages. Here are a couple of examples of horizontal scrolling HTML tables:
You said you need to display a large amount of data, I think the
design you currently want is not suitable for the display of a large
amount of data.
Because if the title is on the left, then only one data can be displayed on each page, and each page needs to load the title, which will lead to great redundancy.
If you just want to display beautiful because of too many columns, I suggest you use the responsive property in jQuery datatable, which can dynamically display the number of columns according to your current page width, and collapse or display the extra columns.
You can refer to this.

wicked pdf css bounding box?

In PDF generators you can normally describe a bounding box where if there is overflow it goes to a new page and you can include the content that wrapped it again.
I'm trying to figure out how to elegantly do this in Wicked, since we have a new requirement to allow users to generate their own PDFs from HTML.
The layout is roughly as follows:
[ address / logo ]
[ list of items purchased ]
[ footer ]
All the regions are a fixed size. With a handful of items there is no issue. If there are more than will fit in the region designated for the items purchased it cannot overflow. It needs to generate a new page break and put the overflow items on the following page (with the same header and footer wrapper).
I'm not sure there is a way to get a div's overflow to paginate like that in CSS though. (Prawn can do it, but it doesn't accept HTML). I don't know that something is going to overflow until it's rendered too, just knowing the count of items isn't enough.
Webkit doesn't really have good support for page breaking. I found out from their own page: "The current page breaking algorithm of WebKit leaves much to be desired.
Basically webkit will render everything into one long page, and then cut it up
into pages. This means that if you have two columns of text where one is
vertically shifted by half a line. Then webkit will cut a line into to pieces
display the top half on one page. And the bottom half on another page. It will
also break image in two and so on. If you are using the patched version of QT
you can use the CSS page-break-inside property to remedy this somewhat. There is
no easy solution to this problem, until this is solved try organizing your HTML
documents such that it contains many lines on which pages can be cut cleanly."

How do I include a picture in a page element in Inquisit?

I'd like to include a picture in a page element in an Inquest script: is this possible?
If so, how would you do it?
I know this question was asked 8 years ago...but I recently had the same question. So I thought maybe I could put something here in case someone in the future would have a similar question.
You cannot add a picture to the page element in Inquisit 5, but it would be possible in Inquisit 6. For Inquisit 5, you'll have to use or .
Here's some discussion on this:
There is some discussion here.
In general, it seems that the page element only allows for simple text based instructions.
If you want to present images in instructions, there are a few options.
htmlpage element
You can use the htmlpage element, which allows for instructions to be a complete formatted HTML file that can include images.
The htmlpage element is used to define pages of text to be displayed
as instructions using the preinstructions or postinstructions
attribute. The htmlpage element is useful when complete control over
formatting and content of instruction pages is required, otherwise the
page element provides an easier way to display text with basic
formatting. The actual content of the page is contained in a separate
HTML file located on the local machine or the web. source
Picture or picture and text in a normal trial
The other option is to present instructions as normal stimuli in the main trials of a block.
See for example, the instructions in the sample script for the Iowa Gambling Task.
This can be either done as one integrated picture that includes text, or each image can be positioned as it's own stimuli.

CFDOCUMENT PDF White Space Issue

I realize that there are several other posts similar to this one, but I have tried every solution found within them and have not had any luck. Basically, I have a ColdFusion generated webpage that consists of a jQuery DataTable. I want to export the contents of the DataTable to PDF, however on certain tables where the table content exceeds the height of the page, the PDF adds my header area and then the rest of the page is blank. The table then shows up on page 2. Has anyone had trouble similar to this?
I've tried setting the page size, margins, #imports for the CSS, standard links for the CSS, inline CSS, and nothing seems to fix it.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Any suggestions are welcome too!
What ended up fixing this problem for me is I wrote a simple javascript function that takes two parameters, the id of the table requested and the max rows per page. My javascript function then grabs the entire table, and breaks it into separate tables using the max rows value as the number of rows per table. I then output the JS variable as the value for the tag and there are no longer incorrect page breaks.
I hope that in the future the cfdocument tag will be more proficient at knowing when it's reached the end of a page and break the content appropriately, but for now this works.

Joomla - Overlapping of modules required

I had to create a custom menu for the template we chose as the links were supposed to be added over a image. I have a header image which is called in as a module. When I select mod_mainmenu, the menu shows over the header image. However when I disable the mod_mainmenu and select the custom html mod , they come below the header image.
I need it also to come as the menu. Which will resolve the issue.
This is the link. Could someone help me on this.
The first problem I see is in your template.css file on line 672 -
height: 448pxx;
Fix this typo first. You could probably do without the absolute positioning for the logo, but the typo will probably make the page look right.