Export UTF-8 chars PDF with Bootstrap-Table - pdf

I'm trying to generate a PDF with Bootstrap-table, for this the documentation said to use tableExport.js which in turn uses jsPDF to generate the pdfs. The actual problem is that the data is in spanish containing chars such as á,é,í,ó,ú and ñ that are not shown correctly in the pdf. Reading jsPDF's documentation it mentions that the 14 standard fonts in PDF are limited to the ASCII-codepage.
Looking further into it jsPDF's documentation says it can be done. If you want to use UTF-8 you have to integrate a custom font, which provides the needed glyphs. jsPDF supports .ttf-files. So if you want to have for example Chinese text in your pdf, your font has to have the necessary Chinese glyphs. So, check if your font supports the wanted glyphs or else it will show garbled characters instead of the right text.
To add the font to jsPDF use our fontconverter in /fontconverter/fontconverter.html. The fontconverter will create a js-file with the content of the provided ttf-file as base64 encoded string and additional code for jsPDF. You just have to add this generated js-File to your project. You are then ready to go to use setFont-method in your code and write your UTF-8 encoded text.
Alternatively you can just load the content of the *.ttf file as a binary string using fetch or XMLHttpRequest and add the font to the PDF file:
But I have no idea how to integrate both codes. The PDF generates perfectly with my code exept for the fact that some chars dont look correct. As you can see in the section of my code I never instanciate jsPDF, I use Bootstrap-table options
Im Working on a .net project on Visual Studio
------------This is my code----------------------------------------------
$(function () {
function DoCellData(cell, row, col, data) { }
function DoBeforeAutotable(table, headers, rows, AutotableSettings) { }
$("#frm-Search").on("submit", function (event) {
var $frm = $(this);
var formData = $frm.serializeObject();
if ($frm.valid()) {
GetSpanishData(formData).then(function (result) {
search: true,
pagination: true,
export: true,
exportOptions: {
fileName: 'TheSpanishReport',
jspdf: {
format: 'bestfit',
margins: { left: 20, right: 20, top: 20, bottom: 20 },
autotable: {
styles: { overflow: 'linebreak' },
tableWidth: 'wrap',
tableExport: {
onBeforeAutotable: DoBeforeAutotable,
onCellData: DoCellData
exportTypes: ['csv', 'excel', 'pdf'],
data: result
$("#tbReport").bootstrapTable('refreshOptions', {
data: result
$("#tableReport").attr("hidden", false);
return false;
function GetSpanishData(data) {
return $.ajax({
url: ServerAdress/GetSpanishData',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: AntiForgeryToken(data)
---------Code to integare font into PDF as described on jsPDF's Documentation----------
`const doc = new jsPDF();
const myFont = ... // load the *.ttf font file as binary string`
// add the font to jsPDF
doc.addFileToVFS("MyFont.ttf", myFont);
doc.addFont("MyFont.ttf", "MyFont", "normal");
-----------------I've tryed converting a font to base64 as asked in the documentation and loading the js to the project then adding to the jsPDF section of the Bootstrap-Table parametes the option setFont, but it does not work---------------------------------------
jspdf: {
format: 'bestfit',
margins: { left: 20, right: 20, top: 20, bottom: 20 },
autotable: {
styles: { overflow: 'linebreak' },
tableWidth: 'wrap',
tableExport: {
onBeforeAutotable: DoBeforeAutotable,
onCellData: DoCellData

I had a similar problem today (exporting pdfs but with german umlaute ä ö ü from bootstrap-table), this worked for me:
you can use pdfmake instead of jspdf with tableExport.
include pdfmake instead of jspdf:
Many HTML stylings can be converted to PDF with jsPDF, but support for
non-western character sets is almost non-existent. Especially if you
want to export Arabic or Chinese characters to your PDF file, you can
use pdfmake as an alternative PDF producer. The disadvantage compared
to jspdf is that using pdfmake has a reduced styling capability. To
use pdfmake enable the pdfmake option and instead of the jsPDF files
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/pdfmake/pdfmake.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/pdfmake/vfs_fonts.js"></script>
<!-- To export arabic characters include mirza_fonts.js _instead_ of vfs_fonts.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/pdfmake/mirza_fonts.js"></script>
<!-- For a chinese font include either gbsn00lp_fonts.js or ZCOOLXiaoWei_fonts.js _instead_ of vfs_fonts.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/pdfmake/gbsn00lp_fonts.js"></script>
(from https://github.com/hhurz/tableExport.jquery.plugin#installation)
npm pdfmake
adapt your bootstrapTable exportOptions:
exportOptions: {
fileName: 'TheGermanReport',
pdfmake: {
enabled: true,
docDefinition: {
pageMargins: [ 20, 20, 20, 20 ]
pdfmake documentation


How to change the background image on your landing page in Docusaurus?

I would like to change-replace the default (green) background image shown on my Docusaurus landing page.
Is there a way to do this in a simple way, given that I have limited experience with CSS & Javascript?
Thank you,
Add the classic preset to your docusaurus.config.js, and configure a custom.css file to be used.
module.exports = {
// […]
presets: [
// […]
theme: {
customCss: [require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css')],
Then go to the custom.css file and add the following lines.
NOTE: If the the css file doesn't exist, create a it at: src/css/custom.css — and create the directories, if necessary.
:root {
--ifm-color-primary: #25c2a0;
--ifm-color-primary-dark: rgb(33, 175, 144);
--ifm-color-primary-darker: rgb(31, 165, 136);
--ifm-color-primary-darkest: rgb(26, 136, 112);
--ifm-color-primary-light: rgb(70, 203, 174);
--ifm-color-primary-lighter: rgb(102, 212, 189);
--ifm-color-primary-lightest: rgb(146, 224, 208);
--ifm-code-font-size: 95%;
Now change to colors to your like!
It may be necessary to shutdown the docusaurus service and restart it.
Note: I recommend that you check this reference, because it contains information that will help you.
With classic theme, set your image into static/img.
-> src/css/custom.css :
.hero {
background-image: url("/static/img/back.jpg");
Go to file src/pages/index.js
add style={{backgroundImage: `url('/img/bg.jpg')`}} to of HomepageHeader().
Because the Docusaurus is based on React, thus the css style here follows the React JSX style which uses "backgroundImage" instead of "background-image". You can check the React documents for details.
An example of src/pages/index.js:
function HomepageHeader() {
const {siteConfig} = useDocusaurusContext();
return (
<header className={clsx('hero hero--primary', styles.heroBanner)} style={{backgroundImage: `url('/img/bg.jpg')`}}>
<div className="container">
<h1 className="hero__title">{siteConfig.title}</h1>
<p className="hero__subtitle">{siteConfig.tagline}</p>
<div className={styles.buttons}>
className="button button--secondary button--lg"
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Custom print style with Vue.JS print plugin

I am trying to print a VueJS component with custom print style.
Three Vue plugins look interesting on this subject:
Out of the three only html-to-paper has a options object that can pass a custom css style in order to dynamically pass some print css.
My issue is that i can't seem to load the custom css, and also bootstrap classes are messed up on print action.
This is basically what i am doing.
import VueHtmlToPaper from 'vue-html-to-paper'
const options = {
name: '_blank',
specs: [
styles: [
Vue.use(VueHtmlToPaper, options)
Any suggestion is welcomed.
I have tried all these three I think the best one is print.js which is not specifically for Vue.js but it is easily install-able and usable in the vue components.
For example
import print from "print-js";
export default {
methods: {
printing() {
const style =
"#page { margin-top: 400px } #media print { h1 { color: blue } }";
const headerStyle = "font-weight: 300;";
printable: "rrr",
type: "html",
header: "Doctor Name",
headerStyle: headerStyle,
style: style,
scanStyles: false,
onPrintDialogClose: () => console.log("The print dialog was closed"),
onError: e => console.log(e)
printVisit(id) {
this.$htmlToPaper("rrr", () => {
console.log("Printing completed or was cancelled!");
VueHtmlToPaper opens a new window with its own style tag. So when you pass a CDN it works, if u pass a local file it does not because it tries to access the resource in your web server but in the wrong URL. Let's see how the page looks when we use a CDN and a local CSS file.
<link rel="style" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.8.1/css/all.css">
Local CSS file
And let's say you are calling the print function from http://localhost:8080/somepage
<link rel="style" href="./myPrint.css">
This will try to open http://localhost:8080/somepage/myPrint.css. Obviously this will not be accessible to print dialogue.
Put your custom CSS file in the public or static folder (Where you usually keep favicon)
Modify script path in options, prepend server basepath with the CSS file
Sample Option
import VueHtmlToPaper from 'vue-html-to-paper'
/* This will change according to your server */
let basePath= 'http://localhost:8080';
const options = {
name: '_blank',
specs: [
styles: [
Vue.use(VueHtmlToPaper, options)
Also, the simplest way to access root-relative path is to use /. User /style.css instead of ./style.css

how to export kendo-chart to pdf

am using kendo data vizualization api to render dashboard page with charts
user does some selection on page which triggers ajax call and draws the charts on this dashboard page.
i need to add the feature to export the dashboard page with multiple charts to pdf
i tried phantom js but am not clear how to make it work in this context where current user is already logged in and on dashbaord page and clicks on export to pdf button.
my web layer is using asp.net 3.5 and i dont want to mix the mvc.dll solution as posted on kendo site in my project.
has any one tried this before ? please hlp.
This JS code exports all rendered to container element with ID 'your_container_with_charts_inside' charts to PDF:
$( document ).ready(function() {
var $element = $('#your_container_with_charts_inside');
.then(function (group) {
return kendo.drawing.exportPDF(group, {
paperSize: "auto",
margin: { left: "1cm", top: "1cm", right: "1cm", bottom: "1cm" }
.done(function (data) {
dataURI: data,
fileName: "export.pdf",
Also you might want to check Chart API / PDF Export demo

wicked_pdf footer not working

I've got little problem with wicked_pdf footer render.
Here is my render method:
def invoice
render pdf: "#{#order.number}.pdf",
footer: { html: { template: "admin/orders/invoice_footer.html" } },
margin: { bottom: 25 }
PDF render works OK, but there is no footer template. I tried different margins in wicked settings, but with no success.
Just had this same issue, the problem seemed to be that my wkhtmltopdf install did not generate the footers as requested.
The version I had was installed via the Ubuntu repository, I un-installed this and downloaded a pre-built version as described here and now it works fine:
I did run into the same problem and it was a problem with the partial not being rendered.
So this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/19323701/784318 did work for me:
So I changed my code from this:
options = {
header: {html: {template: 'shared/_header', layout: nil}},
To this:
options = {
header: {content: render_to_string('shared/_header', layout: nil)},

How to convert an image(using image path) to base64 string in sencha touch?

iam new sencha touch.
Iam doing one project , in that project i need to convert the images to base64 string, iam uploading the image, and iam getting fulll path of image, but iam unable to convert image to base64 string.
plz help me in this issue.
make sure that iam asking in sencha touch
How do you access the files? Where the images are coming from? If they are from the camera or the photo gallery then Phonegap is the best way to get them. Base64 encoding is solved by PG in that case. If you are trying to solve it in pure js then you need to do some more work on it. Sencha doesn't provide functions for base64 encoding. So the best bet if you add some function to your project. There are lots of resources on the web how to do base64 encoding in javascript. E.g. see the discussion here Base64 encoding and decoding in client-side Javascript
The following code snippet helps you for uploading image and get base64 data uri
In your view you should have the following filefield component of sencha touch
Ext.define('MyApp.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
xtype: 'main',
requires: [
config: {
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
items: [
xtype: 'filefield',
id: 'idfilefieldSample',
name: 'filefieldSample',
accept: 'image'
and your controller look like this:
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.MainController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
'filefield[name=filefieldSample]': {
change: 'onChangefilefield',
onChangefilefield: function(filefield, newData, oldData, eOpts)
var filesSelected = Ext.getCmp('idfilefieldSample').getComponent().input.dom.files;
if (filesSelected.length > 0)
var fileToLoad = filesSelected[0];
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function(fileLoadedEvent)
var srcData = fileLoadedEvent.target.result;