Ccxt: How to use subaccount api for Kucoin? - ccxt

Kucoin provides an api for subaccount operations. For example:
Here, the request has the format: GET /api/v1/sub-accounts/{subUserId}
CCXT has no native support for sub-accounts by itself. However, it has support for exchange specific parameters (ie. fetch_balance(params={..}) - yet the documentation of these parameters is very poor.
Is there a way to fetch balance and create orders for kucoin subaccounts with CCXT?


(ssg-wsg) Why is CorpPass ID required for Update/Delete course run with sessions API?

Does anyone know why is CorpPass Id a required field for "Update/Delete course run with sessions" API? Since this will be an NRIC, would it be a sensitive information to be used in the request body?
Referring to the API:
Based on the API page, I do not see where Corppass ID is being referenced. Do provide more details if you have a technical query for the API.
However, based on the description: API is only available to Corppass users - and if you are able to subscribe to it then you are a Corporate Developer. For this query, it would be more appropriate if you can reach out to their servicedesk for details instead:

All the payment methods not returning in BigCommerce Get Accepted Payment method rest api

I am using BigCommerce Rest API in my React Native application to create an eCommerce app for a BigCommerce site. I am doing all the functionalities like getting products, creating a cart, creating checkout, etc, using BigCommerce rest API.
Now, there is an API to get all the accepted payment methods for checkout.
Api :
So, when I am calling this API with all the required parameters and headers, I am getting only one payment method in the response. However, I have set up many other payment method options from the admin.
There is another API Get All Payment method, which returns all the payment methods that I have set up. But returned payment method data does not contain payment method id. I need a payment method id to pass it on next step.
Please anyone knows how to get all the accepted payment methods with it's id in BigCommerce rest API?
It's to my belief that this is working as expected. The v3/payments/methods returns only a list of providers that are supported by our public payments api. This list does not include COD, so that's why that one is missing. You likely don’t see Paypal because it is Paypal Commerce Platform, which is also not expected to be returned.
As a note, this endpoint is tied to an order so if certain providers have restrictions on order total or products or things like that, they might appear/or not appear depending on those values.

Can we get data as Response using Post Method for API Testing using RestAssured Cucumber

Here is the full question :
As a Portfolio API, I should be able to retrieve details for a given Account and Account type from Balance API, so that i can pass over the same to the UI for the end users to view the same.
Scenario 1 - Verify the response when Portfolio API invokes the
POST /v1/accDetails endpoint for a given account details (Checking)
Given client has a valid auth token for the api
And Portfolio API has the following
Account Number 1234567890 (10 characters).
Account Type 'CHQ' (3 characters)
When Portfolio API sends a POST request to Balance API
Then Portfolio API will receive the response code as <00>
And response body will have the following (not limited to below fields)
Account Type, Account Number, Account ID, Account Name, Account Balance, Product TypABA Number, Interest Rate, Interest Earned to DateStatus.
Now my question is we can do this using GET Method but can we do this using POST method or not? When we use post that mean we are going to add something but I do not want to add any account. I just want to get account details.
Since you have only a few parameters to send via GET, the best approach is to use [GET].
We can use the [POST] if we really need it to do so.
But if you can use [GET] for that, then the best approach is to use [GET].
Also can refer: REST API using POST instead of GET.

Porting from NVP to REST API

I am currently using PayPal's NVP API. And using the below methods.
TransactionSearch (To pull in historic and recent transactions)
GetTransactionDetails (To fetch detail for each transaction)
TransactionSearch using PROFILEID (To get subscription/recurring transactions related to a particular subscription/recurring profile using the Subscription/Profile ID)
RefundTransaction (To refund a transaction)
ManageSubscriptions (To manage - cancel, suspend, reactivate a particular subscription using the Recurring/Subscription/Profile ID)
GetBalance (To get balance for a particular account)
MassPay (To send money to other PayPal accounts using the email address) I would like to know and get assured that I won't be missing anything when I port to REST, and will get all the details (including all the fields) that I have been getting from the NVP response.
Question 1
Can you map me to the respective REST methods for the above 7 cases that I have listed?
Question 2
Can I use the same credentials for REST API? Or do I need to use something else? Doing so will require the users to reconnect to my system via some other method?
Question 3
Another thing I wanted to know is, that if the REST API can be used to pull in historic data(data for all date ranges)? Is there any restriction on the user-type or type of PayPal account or date-ranges or anything else when using the REST API?
Question 4
What else do I need to take care of when I port from NVP to REST?
Please help!

REST APIs to fetch statistic api usage data from API Connect

This may look a dumb question to you. However, I am looking for a way to fetch API Connect internal data i.e. number of invocations of APIs exposed via API Connect , by which client etc. I know, there are individual dashboard/chart within API Connect. But, I want to build a explicit tool to monitor the same leveraging API Connect data.
is it at all possible ?
Thanks in advance
See the KC at which will explain how to get the info you want.
To obtain analytics data for a Catalog and API provider organization, issue the following call:
GET /v1/orgs/{orgId}/environments/{envId}/events
{orgId} is either the URL path segment or the ID of the API provider organization.
{envId} is either the URL path segment or the ID of the Catalog.
The following example shows a call that is issued from a browser and then shows all the event fields in the corresponding response. The call is issued to return two analytics events (limit=2), and includes a next parameter for requesting further events.