How WKWebView disable "GPU process Canvas Rendering"? - webkit

"GPU process DOM Rendering" disable this in phone settings, my webpage works perfectly on safari, but, how wkwebview disable it in ios project ?
"GPU process DOM Rendering" how wkwebview disable it in ios project ?


Orientation problem for remote tracks on firefox

I have a problem with Agora video SDK 4.4.0 on Firefox.
When a user on IOS SDK 3.4.0 rotates his iPhone/iPad, video is not rotated on Firefox (macOS). But it is ok on safari (macOS) / chrome (macOS), or other IOS device with IOS SDK.
Is there any way to fix this ?
Or, at least, can I detect remote orientation changes (via event, or width / height change, or mediaTrack property, or anything...) to make the rotation myself using some CSS magic ?
This is a known limitation of firefox, documented here.
You can manually set the orientation on iOS. This page covers in depth how different modes work. You can use the fixed orientation to manually handle rotation using CSS.

How can I watch in android emulator without running compile command in react native?

I have changed my code a lot of times. Is there any command like "npm run watch" for watching real time changes and compile the code and design preview in react-native for android?
I assuming you are wanting to use 'Live Reload' or Hot Reload.
Every time you update your Javascript code, the app will automatically update without the need to reload manually. Here's how to enable and also some notes on what the differences are.
Accessing the In-App Developer Menu
You can access the developer menu by shaking your device or by
selecting "Shake Gesture" inside the Hardware menu in the iOS
Simulator. You can also use the ⌘ + D keyboard shortcut when your
app is running in the iOS Simulator, or ⌘ + M when running in an
Android emulator on Mac OS and Ctrl+M on Windows and Linux.
Alternatively for Android, you can run the command adb shell input
keyevent 82 to open the dev menu (82 being the Menu key code).
Reloading JavaScript
Instead of recompiling your app every time you make a change, you can reload your app's JavaScript code instantly. To do so, select "Reload" from the Developer Menu. You can also press ⌘R in the iOS Simulator, or tap R twice on Android emulators.
Automatic reloading
You can speed up your development times by having your app reload
automatically any time your code changes. Automatic reloading can be
enabled by selecting "Enable Live Reload" from the Developer Menu.
You may even go a step further and keep your app running as new
versions of your files are injected into the JavaScript bundle
automatically by enabling Hot Reloading from the Developer Menu. This
will allow you to persist the app's state through reloads.
There are some instances where hot reloading cannot be implemented perfectly. If you run into any issues, use a full reload to reset your app.
You will need to rebuild your app for changes to take effect in certain situations:
You have added new resources to your native app's bundle, such as an
image in Images.xcassets on iOS or the res/drawable folder on Android.
You have modified native code (Objective-C/Swift on iOS or Java/C++ on

Screen is freezing when download app from iTunes

I am facing weird problem in one of my application.
When app is in development, everything is working fine. I have install app in device by various ways :
Directly connect device and installed
Create .ipa and connect device and install via Devices and Simulators by dragging
Create .ipa and installed via Diawi
In all above case app working fine.
But when I am download from iTunes :
Live app
TestFlight App
It causes problem.
Now problem is :
App has listing screen (e.g : User's list, Property list).
Click on any cell, it will redirect to details screen.
Now details screen has one button at bottom right corner
Click on button, will open action sheet with some options
Click on Cancel, screen becomes slight dark and freeze, unresponsive.
But it is only happen when download app from the iTunes Connect. This is only happen on this - single screen. All other working fine. Whole app is also working fine.
Please note that I am using :
Default action sheet (UIAlertController) with type UIAlertControllerStyle.actionSheet
Default UITextView
Default UIButton
Swift 3.*
Xcode 9.2
iOS 11.*
Please help me to solve this out. I can't get any clue. This is really strange issue.

Sencha Touch 2.2.1 not run on IE10

I am a newbie of Sencha.
I use Sencha Architect (Version: 2.2.2 Build: 991) to create the Sencha Touch (2.2.1) application.
But when I deploy and run it on IE10, it does not work, showing blank screen. I open the debug mode (F12), and I see that the browser always auto changes to the Browser mode IE10 Compat View, Document Mode: IE7 standard.
I switch the Browser mode to IE10, the app run again. Is there any config I need to set to run on IE10? Or is this a bug?
Sencha Touch is built for Webkit-based browser (Chrome, Safari)
IE and other browsers like Firefox are not built on Webkit, thus not able to render pages written with Sencha Touch. Even if you can run it this time, there will be elements that cannot be displayed properly, causing the page to have weird look.
Update: sorry for the wrong info. Since 2.2, Sencha Touch provides support to IE 10. So this means your page should be rendered without any problem with IE10. I tried opening up a page created by Sencha Touch 2.2 on my Lumia, it was OK without any problem. I guess IE10 on desktop may have a false detection in your case and try to open the page in IE7 compat mode. On actual device there shouldn't be such issue.

Launch Webkit Nightly in fullscreen mode

I am using Webkit Nightly because i'm working on some new HTML5 features. I would like to look at the application full screen, without the window chrome.
Other browsers have F11 and other buttons to go fullscreen, but webkit doesn't. Is there a way I can launch it in fullscreen mode?
Webkit is a web content engine and its not a browser on its own. Anyway, which port of webkit are you referring to? GTK+? QT? EFL?
I just downloaded and compiled WebKit-r70098 (for GTK+) on my Ubuntu box following this instructions. The demo browser (GtkLauncher) that comes with it creates a window of 800x600 (hardcoded in the code) and doesn't have a fullscreen feature.
Also, the pre-compiled binaries for Mac OS X that allows Safari to run on top of Webkit, don't offer native fullscreen capabilities. Currently there's no fullscreen without tweaking Safari configuration files or using 3rd party plugins (there are lots of them).
On Windows, webkit.exe also doesn't have fullscreen capabilities.