How does hotstar uniquely identify a guest user? - api

Hotstar has a feature of displaying the premium content for free for 5 minutes to a guest user. I am curious to know how does Hotstar implement this functionality.
It doesn't matter how many browsers(normal/incognito mode) you use, you can access the premium content for free only once. Once I use the free premium content, it ask me to enter the mobile number to proceed further.
Initially I thought that they must be using cookies to store the guest information but following that logic it should give me access to premium content every time I use incognito mode, but it doesn't work like that.
I tried looking at the request headers and it passes "device_id" in the request but it is different for every different session.
Can someone provide me a lead to understand how exactly do they manage to uniquely identify a guest user?


Logging in to website accounts using HTTP requests, e-mail and password

Suppose I have an account created on a website (in specific, a PS Network account or Google account), and I only know the login email, but not the password (with no access to the Google account in the PSN case).
Is there a way for me to verify if a given password is the correct one using only HTTP requests or something similar using code? This is to save me the time of trying multiple passwords and having to wait for a server response until I find the right one.
I'm not trying to hack into someone's account.
I tried to log in to a secondary PSN account I created years ago but I didn't know the password, only the email (I also created a specific google account/email for this purpose, so I don't remember its password either). Even though I don't remember the exact password, I know which combinations of specific words and numbers I might have used back then. But I want to run through "all" the possible combinations with code, instead of doing it manually, to save time and effort. Is there any URL to which I can make POST requests to try and log in using only email and password in the request body, and verify if login was successful? (either on PSN or Google, either one will give me my PSN account back)
Thanks in advance
I tried looking for REST API and URLs that allow me to do this, but it seems to me that Google in specific has gone strict on this, requiring more than just address and password. For the PSN account, I tried to sniff around using developer tools to watch which URLs are requested when I try to login using the Sony website interface, but I can't understand which requests are doing what.
What you want to do is a popular method for hacking account access. it is called bruit force where by the hacker you continues to try passwords over and over again until they gain access. A dictionary file is often used containing combinations of specific words and numbers
No system is going to have an endpoint that will make it easier for hackers to gain access to user accounts by force.
May I suggest using a reset password account recovery option available through most login services these days.
instead of trying to bruit force your way in. Most authorization servers will lock an account after 5 bad attempts.

How can I read local MS Teams status

I am trying to implement a hardware busy light to show my Microsoft Teams presence so that my family to not enter the room I have the office while I am in a meeting. I am looking to implement something similar to: (older acticle - similar idea).
The only problem I have with this setup is that I cannot get the MS Teams status.
The best way to go is by using MS Graph Presence API but my problem is that this is a company account and I don't have (and there is no way I could have) and app in the main subscription granted with the required scope: Presence.Read.
So I tried different ideas but none worked in the end:
check local running processes
check if MS Teams exposes any local API
check if there is a CLI available
This seems a simple idea, I mean, I see the status right there now while I am typing this message, I could as well do an app that gets a screenshot of the taskbar and extract the status from the icon, but is that really the only option I have?
I think I found something interesting for you.
Go to
you'll find a file called logs.txt
In this file you see if your current state changed
(current state: Available -> DoNotDisturb)
I would write a script with php or VB (depends on your skills) that read that logs.txt file like every minute and check for the last "current state" line.
What those posts are doing (certainly the first one, I didn't check the 2nd one) is calling the Microsoft Graph, which has a "presence" endpoint to get a user's status. There's actually even a specific "/me" endpoint, to get your own personal preference (less access rights needed). See more about this here:
In order for this to work, as you've mentioned, you do need to have an Azure AD App registration. However, importantly, this will only require "delegated" permission (i.e. only permission from the single user, you, to access just data for that single user, you). As a result, you can use "delegated" and not "Application" permissions, which means that it does -not- require Admin consent for the tenant.
It -does- require and Azure Add Application though, at the risk of stating the obvious. While you don't have tenant admin rights, you need to see if you have Azure rights, just to create an application (you might have this anyway as a developer in your org). If you don't even have this, you can sign up for an M365 Developer account, and use that tenant. Importantly - the application does't have to be in the same tenant. If it's not, it's just a simple multi-tenant app, like any 3rd party Azure AD-backed application is.

Using an IP address to identify users

Let's say I have a table of food items to bring to a lunch on a very simple web page. I don't want there to be login, but I would like there to be some smartness to my app.
Let's say a user puts in a food item. Other than a login, couldn't I use the IP address to do things like: only the user that created the record at same IP address can edit this record. Something like that.
I was thinking one more step toward a login, have a single text box where a user can put initials.
This way first person to suggest bring an item can be happy to know their todo for the lunch is done and can't be "overwritten"
That's it!
Pros and cons, welcomed!
This is more of a helper app than a formal thing, like to help around the office of local users.
Authentication and Authorization are separate functions, and I'm drawing the distinction here for a reason.
Authentication is the process of positively identifying a user, so you know who they are.
Authorization is the process of allowing or preventing that user from accessing parts of the application.
IP addresses can be used to partially identify users, but as #Dai pointed out in his comment, it has problems. Even using a Mac address is problematic since some people know how to spoof Mac addresses. If you can use someone else's authentication service, you can authorize them yourself.
Once you have positively identified a user, you can track them using a randomly generated ID that is good for a session. It is possible to use a cookie to track that ID. If that ID is associated with a Role you can authorize based on that role.

REST Api an invitation to hackers for injection?

I am new to REST APIs, I am actually not looking for any workarounds, I just need to clear my concept because I know I am missing some very important information which can easily solve my problem.
For E.g I made a small website, let's say using angular.js, where I will list some information or some items.
Consider it as an open website for now, everyone is getting same list. Anyone can come to the page and see the list of items. Simple.
Lets say the URL to this list is
Result returned
1. abc
2. cde
3. efg
4. hij
Now my site got traffic, and I decided to implement user thing on my website, so that every user can only see his own information.
So I changed the rest api url to this:
where 12345 is userid.
The user with the user id came on the website, logged in, and browsed the list, by chance he went to the source of the page, and he found the url to list information.
He copied the url and started to use different user id's, he might get lucky any time.
I am not talking about implementing any type of security up til now, there must be several ways to secure it.
My main concern is that isn't it a large security hole, or we can call it an invitation, for injections?
So I just want to clear my understanding, where I am wrong?
This is not some security loophole. This is the way it is supposed to work.
Let's put aside the case of APIs. Consider the simple example::
I have a url:
This will list all the jobs on my website. No authentication or permission of any sort is required to access this data. I am providing it to every user that visits my website. Now I need a way to figure out if the user visiting my website wants to filter the jobs available on my website. So I provide this option in url kwargs. This will look something like::
So, now the list will contain the data only for Java jobs. Plain and simple.
Now some day I decide that I will let only the registered users to view Java Jobs. So, I introduce a new check in my View that lets you access the java jobs only if you are logged into my website. Otherwise it redirects you to the login page. Depending on the requirement, you put restrictions on the data being sent to the user.
Same is the case with APIs. If you allow the data to be available to any user that uses the API, there is a flaw with your design and not with the concept of APIs. APIs are just the implementation of your logic.
If you don't want a user with id 12345 to access the data of a user with id 123, you have got to restrict the permissions on the API code. You have got to handle themselves. The API will respond to your code.
Hope this clears out everything.

Identifying anonymous users

If I had a poll on my site, and I didn't want to require a registration to vote, but I only wanted each visit one, how might I do this?
Let's say a visitor from IP visits the site and votes. Would it then be safe to disallow anyone from 123.34.243.* from voting? Is this a good strategy?
What's another one?
This is a fundamental challenge with all voting sites on the Internet, and you're just breaking the surface of the problem.
The way you've phrased it, you "only want to allow each visit one [vote]" indicates that you want to allow them to vote once each time they open their browser and go to the site. I don't think this is really what you seek.
I suspect what you want is that a given individual Person can vote only once ever (per survey, maybe).
The problem is, once you've framed the question properly, the problem becomes much more clear. You're not trying to identify an Internet node (IP address), visit (session cookie), browser instance (persistent cookie), or computer (difficult also to identify).
You can use techniques with Cookies, and they were suitably for a typical user. Subverting this technique is as easy as
- Clearing your cookies in the browser,
- Disallowing cookies in the browser,
- Opening another browser,
- Walking to another computer,
- Using an anonimizer,
- ... endless other ways.
You can do validation by e-mail address, but you indicated you don't want to do registration, so I don't believe that solves you problem either.
If you really need to identify a unique user for a voting system, you'll need to have some authority who's willing to vouch for the identity of any given user, or only allow the software to be accessed from a trusted platform.
The first technique requires registration (and often a costly and time-consuming registration at that), that verifies the actual legal name and location of the individual. Then, using Public Key Infrastructure (aka Digital Certificates), you can identify an individual person based on the credentials he supplies.
The second technique, requiring a trusted platform, relies on the hardware following certain pre-determined behavior. You could, for example, create a voting site that works through the XBox 360 or iPhone. You would create an app that is installed to one of those devices. Based on the way the platform is protected, you could use uniqueness characteristics, such as the hardware address or Live ID on the XBox 360 or the hardware address or telephone number on the iPhone, to get general assurance that the user is the same one who has visited before. Because you have control over the application and the user specifically does not, due to the nature of the trusted platform, you have reasonable assurance that most users will not be able to subvert the intent of the application.
I suspect this is a long-winded way of saying you can do it, but it's a far from easy problem to solve.
Consider political elections and how much resources and energy goes into making those fair and anonymous, and still it's a very challenging problem.
Using the public IP for this would probably be a bad idea. Unique visitors from the same corporate LAN would all look like one user if you use this approach.
Perhaps cookies? I believe that is what most sites use.
Combine with some sort of monitoring, automatic or manually (for instance log file analysis). Be suspicious of traffic patterns that indicate a script.
No, you can't use IP address or IP spans to identify unique users. For several reasons:
Stopping a whole span will stop users who haven't voted.
People who get an IP adress dynamically will get a different IP address later.
People in a local network (like a big company) share the same public IP address.
You could use a cookie to flag who has voted. That will be a lot better as it doesn't hit as blindly, but it's of course not completely accurate as people can clear the cookies and browse with more than one browser.
To make a completely accurate identification of the users so that you are really sure that noone votes more than once, you need a login for the users. Well, with the exception for the fact that people could create more than one account of course...
block a ip range is not a good strategy, you can have 2 option to indentify the already voted user, their IP and cookie. after they voted, set a cookie and don't allow them to vote again.
they can clear cookie and change the IP, but it's acceptable for anonymous voting, if you want a better strategy, let's them register for voting
You should block just that particular IP, not the whole IP range!
If you don't have a registration, this is the best solution, but not for users!
You can prevent someone from voting multiple times. but you also may block some other users from voting and that's because of NAT.
Network Address Translation (or NAT) allows multiple users use a single IP to access internet.
But this is OK because NAT is not used heavily and few users will be disallowed from voting.
However, cookies is not the good solution. because the user can easily erase the browser cookies and vote again. Even worse, he/she can write a script to vote automatically many times!