Assume that I have a few tables in Databricks and I want to make a report in Power BI that shows the No. of table views for a specific user.
I mean, how many times has a user queried a specific table? This is the information I want to send from Databrocks to Power BI and use it to make a report.
Is there any way that I can send table usage information from Databricks to Power BI?
I am creating a Power BI dashboard using someone else's Power BI dashboard. All I've done right now is used Get Data -> Power BI datasets -> clicked on the dataset that is also used by this other person's dashboard. Then when I click on the Model tab on the left hand side, I see a bunch of SQL servers linked to one another. If I start changing the SQL relationships in the model section within my Power BI Desktop, will that also change the SQL relationships within the other person's Power BI dashboard? I am a new user of Power BI and SQL so apologies if this sounds confusing. I can provide more info if necessary.
Thank you.
When you use Get Data to connect to an existing Power BI Dataset, you aren't copying the dataset. Instead, multiple reports & dashboards will all connect to the same dataset. So, in the event that you have the required permissions, you changing the dataset will change it for the other reports & dashboards (which could break them).
For more information, check out the Shared Dataset information on MS Docs (e.g.
I have created an instance on Google BigTable and created an external table on Google BigQuery and created an external table which can able to fetch records from BigTable. I tried to create a BigQuery datasource in Power BI Desktop but the external tables are not listing but the tables created on BigQuery are been listed! Is it an issue? or any possible solutions?
I replicated your scenario and got the same behavior as the one you described. It seems that at the moment Power BI does not support BigTable external tables. A workaround is to create one or more views based on the BigTable table and then connect to those views.
In addition, if you're interested you can report the Power BI behavior here.
I'm having datasets in bigquery google cloud project,
I want to load this data from powerbi,So that I can create visualizations using this bigquery data sets.
Currently I'm able to see the google bigquery in getdata option in powerbi desktop,I tried to connect to bigquery but I'm not abe to see my bigquery dataset in the list,I'm using the same credentials for powerbi and google bigquery.
is there any thig that I need to enable in google cloud side so that it will be visible in the list when I connect from powerbi?
These are the following steps you can follow to connect GBQ to Power BI.
You can write a query and save the table in Google big Query.
Go in Power BI, get data and click on more and scroll down there you will find "Google Big Query" click on that.
Search your saved table and click on "Direct Query"
I think you will be good to go!!
I would not recommend using Power BI for Big Query analysis. As of Q1 2019 Power BI still do not support project billing unless manually editing the connexion script, it does not support Sheets federated tables, do not support nested and repeated fields and Power BI DML is nearly unusable with BQ. Microsoft do not seems to be willing to develop the compatibility between Power BI and Big Query further.
Learn more in this article (i am the author):
I finally decided to ask this (after a lot of google searching):
So we use Power BI for data visualization and thus in it are some calculated dashboards / data outputs which are used to monitor data quality etc. I want to be able to historical log these results so that over-time we can monitor progress i.e. was data quality improved. This is the end of the initial problem.
One approach to this problem was to connect to PowerBI from the MS-SQL side - hoping we can then set timed triggers to do the log by READING THE POWER-BI DASHBOARDS: So how do I query that (I have already developed a method to determine the connection using the Power-BI port as described here:
This is a screenshot from one of my MS-SQL connections through "Analysis Services":
I am assuming the objects named like "LocalDateTable_" are the actual BI analysis I want to query. "New Query" is an MDX type of Query. Should I go this route for my problem (logging powerbi analyses)?
At first this sounds crazy but on reflection I guess it was only a matter of time, and a sign of the maturity of Power BI solutions ...
I would use the SQL Server Profiler to capture the queries generated while you use your dashboard & report.
Then I would build an SSIS package to run the MDX queries and deliver the datasets to SQL Server, with extra columns e.g. StartTime.
I am using PBI Desktop to create PBIX files which I later upload to Azure Power BI Embedded (PaaS solution). The PBIX gets data from Azure SQL server in Direct Query mode. I want to increase the efficiency of queries that Power BI Embedded sends to SQL for getting my data.
My pbix contains relationships between many tables and RLS (Row Level Security) configured and is taking a lot of time to load. Please advice if the following options will help me increase the efficiency of queries, thus reducing the time taken by the pbix to load: -
Using Advanced Options in the Get Data dialog box : Inserting a SQL statement here will get only specific data instead of the entire table. This will reduce the data I see in PBI Desktop, but will it really increase the efficiency of queries sent to SQL for the creation of charts? Eg: Say PBIX needs to create a join between two tables. If I use the advanced options, will the Join be done on reduced data?
Using Filters to filter out unwanted rows of the table : Again like above option, this will reduce the data I see in PBI Desktop, but will it really increase the efficiency of queries sent to SQL for the creation of charts? Eg: If I use filters, will the Join be done on reduced data?
[EDIT - I have added one more option below]
Are the queries for charts on different pages of a PBIX file sent to SQL only when the page is loaded? : If this is true then I can separate my charts into different pages to reduce the number of queries sent at once to SQL.