problem with deployment, web application using angular/expressJs/ovh - express

i have problem with project deployment, so the application appear just if I put the port of the server like screen,s I use "angular" "expressjs" "ovh"
the error
here i need to put the port to appear the app


Myaccount and Console apps in WSO2IS-5.11.0 are not working when the server started with port offset

Changing the port by changing the offset in the deployment.toml or using -DportOffset doesn't get applied to the Console and the My Account applications.
How to reproduce:
Change the offset by adding the following config to the deployment.toml
Start the server
Access the console app from https://localhost:9445/console
Access the my account app from https://localhost:9445/myaccount
Following error is displayed.
Observed, that the reason is that the callback URL is not changed when the hostname or port is changed. Even changing the URLs manually from the management console is not allowed.
What is the recommendation to get Myaccount and Console apps working when hostname or port is changed?
An approach is to manually change the callback URL of the Myaccount and Console apps accordingly when a port or hostname change is done in the server, by removing these applications from the system applications list.
Change hostname or port of the server
Remove Myaccount and Console apps from read only system apps by adding the following to the deployment.toml
read_only_apps = []
Restart the server
Update callback URL of the myaccount and console apps from the management console accordingly.
Change the issuer URI of the Resident IDP accordingly.
These applications can be hosted externally. In that case the callback URLs can have different hostnames and ports.
Thus, it is not good to change the callback URLs automatically. So, the manual option is Aysh pointed in the above comment is the recommended approach ATM.

Cannot run published website that using database

I started to code my new website using core
Everything runs properly with development environment: Open VSCode and F5 to run.
But after i publish all of them to IIS, it runs with 404 error
This localhost page can’t be found No webpage was found for the web
address: https://localhost:1111/ HTTP ERROR 404
The error page is displayed when the page connects database to runs backend actions.
Any actions in published web that don't use database such as href to another link, run javascript validation, ... would run with no 404 error
Do I miss anything or make something wrong?
here're the steps that i did to publish my site
open terminal and run dotnet publish --configuration Release
copy publish folder in bin\Release\netcoreapp2.2\publish to the publish folder in IIS setting
open IIS and add application pool with .net CLR version is No managed code
add website with application pool above, bind type is https, hostname is localhost, and tick all 3 checkboxes (Require server name indication, Disable HTTP/2, disable OCSP Stapling), SSL certificate is IIS Express Development Certificate
I forgot the page that guided me those steps
I myself have found the cause. The reason that the web app return a 404 page when I post something to backend to process database is I used windows authentication in my database connection string. So it couldn't access the database when I publish to IIS. When i change connection using sql server authentication, it works properly

Unable to access glassfish served content when using localhost

I created this simple dynamic web project (glassfish 4.1.1 latest atm) using eclipse java ee Mars.2 that I installed 2 days ago.
Checking on the admin, the app is deployed and running fine. I could not access the web app using the localhost:8080 url but it works when I use <computername>:8080.
I could access the admin using localhost:4848.
I tried disabling the firewall but the problem persists. What could be the problem?
The error is:
404 Not Found
No context found for request
In eclipse I see the log int he console that says: Automatic timeout occurred
As I pointed out in comments, you can configure listeners in Configuration -> needed configuration -> Network Config -> Network Listeners. However, it is still rather strange that your localhost doesn't work with IP address, since it is a special address which means "listen on all available IPs on given port". Perhaps your network is somehow misconfigured.

setting "server name" when using kestrel with dotnet core

I am writing an app using mvc that right now runs against microsoft's kestrel server. It works fine, and I pass values to it at startup using a hosting.json file defined as follows;
"server": "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel",
"server.urls": "http://localhost:5000;https://localhost:5001"
Is there any way to give the "server" a name, so that it isn't always reporting as localhost or undefined all the time?
Please replace localhost with *. This will give the below benefits:
If you give localhost, you can access the application only through http://localhost:5000 and not using IP [, an example]. By using *, you can access through the IP.
You can connect to the server from other PCs or Mobile Devices.
A few days back, I had the same requirements as yours and got the solution from: [The Comments section is hidden by default. Please click Show Comments and search for localhost.]
Tip 1: To view the application from a mobile device, please check: Viewing localhost website from mobile device.
Tip 2: My question and answer has been posted here: Compiling an ASP.NET 5 Web Application and generating DLL files.

Glassfish application displays blank screen when deployed with default web module

I've had an issue with glassfish for years and figured it was time to see if anyone else ran into this issue. All versions 3 and the latest 4.
I can deploy a web application (different instances on different servers/builds) with a default web module set with no issue. The web application starts up and runs fine.
The problem I'm having is that once I have to restart the server, simply relaunching the web server only shows a blank white screen with no error and no information anywhere. I have to then go into the admin console, undeploy the application, stop the glassfish server, redeploy, and then go back into the admin console and set the default web module.
If I do not set the default web module I do not run into these errors and I can stop/start/restart the server at will with no issues. It's only when I designate a default web module that it shows the blank screen. This is repeatable 100% for me.
Any ideas as to how to fix it? It takes far too long to get the application back up and running when this happens.
After a lot of research here is what I have found out.
The blank page means that the contextroot defined during deployment gets overwritten by the default contextroot which glassfish gets from the name of the WAR file being deployed.
If deploying an application with the name Application-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war from as admin console or admin GUI and you either specify the contextroot as:-
/application in the glassfish-web.xml configuration file or
from the admin console ./asadmin deploy --contextroot application path-to/Application-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
The application with only be accessible from the browser by enter URL <domain-name>/Application-1.0-SNAPSHOT but what you want is your default web app to load when you access the domain name where it is deployed.
To achieve this you have to use the --name parameter to make sure that you the deployment name used matches the contextroot parameter value you want therefore
instead of:
from the admin console
./asadmin deploy --contextroot application path-to/Application-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
you should do
./asadmin --name application deploy --contextroot application path-to/Application-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war