disabled browser refresh button in angular 12 - angular14

I want to disabled browser refresh button for my angular web pages i am using angular 12 version and tried some of solustions from the google and youtube but it is sufficient for version14

This can be achieved with simple JavaScript:
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
e = e || window.event;
if(e.keyCode == 116){


Can I use Firebase's signinWithRedirect within the dialog API of a MS Powerpoint Add-In on Safari?

I'm developing authentication with firebase for a add-in for MS Powerpoint. In order to add authentication with Google I created a button which opens a dialog box:
`function openGoogleAuthDialog() {
{ width: 50, height: 50 }, (result) => {
if (result.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
dialog = result.value;
dialog.addEventHandler(Office.EventType.DialogMessageReceived, processMessage);
} else {
console.log("Unable to open dialog box");
The dialog opens successfully. Within the Dialog component i have another button that should redirect to google as well as a useEffect that is supposed to send back the result of the authentication to the parent.
`export function AuthDialog() {
const authFirebase = getAuth(firebaseApp);
const handleAuth = () => {
const provider = new GoogleAuthProvider();
signInWithRedirect(authFirebase, provider);
useEffect(() => {
getRedirectResult(authFirebase).then((result) => {
}, []);
return <button onClick={handleAuth}>Authenticate With Google</button>;
The problem is, that if I click on the button it will leave the page and it seems like it's gonna redirect but then stops and comes back to the dialog component without showing me the google sign-in interface.
I tried this functionality within google chrome and brave browser and it shows the Google Sign-In Interface as expected. As MS Office Plugins are using Safari under the hood, and the functionality was behaving in the same faulty way in the Safari browser, I can imagine it's a problem with Safari. Has anyone experienced a similar issue? Your help would be much appreciated!

Google OAuth2 SignIn method fires at page load

I have used the official button for Google SignIn:
SignIn Page:
<div class="g-signin2" data-onsuccess="AuthenticateGoogleUser"></div>
function AuthenticateGoogleUser(googleUser){
capture the user info and redirect to Home page
When configuring for the credentials, I have set the redirection URL to the signin page.
This is how the Signout happens for the app:
function SignOutGoogleUser() {
if (gapi != null && gapi != undefined &&
gapi.auth2 != null && gapi.auth2 != undefined) {
var auth2 = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
auth2.signOut().then(function () {
....Redirect to Home page...
The methods work fine. If I signout, will be redirected to home page.
But, when I manually browse the SignIn page after signout, the AuthenticateGoogleUser method is triggered and I am auto signed into the app (with google account).
The AuthenticateGoogleUser method should be only triggered on the button click. Is that right.
But here it is being triggered on load of SignIn page. Is that expected. Can this be stopped.
I'm using MVC C# as backend.
Without seeing all of your code, I am working on the assumption that you have not placed the function in a document ready wrapper and made sure to only kick it off on a button click or other event from which you would like to have it fire. As it stands now, it will fire on that page load.

Clear browser cookies React Native 0.60

My app is using Instagram's REST API, in order for a user to logout and login with a different account I have to clear the cookies for www.instagram.com from the browser. I have been using react-native-cookie with RN 0.59.10 and it has been working fine.
After upgrading to RN 0.60 I can't use the react-native-cookie or any of its alternate packages because they don't support auto-linking. The solution I have found is using the RCTNetworking module from the react-native library. You can see the solution here.
var RCTNetworking = require('RCTNetworking');
export const logout = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
RCTNetworking.clearCookies(result => {
if (!result) {
console.log('Error Message');
store.dispatch({ type: "RESET_APP_STATE" });
The code runs fine. The app's state is cleared and the user is navigated to the login screen, but when I open the Instagram page in the webView instead of asking for the username and password, it directly logs me in.
You should use the community-version of react-native-cookies which can be found here: https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-cookies
I am happily using this in combination with version 0.61.5 of React-Native.

How to get URL with loadstart event in app browser in ionic 4 for instagram api?

I try to get URL with inAppBrowser in ionic 4 for my instagram api. I build PWA and smartphone applications. . Why loadstart event
does not work when I build in PWA ?
I've already tried to get with in app browser plugin for ionic4 and with javascript (window.open() method).
In app Browser work when I build my IOS app.
That doesn't work when I build my PWA app/
//instagram API
let authUrl = `https://www.instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=${client_id}&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&response_type=token&scope=public_content`;
//create in app browser
var browser = this.iab.create(authUrl, '_blank');
//test loadstart event
browser.on('loadstart').subscribe(event => {
}, err => {
alert("InAppBrowser loadstart Event Error: " + err);
//test loadstop event
browser.on('loadstop').subscribe(event => {
}, err => {
alert("InAppBrowser loadstop Event Error: " + err);
PWA output :
event.url == ""
IOS output :
event.url == url
event.url == ""
Thank you :)
inAppBrowser is a cordova plugin it will work fine in android & ios App, but pwa is completely web app it will not support cordova plugin, So it's better to show it in a component it will work fine.

Facebook JS SDK FB.Login function

In my website, I have a button for "facebook connect", which when clicked on, triggers the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#fbconnect").click( function(){
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
window.location = window.location;
alert('Welcome! Fetching your information.... ');
} else {
alert('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
}, {scope: 'email,user_likes'});
} );
The button works well: it shows the facebook login dialog, and then alerts the appropriate message. However, when I refresh the page, the user is still logged out both server-side and client-side. Do I need to handle the access token and cookies myself or does the javascript SDK take care of that? If the latter, then why doesn't this code work?
Thank you.
It works perfectly on localhost with Firefox, and on the server with all browsers. So the problem exists only for chrome and on localhost. Is there some chrome security setting that prevents cookies from being saved for localhost?