prevent duplicates when passing values between two forms (with Args) - vba

I have two forms: transfert Form with its subform and intransfert Form. I am using
DoCmd.OpenForm "intransfert", , , , acFormAdd, acDialog, Me!Text83
(where text83 is =[transfertasubform].[Form]![transfertadetailid] under
Private Sub Command78_Click()
in transfet form and
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
If Me.NewRecord Then Me!trnrin = Me.OpenArgs
in intransfet form. intransfert form is based in transfertdetailquery. i wont to prevent passing text83 value more then one time
i tried to explain my problem and expect a help to prevent duplicates when used Arge

assuming trnrin is the name of a variable in your record source. assuming you mean that you want to avoid adding two records where trnrin has the same value and the user sent the same open args twice. assuming trnrin is also the name of a control in the detail section of the intransfert form.
'form load only runs when the form is opened so you have to close the form to pass new args
'but you can just move the same code to a button or whatever
Private Sub IntransferForm_Load()
If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
Me.txtBoxintheHeader = Me.OpenArgs 'the load event is the right place to set controls
'most of this code is to check if there is already an instance where trnrin = the OpenArgs in the record source
Dim lookedupArgs As String
lookedupArgs = Nz(lookedupArgs = DLookup("trnrin", "MyTable", "trnrin = " & "'" & Me.OpenArgs & "'"), "ValuethatisneveranArg")
If lookedupArgs = "ValuethatisneveranArg" Then
'Debug.Print "trnrin = '" & Me.OpenArgs & "'" 'note the string delimiters
'Me.trnrin = Me.OpenArgs 'this surprisingly works but will break easily and doesn't handle complex cases
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset 'if recordset is bound to a table then table will also be updated.
'you can also bind to the table directly but you may need to call me.requery to show the changes
rs!trnrin = Me.OpenArgs
End If
End If
End Sub


Form event procedure not moving to last record

I am experiencing some odd behavior from a form I am creating in an access database. I have a form called frmSeedling with a subform called frmSeedling detail. frmSeedling gets launched by an event procedure from a command button on a separate form called frmTransect. The OpenArgs passes the primary key of frmTransect called Transect_OID to frmSeedling. Transect_OID is the link field between frmSeedling and frmSeedlingDetail. I have a Form_Current event procedure in frmSeedling to count the number of unique entries on frmSeedling, and create a custom unique id called Seedling_OID. The tables that are the record source for these forms are linked ODBC tables. Below is the code:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
If Not (rs.EOF) Then
End If
Set rs = Nothing
If IsNull(Seedling_OID) Then
Entry_No = Nz(DCount("Seedling_OID", "rd_Seedling", "Transect_OID = '" & Me.Transect_OID & "'"), 0) + 1
Seedling_OID = Transect_OID & "SD" & Entry_No
End If
End Sub
However, when I launch frmSeedling from frmTransect, I get an error saying I am trying to overwrite the primary key. When I look at the form, this is happening because somehow Access is try to create a new record at the beginning of the form instead of the end of the form, thus thinking that the unique Id I have: created has already been used. Here is a screenshot to show what I mean:
What is curious is that with a separate form called frmDWD with subform frmDWDdetail, I have used this exact setup and it worked fine. Here is the code from frmDWDdetail:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
If Not (rs.EOF) Then
End If
Set rs = Nothing
If IsNull(DWD_OID) Then
DWD_Piece = Nz(DCount("DWD_OID", "rd_DWD", "Transect_OID = '" & Me.Transect_OID & "'"), 0) + 1
DWD_OID = Transect_OID & "W" & DWD_Piece
End If
End Sub
And here is what that looks like:
Notice how in frmDWD, the record being edited is the last record in the form, while in frmSeedling it is trying to edit the first record in the form. I have set all of the data properties exactly the same in both form and subform, and at least to my eye the code looks identical. Any SQL reasons why I am getting this behavior? Any ideas for fixes? Thanks!!
After hours of playing "Which-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other" I discovered that the issue was in the property sheet of the subform. I switched "Filter on Empty Master" from "Yes" to "No" and that solved my issue.
You are not using the recordset for anything, so try this reduced code:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim Entry_No As Long
If IsNull(Me!Seedling_OID.Value) Then
Entry_No = Nz(DCount("*", "rd_Seedling", "Transect_OID = '" & Me!Transect_OID.Value & "'"), 0) + 1
Me!Seedling_OID.Value = Me!Transect_OID.Value & "SD" & Entry_No
End If
End Sub

How to stop records from being overwritten on close

When I close the form, the current record overwrites the first record in the table. If I include "Me.Undo" just before closing the form then the data on the form is changed but not in the underlying table. How can I stop both of these from happening?
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strSelect As String
strSelect = "SELECT * FROM tblData ORDER BY tblData.txtName;"
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSelect, dbOpenDynaset)
Me.txtName = rst!txtName
Private Sub btnClose_Click()
MsgBox " "
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmdata", acSaveNo
I would like to form to just close without displaying another record and without overwriting another record in the table.
It is quite possible that your Form has it's DataSource property set to 'tblData'.
So after you Form loads, the Form_Load() event fires, and you modify the first Record of the Table that is set in the Form's DataSource property.
This is the line that modify's the Form data: Me.txtName = rst!txtName

MS Access vba save button error 3021

For various reasons, I want to set up a custom button on my forms to save the current record. I use a navigation form and want to trigger the same process (integrity-checks, user input etc.) whenever the entry is saved, thus whenever the user presses the "save"-button or switches to another form. The user will conditionally be asked to confirm the process and is thus able to cancel it as well.
Everything is running smoothly with one really odd and annoying exception: Whenever I click the save button on a new record and prompt a message within the "BeforeUpdate" event, I receive
RTE 3021 ("no current record")
Without the MsgBox, everything is fine. Even more strange:
When I trigger the save process by switching to another form using the navigation form (or simply press "outside" the form used for data entry), everything is fine as well.
Here is a minimalistic example (similar results with DoCmd.Save, Requery or acCmdSaveRecord):
Private Sub vt_save_Click()
Me.Dirty = False
End Sub
Private Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Test"
End Sub
Any ideas? I simply can't wrap my head around that error.
You could maybe try to run a query using the values in the form while checking if the record exists or not.
Is there a primary key on the table? if so, the primary key will be your focal point.
Private Sub vt_Save_Click()
dim rst as DAO>Recordset
Dim strSQL as String
Dim strID as string
strID = me.YourPrimaryKeyField
strSQL = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM YourTableName " & _
"WHERE (((YourTableName.YourFieldName) =" & me.PrimaryKeyField & "));"
set rst = currentdb.openrecordset(strsql)
if rst.recordcount = 0 then
currentdb.execute "INSERT INTO YourTableName ( List All Fields to Add ) " & _
"SELECT List All Field controls with values to add;"
End IF
'Anything else you want the code to do from here
If not rst is nothing then
set rst = nothing
End IF
End Sub
Repeat this process for the Form_LostFocus() event. If you want to make it easier, make this code a module and call within both event triggers on your form.
If this doesn't work please let me know and I will be happy to further assist.
The most straight forward and reasonable solution is to use an Error Handler - which I ignored so far tenaciously.
Private Sub save_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Me.Dirty = False
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 2101 Then
'ignore or message
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
Resume Exit_Here
End Sub

Me.Dirty moves currently selected record

I have an Access 2007 form that's giving me some headache.
I have a list of records that start as a combo box to pick a company and then a series of checkboxes to indicate the company's role.
If the user needs to add a new company, they'd pick the company name from the combo box, and then click the checkbox that indicates what role the company is playing. When the checkbox is checked, the form follows the following code to show a popup that captures additional information:
Private Sub chkOperationsAndMaintenance_AfterUpdate()
'DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord'
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
If chkOperationsAndMaintenance.Value = True Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "OmPopupForm", , , "CompanyProjectId = " & Me.CompanyProjectID, , acDialog
End If
End Sub
This code will save the record on the CompanyProject table to create the row. It then pulls the CompanyProjectID (PK of the CompanyProject table) so it knows which ID to feed the popup.
The issue I'm having is that on the Me.Dirty line (and also the above commented-out acCmdSaveRecord), the entire form saves and refreshes, moving the selected row to the first record (in this case, "Gamesa") rather than the newly entered record. So the ensuing popup is fed the CompanyProjectID of the first record rather than the newly-entered record, and it also reads the "checked" state of the checkbox from the first record rather than the one upon which the user is working.
I doctored the code to look like this:
Private Sub chkOperationsAndMaintenance_AfterUpdate()
Dim CPID As Long
Dim CID As Long
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
CID = Me.CompanyID
'DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord'
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
CPID = DLookup("MAX(CompanyProjectID)", "CompanyProject", "cpProjectID = " & Me.cpProjectID & _
" AND CompanyID = " & CID)
rs.Find "[CompanyProjectID] = " & CPID
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
If chkOperationsAndMaintenance.Value = True Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "OmPopupForm", , , "CompanyProjectId = " & Me.CompanyProjectID, , acDialog
End If
End Sub
The idea with these alterations is that we'll get the FK from the parent form ("cpProjectID") and the CompanyID of the selection from the combobox, then save the record. Once the record is saved, we have the CompanyProjectID already stored, so then the rs.Find and Me.Bookmark lines will then select the record that matches that CompanyProjectID.
This sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. Generally doesn't. In this case, I refreshed the parent form and the current form and attempted to add a new company and then click the "Owner" checkbox (which uses the same code as above, just a different checkbox ID) to see the Bookmark on the wrong row:
At this point, I'm not sure what to do. If I don't save the record (via acCmdSaveRecord or Me.Dirty=False) then I don't have a CompanyProjectID to send as the input parameter for the ensuing popup, but if I do save the record, then the form changes the record and the wrong parameter is sent and the wrong checkbox's checked state is read. I can't just use an arbitrary index to work off of (such as acNewRec), as the user might need to edit an existing row instead of adding a new one.
I tried the method in this post already: MS Access how to Update current row, move to next record, not first, but the find/bookmark isn't consistently working.
EDIT (12/15/2014)
I ended up going with the following VBA code:
Private Sub chkOperationsAndMaintenance_AfterUpdate()
Dim CPID As Long
Dim CID As Long
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
CID = Me.CompanyID
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
CPID = DLookup("MAX(CompanyProjectID)", "CompanyProject", "cpProjectID = " & Me.cpProjectID & _
" AND CompanyID = " & CID)
Do While Me.CompanyProjectID <> CPID
If Me.CurrentRecord < Me.Recordset.RecordCount Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
End If
If chkOperationsAndMaintenance.Value = True Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "OmPopupForm", , , "CompanyProjectId = " & Me.CompanyProjectID, , acDialog
End If
End Sub
I feel like there has to be a better answer for this, but this is appearing to work right now. I have my end user/lab rat testing it at the moment, so I'll mark this complete if this pans out. I still think there has to be a better solution for this, but at the moment, this solution is able to capture the requisite ID to pass to the popup, and it selects the appropriate row after this ID is captured.
Have you considered saving the current position - like Me.CurrentRecord, then after the save reposition to the desired record. As an example, you could add a 'Before' or 'After' Insert to save the position, then later reposition. See the following:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim lCurRec As Long
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
lCurRec = Me.CurrentRecord
Debug.Print "After Insert, Current: " & Me.CurrentRecord
End Sub
<<< YOUR SUB>>>
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Me.Name, acGoTo, lCurRec
This code will work when adding a new record as well as when editing an existing record:
Private Sub chkOperationsAndMaintenance_AfterUpdate()
Dim c As Long
Me.Dirty = False
If chkOperationsAndMaintenance Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "OmPopupForm", , , "CompanyProjectId = " & Me.CompanyProjectID, , acDialog
c = Me.CurrentRecord
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, c
End If
End Sub
I am guessing that your popup form does things that are specific to Operations & Maintenance, and does not change the values of any of the checkboxes on the main form. If this is the case, you don't need a Requery at all, and the code can be simplified:
Private Sub chkOperationsAndMaintenance_AfterUpdate()
Me.Dirty = False
If chkOperationsAndMaintenance Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "OmPopupForm", , , "CompanyProjectId = " & Me.CompanyProjectID, , acDialog
End If
End Sub

Using query yes/no field for checkbox record source?

First of all, you start with a form named LoginF. Once you choose your login ID, and password; and log in it takes data from the table LoginIntoT for the login ID you chose, and creates a query with said data using this code:
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, "IsAdminQ"
On Error GoTo Err_LoginBtn_Click
Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
Set qdef = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("IsAdminQ", _
"SELECT IsAdmin " & _
"FROM LoginInfoT " & _
"WHERE EmployeeID = " & LoginCmBx.Value)
DoCmd.Close acForm, "LoginF", acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "MenuF"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_LoginBtn_Click
From there in that query after you log in is only 1 column and 1 row; meaning one piece of data. This data is a yes/no field which is either Yes or No depending on who you logged in as.
On the form it opens after you click the login button it has a logout button. The logout button brings you to the previous login form, and deletes the query (IsAdminQ).
What I am trying to do is attach a yes/no button on a form to take that data, and output if it's yes or no on the query.
I've tried putting this in it's control source:
Though what that does is output it as a filled in square instead of a checkmark or empty. I have triple state set as no.
How would I attach the checkbox to the query so if the data says yes, then it's a check mark and if it says no it is an empty box?
I understand you.
"On the form it opens after you click the login button it has a logout button", we call it frmLogout. You shall do this:
Solution I:
frmLogout.RecordSource = "IsAdminQ"
Then for your checkbox named MyCheckbox, we set it this:
Me.MyCheckbox.ControlSource = "IsAdmin"
You cannot use this:
Me.MyCheckbox.ControlSource = "[IsAdminQ].[IsAdmin]" ' <= here it's impossible.
Solution II:
On the form frmLogout without setting IsAdminQ as .RecordSource,
In a Public Module, insert this:
Function GetLoginStateIsAdmin()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordSet("IsAdminQ")
GetLoginStateIsAdmin = Nz(rst(0), False)
Set rst = Nothing
End Function
Then in the private module of any form, as frmLogout:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.MyCheckbox.Value = GetLoginStateIsAdmin()
End Sub
Set it in addition in design mode:
Me.MyCheckbox.TripleState = false
And check also if the query IsAdminQ has been successfully created in the login step. And open it in Access Navigation Pane by double-clicking on it. And see the value of the query.