draw a line when ma100 overcrossed ma200 [closed] - line

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Closed 9 days ago.
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Trying to draw a blue horizontal ray when ma100 overcrossed ma200 at close of candle and then draw a yellow horizontal ray when ma100 undercrossed ma200. I set it to do this for m1. No problem when I am in m1, but with changing the time frame to m3 or m5 it shows an error. Let me give an example to clarify the issue: Let's say that in Btcusdt chart, the blue line is drawn on the price of $20,000 in m1. Now, how to change the code so that the blue line is still on $20,000 when I change the time frame?
This is my code:
//#version=5 indicator("My script", overlay = true)
sma9= ta.sma(close,9) sma18= ta.sma(close, 18)
var line l1 = na var line l2 = na s9=request.security ("", "1", sma9) s18=request.security ("", "1", sma18)
if ta.crossover(s18,s9) line.delete(l1) l1:=line.new(bar_index[1],high,bar_index,high, color = color.yellow, extend = extend.right, style=line.style_dashed) if ta.crossunder(s18,s9) line.delete(l2) l2:=line.new(bar_index[1],low,bar_index,low, color = color.blue, extend = extend.right, style=line.style_dashed)


PyQt5 How to addWidget at the specific position? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
QHBoxLayout add widget in a different order
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a vertical layout, that contains one element and a spacer.
When i add widgets to the layout it places below spacer.I'd like to get it on top of a layout.
P.S. to add element, I use this command:
A box layout also has a insertWidget() method that thakes the insert position:
insertWidget(...) method of PyQt5.QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout instance
insertWidget(self, int, QWidget, stretch: int = 0, alignment: Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag] = Qt.Alignment())
Use that one instead, i.e:
layout.insertWidget(len(layout) - 1, widget_to_add)
len(layout) can be used to get the number of items in the layout.

How to update Vue components location from another Vue component ('semi'continuously) [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Tl;dr: To (continuously) update the location of a component from another component, is it performance-wise better to use the Vuex store or an Event-bus?
The application
I'm creating an application in which the user can create Directed Acyclic Graphs. Simply said, there is a canvas, with different panels on it. Each panel has multiple inputs and multiple outputs. The user can connect an output the the input of another panel with a connector. The panels are draggable over the canvas, and the panels eventually will be generated dynamically, with different inputs and outputs.
____________ ____________
| | | |
|.input1 | |.input3 |
|.input2 | ,---- |.input4 |
| | / | |
| output1.| ---' | output5.|
| output2.| | output6.|
|__________| |__________|
(The actual application isn't ascii art, btw)
All objects in the application are in the Vuex Store, the application renders things based on the store:
panels: { ...paneldetails..., id}[],
inputs: { ...inputdetails..., id}[],
outputs: { ...outputdetails..., id}[],
connections: { ...inputId, outputId..., id}[],
The user can drag the panels around on the canvas, which means that the connectors are also dragged around on one end at a time. And that is where my question lies: How should I update the connector's location, when a panel is moved around?
I thought of two approaches:
A ) I track the location of each input and output in the store: I just store the x and y along with the ID as soon as they move. I bind one end of each connection to that item in the store, and that's that. That would mean dozens and dozens of store-updates when someone drags a panel around on the screen.
B ) I send the location of each input and output over an event-bus when it moves, with their ID as key. The connector listens to the ID of the input and output they know, and update when they 'hear' something.
I'm not really sure what the best approach is performance wise, the store might not be suited for continuous updates.

WebDriver:: getText() fetches only partial String [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to read the below html code using getText() {Selenium-WebDriver}, this is my locator and script line
#FindBy(xpath="//p[#class='radiobutton']") WebElement groupMsg;
System.out.println("This is the group message"+groupMsg.getText()); //msg display on console
o/p on console :: This is the group messageRadio button 'Male' is checked
As i showed its showing only "Sex : Male". not getting the "Age group: 5 - 15". Its happening because of (i think Pl correct me if i am wrong)
<p class="groupradiobutton">
Sex : Male
Age group: 5 - 15
Can any one give solution for this?
Below code is workig.
String a=driver.findElement(By.className("groupradiobutton")).getText();
This is printing the output as below in console.
Sex : Male
Age group: 5 - 15
I have tested with the html you have given.
Use below code

Selenium xpath each element 5 [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I use selenium and xpath selector. I know how to get a certain element. But how to use xpath to get each element 5?
You can always solve it in your language of choice.
For example, in Python, the extended slicing allows to do it rather simply:
You can also use the position() function and the mod operator:
//table/tr[position() mod 5 = 0]
driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//table/tr[position() mod 5 = 0]")
List<WebElement> elements=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//tbody/tr[position() mod 5 = 0]"));
for (WebElement element : elements) {

Robot Framework: How to clear the text in Textfield [closed]

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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to know that how to remove the text from Textbox. I have did much search from Google but nothing found currently. Please tell me any Keyword which can help me for remove/clean text in field.
You can use this also for clear test field..
driver.findElement(By.id("textfieldid")).sendKeys("");//empty string
Input Text (your web element locator ) ${empty}
You don't need a Robot to do it.. Just use Selenium.
You don't need it. Check here
def input_text(self, locator, text):
"""Types the given `text` into text field identified by `locator`.
See `introduction` for details about locating elements. """
self._info("Typing text '%s' into text field '%s'" % (text, locator))
self._input_text_into_text_field(locator, text)
The Input Text keyword is calling the
which is anyway sending the clear command:
def _input_text_into_text_field(self, locator, text):
element = self._element_find(locator, True, True)