androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView with rich text - android-recyclerview

I have a problem in native android.
I am getting information that I show in a RecyclerView but sometimes and only sometimes it can receive a "< br >" in its text (ONLY a < br >) that the view is not able to interpret.
How could I do so that it can interpret that html tag?
I searched if there was an InnerHtml style alternative for android but I didn't find anything.


How to show image instead of bullets in react native html text?

I'm using react-native-htmlview to render html text this package gives a lot of customization options what I want to ask is how can I replace bullets with an image or may be a react-native-vector-icon component the library gives an option to replace bullet with a text string can I replace it with icon or image?
Any help would appreciated you may suggest some other light weight package that serve this purpose I also need please keep in mind that I want to apply styles based on the tags and my styles includes the custom font.

SVG with images with dataURL href not rendered correctly in some engine

This SVG originated from HTML5 canvas. Which looks fine and I added images that are represented in dataurl form to avoid CORS issues.
However, when opened in chrome the image showed up fine
When opened in Adobe Illustrator, the image did not show up.
When opened with macOS preview app, the image did not show up.
I looked up SVG2 specifications for using dataURL in svg's <image> tag href attribute and they said its okay to use. So I don't understand what is causing this rendering discrepancy between different viewers.
File for reference
In short, what is the standard way to embed images into SVG.
Okay I found out it is because only Chrome supports the newer SVG2 standard href attribute on <image> element of SVG. So I just needed to replace the href with xlink:href
Even though xlink:href attribute is deprecated in SVG2. It seems the other softwares aforementioned in the question are not SVG2-compliant.

react-native: display superscript text in Text component

I have the following text:
<div>Answer the following <span class='title'>Question:</span><br> (a+b)<sup>2</sup>=?</div>
I want to do the following with this text:
parse it tag by tag, so that I can render each of the tag in a custom way. I could, very well, achieve that using this library:
while parsing the superscript/subscript tags, render the content in proper fashion. This is where I'm stuck right now.
What I'm doing right now, is that I put the entire text (from start to end) in a Text component; and each span and br tags are also rendered as Text components nested within the parent Text component (the one for the div tag).
How do I render the superscript/subscript text?
Note: I did find a solution here: Superscript Text in React Native
But, creating a View inside a Text component needs the View to have fixed dimensions, and that is something not achievable.
One option would be to convert the HTML to Markdown first and then render the markdown. I believe for both of those actions there are libraries available.

Font Awesome not aligining properly

I can't seem to get the font awesome icons to load properly. The page in question can be found here:
Am I loading the font awesome correctly or is there a conflict with Bootstrap?
You have the correct styling (line-height: 30px in stylesheet.css applying to the icons using .social-links > li a), but the order that you are loading the stylesheets in the page means that it is getting overridden by the default font awesome style. Make sure that you load stylesheet.css after the font awesome css files in your header.
I can see that you placed google analytics code wrogly at the top of the html file. Please place the code at the bottom of the html file & of course inside body tags.
Your <a> tags need some padding to push down the FontAwesome icons.
I was able to add
to the <a> and it fixed the centering of the icons.

Hover text for Marker in Eclipse plugin

I have a custom editor with problem markers.
The markers display correctly in the "problems" view with icon, location and text, and the problem icons display correctly in the left margin of the editor.
I would like to display the same error message text in a popup when hovering over the problem marker icon in the margin, just as it happens in the Java editor. Right now there in no popup.
Is there an easy way to achieve this?
Answer :
OK, it doesn't look like the functionality is built-in in the marker-system. It seems a patch have been submitted, so it will probably be added in a later version, but until then it is also pretty easy create by hand.
Create an class that implements IAnnotationHover and implement getHoverInfo().
Return the class in getAnnotationHover() method in the SourceViewerConfiguration.
In getHoverInfo() method, call ISourceViewer.getAnnotationModel().getAnnotationIterator() to get all markers.
Select the marker(s) that correspond to the line number, and return the marker text.
In your class that extends org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewerConfiguration, just include the following:
public IAnnotationHover getAnnotationHover(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) {
return new DefaultAnnotationHover();
this includes the text of all markers of a line in the hover text of the problem marker in the margins of the text editor.
This bug in eclipse plug-in xtext proposes a patch to show a marker tooltip on hover and status line. If you look at the attached patches you could find the answers you need.