Shopify - change picture while dropdown is open - shopify

So, i try to help my friend with an online shop, but is a long time since i did anything in web-dev.
He has a navigation bar at the top with dropdown menues. There should be a picture when no menu is open and this pic should change when one is opened. I think i have to alter the header-desktop-nav.liquid. But i have to admit i do not really know where. Any suggestions?
I do think i have to change/add smth here:
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="site-nav__link site-nav__link--underline{% if has_dropdown %} site-nav__link--has-dropdown{% endif %}">
{{ link.title }}
{%- if is_megamenu -%}
{%- assign previous_column_type = '' -%}
{%- assign animation_column = 1 -%}
<div class="site-nav__dropdown megamenu text-left">
<div class="page-width">
<div class="grid{% if dropdown_alignment == 'center' %} grid--center{% endif %}">
<div class="grid__item medium-up--one-fifth appear-animation appear-delay-{{ animation_column }}">
{%- assign animation_column = animation_column | plus: 1 -%}
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- liquid
assign create_new_column = false
if childlink.levels > 0 and forloop.index != 1
assign create_new_column = true
if childlink.levels == 0 and previous_column_type == 'full'
assign create_new_column = true


Shopify Liquid: Assign Variant to Quick Add Button

I am attempting to create a quick add button to a product on a custom page template using Shopify liquid. The product has several variants and I would like to assign a specific variant to this product; Namely the second variant.
For the sake of example, let's say my variant ID would be 456. So, basically, I want to be able to display the product with an id of 123, shown below. And I want the quick add to be assigned to the variant id 456. Is there a way to do this using the variant ID? Below is a sample of my loop.
Any help would be appreciated!
{%- assign my_products = collections['collection-handle'] -%}
{%- for product in my_products.products -%}
{%- if == 123 -%}
{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%}
{%- if product.variants.size > 1 -%}
{%- form 'product', product, id: product_form_id, class: 'actions__form', novalidate: 'novalidate', data-type: 'add-to-cart-form' -%}
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ }}" disabled />
id="{{ product_form_id }}-submit"
data-variant_id="{{ }}"
aria-label="Add to cart - {{ product.title | escape }}"
{%- endform -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
inside your product loop you can get variant like this and filter variant according to their variant id or tags.
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% if == 456 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Customers also bought section in cart drawer

I'm trying to add "Customers also bought" section under the added items in the cart drawer. I'm doing that by checking for the tags that start with '__with', then getting their handle Now some tag products are duplicates of the ones already in the cart. How to remove duplicates?
I added this logic inside the cart-drawer.liquid.
<div class="CartAddons">
<div class="CartAddons__Heading">Customers also bought</div>
{%- for item in cart.items -%}
{%- assign tags = item.product.tags | join ' ' -%}
{%- assign product_handle = tags | split: '__with:' | last -%}
{%- assign associated_product = all_products[product_handle] -%}
{%- if tags contains '__with' -%}
<div class="CartAddons__Section">
<div class="CartAddons__Item">
{% render 'product-item', product: associated_product, use_horizontal: true, show_labels: false, show_product_info: true, show_vendor: false, show_price_on_hover: true %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
Need to develop such logic to check if a product is already in the cart.
{% assign productsInCart = cart.items | map: 'product_id' %}
and then make sure the tagged product is not into the cart items array
{% untill productsInCart contains %}{% endunless %}

Change the page_title value for only one page

I'm trying to change the page title for my "all products" page but i don't manage to get it work. I want to set the page title for this page only.
Here is my code which I put in the theme.liquid file in the <title> tag:
{%- if page_title == "Products" -%}
{% assign page_title = "Paintings" }
{%- endif -%}
If this is the default "All products collection", this should work:
{%- if collection.handle == 'all' -%}
{% assign page_title = "Paintings" }
{%- endif -%}

How to add second product to cart in Shopify from product page

I'm using Shopify and am trying to add the options to add gift wrap and a carry case to products being bought.
I can use the to ask the user for the choice and show that in the cart.
I now want to add an additional product to the cart if is set to "gift wrap" or "carry case".
This code is placed in the product-template.liquid but does not work:
{% for property in %}
{% if property.last == "Gift Wrap" %}
<p>This would add gift wrap.</p>
<script>'/cart/update.js', {
updates: {
32005672697928: 1
{% endif %}
{% if property.last == "Carry Strap" %}
<p>This would add carry strap.</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endunless %}
Doesn't seem the code you have was intended to be used on the product page. It looks like it should be placed on the cart page within the {% for item in cart.items %} ... {% endfor %} loop.
Also, this code will add only 1 wrap product, even if customers add 2+ wrapped items. I would change the code to something like the below:
{%- assign numWrappedItems = 0 -%}
{%- for item in cart.items -%}
{%- for property in -%}
{%- if property.last == "Gift Wrap" -%}
{%- assign numWrappedItems = numWrappedItems | plus: item.quantity -%}
{%- break -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if numWrappedItems > 0 -%}
<script>'/cart/update.js', {
updates: {
32005672697928: {{ numWrappedItems }}
I hope the above makes sense.

Display Items in Collection that Do Not Exist In Shopping Cart Shopify

I'm trying to iterate over items in the shopping cart and generate an upsell div with products NOT in the cart. Below is the code I have so far, but I run into issues when adding two items to cart running the loop twice generating the html twice. Any ideas on how to resolve it? I'm stumped.
{% for item in cart.items %} // iterates over items in cart
{% if == 4456879040188 %} // checks if product id matches in item in cart
<div class="upsell-pop" style="text-align:center; width: 100%;">
<h4>Frequently bought together</h4>
{% for prod in collections.upsell.products %} // iterates products in collection upsell
{% unless prod.handle contains "product-name" %} // shows only prods that do not contain url handle
<span class="upsell-title">{{ prod.title }}</span>
<span class="upsell-price">{{ prod.metafields["meta"]["promo"] }} {{ prod.price | money }}</span>
<img src="{{ prod.featured_image | img_url: '200x' }}" />
<a class="btn-product" href="{{prod.url}}">View Product</a>
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Another thought is to somehow check to see if product is NOT in cart items inside to replace the existing "unless" statement, but not sure how to code it.
{% unless cart.items exist then %} // I know this is not correct syntax
<span class="upsell-title">{{ prod.title }}</span>
<span class="upsell-price">{{ prod.metafields["meta"]["promo"] }} {{ prod.price | money }}</span>
<img src="{{ prod.featured_image | img_url: '200x' }}" />
<a class="btn-product" href="{{prod.url}}">View Product</a>
{% endunless %}
On my mind, there are two steps here.
First, capture your cart content to get string to compare to when you loop through your upsell collection. This could be something like that:
{%- capture cart_items -%}
{% for item in cart.items %}
{{ item.product.handle }}{% unless forloop.last %} , {% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endcapture -%}
Then loop through your collection while checking your string does not contain the handle of the current product at each iteration:
{% for product in collections['upsell'].products %}
{% unless cart_items contains product.handle %}
{{ product.title }}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
Snippet 1 => In line_item (here called item because it's shorter to write) object you may access product object attributes: item.product.product_attr_needed
Snippet 2 => To access directly a collection object using its handle you must use collections + square brackets containing collection handle + attribute. Here 'upsell' is the handle of your upsell collection.
Not tested but this should work.