check the test in python through CSV file - testing

Im new baby in this python world and im tring to make a bot to check the answers, as i have uploded the question CSV and answer CSV, and i need to make a loop to check the answer colume wise and if the answer is correct then it give 1 marks and if not then zero. and at the end it will show total marks


SAP - how to get dynamic table and content

I have one question which is getting me really tired lately, since I cannot find anything that could help me.
I have one SAP Smart Form, which is called by my ABAP program, but the thing is that once I call, I want to have on the main window some data coming, like:
I have these fields as you'll can see in the image below:
What I wish to do is to read the table wa-data. Ex:
Once I read these data, I need to put it to print in the respective fields, example:
day in the column 1, line 1,
day_des the column 2, line 2.
And then respectively, to fill the form.
Does anyone have tips how I can do that by SMARTFORMS transaction?
Thank you so much for any help guys.
I need to sort it out, getting the solution for this, how can I do that? What is the right steps to do?

Error regarding CSV table referencing column positions and number of columns [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I searched this and found posts saying that this error relates to having the wrong kind of data in a column but my data is the same as what it was previously, and also, I tried to find wrong types of data but I can't see any wrong type of data in any column. I can't even run a sample query inside Bigquery from this table without getting this error:
Error while reading table: tester-253410.test1.TGT_22, error message: CSV table references column position 3, but line starting at position:30 contains only 2 columns.
It's a CSV file that gets uploaded into Google Cloud Storage and then queried by Bigquery. I'm trying to figure out where these positions are so that I can look at the source data and see what the possible problem might be but I don't know where position 3 is, or where line starting at position:30 is.
I recently replaced Office and the new Excel settings were set to use a comma as a decimal instead of a dot.
Having a comma in the data caused CSV to save with semicolons and also changed the 4 columns into 2.
Changing the comma back to a dot did the trick.

VBA challenge: Spent a while with VBA, just messing this up more

So I'm in a rush to put together an excel file for something quick and dirty at work. I've spent several days learning VBA / macros and have learned many individual pieces needed for this, but putting them all together is just not working how I'm looking for.
So I'm taking something similar to the following table of data and trying to reorganize it:
(I can't post the image bc of rep)
![Sample Data Table]
Data in columns d-f are all a list of stuff. What I want to do is start with the first date in column D, find the range of where it fits in column a and copy the data there. For an expense report for example - e1:f1 data would get copied over to b1:c1 since it corresponds with that as the date range. In a nutshell, dates in column A are income dates. They are set to pay all items listed on the right scheduled to be paid before the next pay date. See the finished example here:
![Final Sample Data Table]
How might you throw this together to make it work. I'm looking for simplicity as I'm gonna have to heavily modify it to what its actually being applied to.
Sorry for the weird post, this is my first time creating a post myself :)
A handy way to get started with VBA is to record a macro of the actions you need to duplicate, and then analyze the macro's generated VBA code, line by line, revising the code to fit your needs.
(Also: Using Comparison Operators in VBA)

Filter certain SQL data formatted in one column into a new column

Before I begin I found this to be most relevant with the research I have done.
How to split the data from one column into separate columns using the contents of another column in SQL
Attached are pictures of my progress so far. How can I display this information such as it is shown in the excel file without disrupting the GROUP BY filter in my Query?
It's a Fishbowl Database, newest version. I am running the queries through Flamerobin which you see in the picture. Trying to organize the query to display correctly so I can format it into 'iReports' and export it into an excel spreadsheet like the one shown. Maybe there is some part of this that would better be done in excel?
Notice the numbers for Qty are different, that's ok right now.
My reputation is too low to post pictures I am sorry. Here are the two JPGs in my Dropbox. I really appreciate the help.

How to reference a value to a range of numbers in another list then have values returned from 2 different places where the value is found [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I hope my title made some sense. In essence I am trying to do this with very little programming experience and I understand now that I very much need help. I have been attempting to use Visual Basic because I am trying to sort through a very large list of unrecognized genes. Overall, I am trying to check whether ANY of my "midpoint" (original gene location) values lies in-between any row's "startpoint" and "endpoint" (known gene locations). If it does, then I need both code and name returned to me somehow, even if it matches in more than one row. To make matters worse, it should only do this if its "midchrom" matches the respective row's "chrom".
The list happens to be 3k rows long, hence why I would like to do it this way. I hope I explained myself well enough.. An example of the list is copied at the bottom (I hope csv is fine, first time asking here). I have been able to write no code at all since I don't know how to approach the problem at all, and I've been at it for 2 days, so I have sadly nothing to post.
Any suggestions appreciated! Thank you!
midchrom,midpoint, code, chrom, name, Startpoint, endpoint
chr1, 10052729.5, NM_018896,chr1, Name1, 117328105, 117475235
As pnuts suggested, you can do this without VBA by creating a matrix:
Add two rows above your data
Tranpose columns "midchrom", "midpoint" and "name" to top-right of your data as in the screenshot. use Paste Special->Values & Transpose
Place the following formula in the top left of the new "table/matrix": =IF(AND(H$1=$D4,H$2>=$F4,H$2<=$G4),H$3,"") - and copy it down and across. If it's 3k gene, the calculation might take a bit, but shouldn't be too long
Every row now shows the names of all genes whose' midpoints lay in between the start- and endpoint of the row's gene (assuming it the same chromatin)
Here's the sample file.