I'm trying to add a new block in yolov7. I want to multiply the output of this block with the previous layer coming from other layer.
I used mul (previous and output), but how can I modify in order to precise this two layers in YAML file.
1.you should add this lines in yolo.py
elif m is Multiply:
c2 = ch[f[0]]
add a class Multiply in common.py
class Multiply(nn.Module):
def init(self):
super(Multiply, self).init()
def forward(self, x):
return torch.mul(x[0], x[1])
add in Yaml.file now
for example: [[-1, 6], 1, Multiply, []] # cat backbone P4
Problem definition:
Implement the function below to take one label and the total number of classes 𝐶 , and return the one hot encoding in a column wise matrix. Use tf.one_hot() to do this, and tf.reshape() to reshape your one hot tensor!
tf.reshape(tensor, shape)
enter code here
def one_hot_matrix(label, depth=6):
Computes the one hot encoding for a single label
label -- (int) Categorical labels
depth -- (int) Number of different classes that label can take
one_hot -- tf.Tensor A single-column matrix with the one hot encoding.
# (approx. 1 line)
# one_hot = ...
return one_hot
enter code here
when you take this one serious "# (approx. 1 line)"
one_hot = tf.reshape(tf.one_hot(label,depth,axis = 0), [depth, ])
one_hot = tf.one_hot(label, depth, axis = 0)
one_hot = tf.reshape(one_hot, (-1,1))
one_hot = tf.reshape(tf.one_hot(label,depth,axis=0), (depth))
I've been looking for a function or package that would allow me to calculate the skew and kurtosis of a distribution in a weighted way, as I have histogram data.
For instance I have the data
import numpy as np
np.array([[1, 2],
[2, 5],
[3, 6],
[5, 1])
where the first column [1,2,3,4,5] are the values and the second column [2,5,6,12,1] are the frequencies of the values.
I have found out how to do the first two moments (mean, standard deviation) in a weighted way using the weighted_avg_and_std function specified in this thread, but I was not quite sure how I could extend this to both the skew and kurtosis, or even the nth statistical moment.
I have found the definitions themselves here and could manually write functions to implement this from scratch, but before I go and do that I was wondering if there were any existing packages or functions that might be able to do this.
I figured it out, the following code works (please note that this is for population moments)
skewnewss = np.average(((values-average)/np.sqrt(variance))**3, weights=weights)
kurtosis=np.average(((values-average)/np.sqrt(variance))**4-3, weights=weights)
I think you have already listed all the ingredients that you need, following the formulas in the link you provided:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,2],[2,5],[3,6],[4,12],[5,1]])
values, weights = a.T
def n_weighted_moment(values, weights, n):
assert n>0 & (values.shape == weights.shape)
w_avg = np.average(values, weights = weights)
w_var = np.sum(weights * (values - w_avg)**2)/np.sum(weights)
if n==1:
return w_avg
elif n==2:
return w_var
w_std = np.sqrt(w_var)
return np.sum(weights * ((values - w_avg)/w_std)**n)/np.sum(weights)
#Same as np.average(((values - w_avg)/w_std)**n, weights=weights)
Which results in:
for n in range(1,5):
print(f'Moment {n} value is {n_weighted_moment(values, weights, n)}')
Moment 1 value is 3.1923076923076925
Moment 2 value is 1.0784023668639053
Moment 3 value is -0.5962505715592139
Moment 4 value is 2.384432138280637
Notice that while you are calculating the excess kurtosis, the formula implemented for a generic n-moment doesn't account for that.
Taken from here
Here is the code
def weighted_mean(var, wts):
"""Calculates the weighted mean"""
return np.average(var, weights=wts)
def weighted_variance(var, wts):
"""Calculates the weighted variance"""
return np.average((var - weighted_mean(var, wts))**2, weights=wts)
def weighted_skew(var, wts):
"""Calculates the weighted skewness"""
return (np.average((var - weighted_mean(var, wts))**3, weights=wts) /
weighted_variance(var, wts)**(1.5))
def weighted_kurtosis(var, wts):
"""Calculates the weighted skewness"""
return (np.average((var - weighted_mean(var, wts))**4, weights=wts) /
weighted_variance(var, wts)**(2))
I would like to whiten each image in a batch. The code I have to do so is this:
def whiten(self, x):
shape = x.shape
x = K.batch_flatten(x)
mn = K.mean(x, 0)
std = K.std(x, 0) + K.epsilon()
r = (x - mn) / std
r = K.reshape(x, (-1,shape[1],shape[2],shape[3]))
return r
where x is (?, 320,320,1). I am not keen on the reshape function with a -1 arg. Is there a cleaner way to do this?
Let's see what the -1 does. From the Tensorflow documentation (Because the documentation from Keras is scarce compared to the one from Tensorflow):
If one component of shape is the special value -1, the size of that dimension is computed so that the total size remains constant.
So what this means:
from keras import backend as K
X = tf.constant([1,2,3,4,5])
K.reshape(X, [-1, 5])
# Add one more dimension, the number of columns should be 5, and keep the number of elements to be constant
# [[1 2 3 4 5]]
X = tf.constant([1,2,3,4,5,6])
K.reshape(X, [-1, 3])
# Add one more dimension, the number of columns should be 3
# For the number of elements to be constant the number of rows should be 2
# [[1 2 3]
# [4 5 6]]
I think it is simple enough. So what happens in your code:
# Let's assume we have 5 images, 320x320 with 3 channels
X = tf.ones((5, 320, 320, 3))
shape = X.shape
# Let's flat the tensor so we can perform the rest of the computation
flatten = K.batch_flatten(X)
# What this did is: Turn a nD tensor into a 2D tensor with same 0th dimension. (Taken from the documentation directly, let's see that below)
# (5, 307200)
# So all the other elements were squeezed in 1 dimension while keeping the batch_size the same
# ...The rest of the stuff in your code is executed here...
# So we did all we wanted and now we want to revert the tensor in the shape it had previously
r = K.reshape(flatten, (-1, shape[1],shape[2],shape[3]))
# (5, 320, 320, 3)
Besides, I can't think of a cleaner way to do what you want to do. If you ask me, your code is already clear enough.
This is my first code with tensor flow.
If I split the addition it works, but I am sure there's a way to add N tensors in one line.
import tensorflow as tf
# Create a graph.
g = tf.Graph()
# Establish the graph as the "default" graph.
with g.as_default():
# Assemble a graph consisting of the following three operations:
# * Two tf.constant operations to create the operands.
# * One tf.add operation to add the two operands.
x = tf.constant(8, name="x_const")
y = tf.constant(5, name="y_const")
z = tf.constant(4, name="z_const")
my_sum = tf.add_n(x, y, z, name="z_y_x_sum")
# Now create a session.
# The session will run the default graph.
with tf.Session() as sess:
print my_sum.eval()
Can you help me to figure out what's wrong?
You need to put the tensors into a list:
my_sum = tf.add_n([x, y, z], name="z_y_x_sum")
I'm trying to sort out why scipy optimize isn't converging on a solution for the minimum negative-log-likelihood of the logistic regression function (as implemented below).
It seems to converge for smaller data sets, but for the larger data sets scipy returns the warning: "Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss."
I thought this was a well-behaved optimization problem, so I'm anxious that I'm missing an obvious mistake.
Can anyone spot a mistake in my implementation or make a suggestion that I might try?
I'm using the default method, but I have had little luck with the other various methods that miminize allows.
Many thanks!
Quick summary of the implementation. I'm minimizing the following statement:
with the caveat that since b is a constant, I'm using the exponent -(w*x + b). I think I've implemented that function correct, but maybe I'm not seeing something. Since the data are constants with respect to the function being minimized, I just output a function definition that retains the data within it; thus, the function to be minimized only accepts the weights.
The data is a pandas dataframe of the format: rows == samples, columns == attributes, but LAST column == label (0 or 1). I've transformed all the data to make sure it is continuous, and I've normalized it to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. I'm also starting with random weights between [0, 0.1], treating the first weight as 'b'.
def get_optimization_func_call(data, sheepda):
# Extract pos/neg data without label
pos_df = data[data[LABEL] == 1].as_matrix()[:, :-1]
neg_df = data[data[LABEL] == 0].as_matrix()[:, :-1]
# Def evaluation of positive terms by row
def eval_pos_row(pos_row, w, b):
cur_exponent = np.dot(w, pos_row) + b
cur_val = expit(cur_exponent)
if cur_val == 0:
print("pos", cur_exponent)
return (-1 * np.log(cur_val))
# Def evaluation of positive terms by row
def eval_neg_row(neg_row, w, b):
cur_exponent = np.dot(w, neg_row) + b
cur_val = 1.0 - expit(cur_exponent)
if cur_val == 0:
print("neg", cur_exponent)
return (-1 * np.log(cur_val))
# Define the function used for optimization
def log_likelihood(weights):
# Separate weights
w = weights[1:]
b = weights[0]
# Ge the norm of weights
w_norm = np.dot(w, w)
# Sum over positive examples
pos_sum = np.sum(
np.apply_along_axis(eval_pos_row, 1, pos_df, w, b)
neg_sum = np.sum(
np.apply_along_axis(eval_neg_row, 1, neg_df, w, b)
return (0.5 * w_norm) + sheepda * (pos_sum + neg_sum)
return log_likelihood
w = uniform.rvs(size=20) / 10.0
LL = get_optimization_func_call(clean_test_data, 0.5)
res = minimize(LL, w, options={"maxiter": 1e4, "disp": True})