I am using vuex store for state management. Basically I want to set a global app loading state for all requests and use axios interceptors to set the loading state instead of doing this manually for each request.
I have my store as shown below: NOTICE THE CONSOLE LOGS
export default store(function (/* { ssrContext } */) {
const Store = createStore({
state() {
return {
appLoading: false
mutations: {
toggleAppLoader(state, payload) {
console.log('setting state to ', payload, ' from ', state.appLoading)
state.appLoading = payload
// enable strict mode (adds overhead!)
// for dev mode and --debug builds only
strict: process.env.DEBUGGING
return Store
Now in my axios boot.js file in the interceptors, I have this:
import store from '../store/index'
export default boot(({ app }) => {
function (config) {
// Do something before request is sent
store().commit('toggleAppLoader', true)
console.log('State set to true: ', store().state.appLoading)
return config
See attached screenshot of the console logs
You will notice that when I fetch the state immediately, the value is not updating as stated.
Not sure but it seems that every time you call store(), a new store instance is created.
Try changing your function to
const localStore = store();
localStore.commit('toggleAppLoader', true)
console.log('State set to true: ', localStore.state.appLoading)
return config
If my guess is correct then it's fixed this way, but in other contexts (components or basically everywhere else) you will be still instantiating new stores. You'll probably need to make a global instance.
What you have in your store file is actually a factory. To make it work as a global instance, just use:
const globalStore = createStore(........);
export default globalStore;
And import it elsewhere afterwards;
import globalStore from 'yourfile';
And use it calling f.e. globalStore.state.appLoading
I'm trying to use Pinia to manage some global state in a Vue.js app I'm building, specifically I want to share a Socket.io instance between various components and views. However I'm getting a
this.socketObject.emit is not a function
error when calling functions from the Socket.io instance, when I call them from a component other than the component/view the Socket.io instance was created in. Here's some excerpts of the code.
#/views/LobbyView.vue (This is where I create the Socket.io instance and pass it to the Pinia store, I can use emit fine in this file without any errors)
import io from "socket.io-client";
import { useSocket} from "#/store/index";
setup() {
const socketObject = useSocket();
return { socketObject};
async mounted() {
this.socketObject = await io("http://localhost:8000");
#/store/index.js Pinia store
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
export const useSocket = defineStore({
id: "socket",
state: () => {
return {socketObject: Object};
getters: {},
actions: {},
#/components/lobbySettings (this is the file where I have issues using Socket.io in via my Pinia store)
import { useSocket } from "#/store/index";
setup() {
const socketObject = useSocket();
return { socketObject};
methods: {
startGame() {
this.socketObject.emit("updateRoom", this.roomInfo);
When the start game method is called on a button press, if I catch the error I get
this.socketObject.emit is not a function
I don't quite understand why Pinia isn't giving me access to functions from my Socket.io instance, the store seems to be working fine for other data in my app, just cant call these functions.
useSocket returns a store, not socket instance. It should be used as:
const socketStore = useSocket();
io(...) doesn't return a promise, it's semantically incorrect to use it with await.
The use of Object constructor is incorrect. If a value is uninitialized, it can be null:
state: () => {
return {socketObject: null};
The mutation of store state outside the store is a bad practice. All state modifications should be performed by actions, this way they can be easily tracked through devtools, this is one of benefits of using a store.
At this point there's no benefit from packing socketObject inside a store. Socket instance could be either used separately from a store, or socket instance could be abstracted away and made reactive with store actions, etc.
I have several VueX actions (that run on the server only) and are dispatched from nuxtServerInit. They make HTTP requests to external services, which is slowing down the TTFB.
I would like to implement a cache plugin that can store and retrieve values from Redis. The aim is to avoid making the HTTP requests in actions on every request.
I started out by adding a line to the nuxt.js config file.
{ src: '~/plugins/cache', ssr: true, mode: 'server' },
I then created the following in resources/plugins/cache.js
import redis from 'redis';
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
console.log('Creating redis client');
inject('cache', redis.createClient({
//options removed for brevity
I run the app and can see 'Creating redis client' is printed to the console on every page refresh. Is it possible to create a plugin that is instantiated when the server is started and the same instance is used for every request? Or if that is not possible, what is the best way to implement the cache?
As you want to share a data/instance, plugin is not the right place to do that because plugins are created (called) every time new Vue instance is created, which on server means on every request...
So you need something instantiated only once per server...and that's Nuxt module
export default function (_moduleOptions) {
// any data you want to share between all requests
const data = {
message: `Hello from cache - ${new Date().toLocalTimeString()}`
this.nuxt.hook("vue-renderer:ssr:prepareContext", (ssrContext) => {
ssrContext.$cache = data;
And use it in server plugin or nuxtServerInit...
export const state = () => ({
cache: {}
export const mutations = {
setcache(state, payload) {
state.cache = payload;
export const actions = {
nuxtServerInit({ commit }, context) {
commit("setcache", context.ssrContext.$cache);
Same technique can be used for applying cacheAdapterEnhancer from axios-extensions package on server/client (or both) Axios instance so you can keep your original code (fetching in nuxtServerInit) - more details here
apologies for the simple question, I'm really new to Vue/Nuxt/Vuex.
I am currently having a vuex store, I wish to be able to populate the list with an API call at the beginning (so that I would be able to access it on all pages of my app directly from the store vs instantiating it within a component).
export const state = () => ({
list: [],
export const mutations = {
set(state, testArray) {
state.list = testArray
export const getters = {
getArray: state => {
return state.list
I essentially want to pre-populate state.list so that my components can call the data directly from vuex store. This would look something like that
db.collection("test").doc("test").get().then(doc=> {
let data = doc.data();
let array = data.array; // get array from API call
setListAsArray(); // put the array result into the list
I am looking for where to put this code (I assume inside store.js) and how to go about chaining this with the export. Thanks a lot in advance and sorry if it's a simple question.
(Edit) Context:
So why I am looking for this solution was because I used to commit the data (from the API call) to the store inside one of my Vue components - index.vue from my main page. This means that my data was initialized on this component, and if i go straight to another route, my data will not be available there.
This means: http://localhost:3000/ will have the data, if I routed to http://localhost:3000/test it will also have the data, BUT if i directly went straight to http://localhost:3000/test from a new window it will NOT have the data.
Tried the suggestion with nuxtServerInit
Updated store.js
export const state = () => ({
list: [],
export const mutations = {
set(state, dealArray) {
state.list = dealArray
export const getters = {
allDeals: state => {
return state.list
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit({ commit }, { req }) {
// fetch your backend
const db = require("~/plugins/firebase.js").db;
let doc = await db.collection("test").doc("test").get();
let data = doc.data();
console.log("deals_array: ", data.deals_array); // nothing logged
commit('set', data.deals_array); // doesn't work
commit('deals/set', data.deals_array); // doesn't work
Tried actions with nuxtServerInit, but when logging store in another component it is an empty array. I tried to log the store in another component (while trying to access it), I got the following:
store.state: {
deals: {
list: []
I would suggest to either:
calling the fetch method in the default.vue layout or any page
use the nuxtServerInit action inside the store directly
fetch method
You can use the fetch method either in the default.vue layout where it is called every time for each page that is using the layout. Or define the fetch method on separate pages if you want to load specific data for individual pages.
export default {
data () {
return {}
async fetch ({store}) {
// fetch your backend
var list = await $axios.get("http://localhost:8000/list");
store.commit("set", list);
You can read more regarding the fetch method in the nuxtjs docs here
use the nuxtServerInit action inside the store directly
In your store.js add a new action:
import axios from 'axios';
actions: {
nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
// fetch your backend
var list = await axios.get("http://localhost:8000/list");
commit('set', list);
You can read more regarding the fetch method in the nuxtjs docs here
Hope this helps :)
I'm using a helper function to create a store inside my jests. The helper function uses deepmerge to merge the basic configuration with a customized configuration. This results in multiple console warnings
[vuex] state field "cart" was overridden by a module with the same name at "cart"
[vuex] state field "customer" was overridden by a module with the same name at "customer"
[vuex] state field "checkout" was overridden by a module with the same name at "checkout"
store.js (Reduced to a minimum for presentation purpose)
import cart from './modules/cart'
import checkout from './modules/checkout'
import customer from './modules/customer'
export const config = {
modules: {
export default new Vuex.Store(config)
import merge from 'deepmerge'
import { config as storeConfig } from './vuex/store'
// merge basic config with custom config
export const createStore = config => {
const combinedConfig = (config)
? merge(storeConfig, config)
: storeConfig
return new Vuex.Store(combinedConfig)
making use of the helper function inside
import { createStore } from 'test-utils'
const wrapper = mount(ShippingComponent, {
store: createStore({
modules: {
checkout: {
state: {
availableShippingMethods: {
flatrate: {
carrier_title: 'Flat Rate',
How do I solve the console warning?
I believe the warning is somewhat misleading in this case. It is technically true, just not helpful.
The following code will generate the same warning. It doesn't use deepmerge, vue-test-utils or jest but I believe the root cause is the same as in the original question:
const config = {
state: {},
modules: {
customer: {}
const store1 = new Vuex.Store(config)
const store2 = new Vuex.Store(config)
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.6.11/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vuex#3.4.0/dist/vuex.js"></script>
There are two key parts of this example that are required to trigger the warning:
Multiple stores.
A root state object in the config.
The code in the question definitely has multiple stores. One is created at the end of store.js and the other is created by createStore.
The question doesn't show a root state object, but it does mention that the code has been reduced. I'm assuming that the full code does have this object.
So why does this trigger that warning?
Module state is stored within the root state object. Even though the module in my example doesn't explicitly have any state it does still exist. This state will be stored at state.customer. So when the first store gets created it adds a customer property to that root state object.
So far there's no problem.
However, when the second store gets created it uses the same root state object. Making a copy or merging the config at this stage won't help because the copied state will also have the customer property. The second store also tries to add customer to the root state. However, it finds that the property already exists, gets confused and logs a warning.
There is some coverage of this in the official documentation:
The easiest way to fix this is to use a function for the root state instead:
state: () => ({ /* all the state you currently have */ }),
Each store will call that function and get its own copy of the state. It's just the same as using a data function for a component.
If you don't actually need root state you could also fix it by just removing it altogether. If no state is specified then Vuex will create a new root state object each time.
It is logged when a property name within the state conflicts with the name of a module, like so:
new Vuex.Store({
state: {
foo: 'bar'
modules: {
foo: {}
therefore this raises the warning.
new Vuex.Store(({
state: {
cart: '',
customer: '',
checkout: ''
modules: {
cart: {},
customer: {},
checkout: {},
its most likely here
export const createStore = config => {
const combinedConfig = (config)
? merge(storeConfig, config)
: storeConfig
return new Vuex.Store(combinedConfig)
from the source code of vuex, it helps indicate where these errors are being raised for logging.
If you run the app in production, you know that this warning wont be raised... or you could potentially intercept the warning and immediately return;
vuex source code
const parentState = getNestedState(rootState, path.slice(0, -1))
const moduleName = path[path.length - 1]
store._withCommit(() => {
if (__DEV__) {
if (moduleName in parentState) {
`[vuex] state field "${moduleName}" was overridden by a module with the same name at "${path.join('.')}"`
Vue.set(parentState, moduleName, module.state)
vuex tests
jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation()
const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
foo: {
state () {
return { value: 1 }
modules: {
value: {
state: () => 2
`[vuex] state field "value" was overridden by a module with the same name at "foo.value"`
Well, I believe there is no need for using deepmerge in test-utils.ts. It is better we use Vuex itself to handle the merging of the module instead of merging it with other methods.
If you see the documentation for Vuex testing with Jest on mocking modules
you need to pass the module which is required.
import { createStore, createLocalVue } from 'test-utils';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
const localVue = createLocalVue()
// mock the store in beforeEach
describe('MyComponent.vue', () => {
let actions
let state
let store
beforeEach(() => {
state = {
availableShippingMethods: {
flatrate: {
carrier_title: 'Flat Rate',
actions = {
moduleActionClick: jest.fn()
store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
checkout: {
getters: myModule.getters // you can get your getters from store. No need to mock those
whistle, In test cases:
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent, { store, localVue })
Hope this helps!
I store token after success login call in vuex store like this:
axios.post('/api/auth/doLogin.php', params, axiosConfig)
.then(res => {
console.log(res.data); // token
this.$store.commit('login', res.data);
axiosConfig is file where I only set baseURL export default { baseURL: 'http://localhost/obiezaca/v2' } and params is just data sent to backend.
My vuex file looks is:
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
logged: false,
token: ''
mutations: {
login: (state, response) => {
state.logged = true;
state.token = response;
console.log('state updated');
console.log('state.logged flag is: '+state.logged);
console.log('state.token: '+state.token);
logout: (state) => {
state.logged = false;
state.token = '';
It is working correctly, I can re-render some of content in my SPA basing on v-if="this.$store.state.logged" for logged user. I'm able to access this.$store.state.logged from any component in my entire app.
Now I want to add my token to every request which call my rest API backend. I've created basic axios http interceptor which looks like this:
import axios from 'axios';
axios.interceptors.request.use(function(config) {
const token = this.$store.state.token;
if(token) {
config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
return config;
}, function(err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
Now I have 2 problems/questions about it.
I know that it is available to use this.$store.state.logged or this.$store.state.token across every component but can I use it same way in single javascript file?
Where should I execute/start my interceptor javascript file? It is independent file which lays in my app main folder but I am not calling it anywhere, in angularJS which I was working before, I had to add $httpProvider.interceptors.push('authInterceptorService'); in config but I don't know how to do same thing in vue architecture. So where should I inject my interceptor?
I followed GMaiolo tips I added
import interceptor from './helpers/httpInterceptor.js';
to my main.js file and I refactor my interceptor to this:
import axios from 'axios';
import store from '../store/store';
export default function execute() {
axios.interceptors.request.use(function(config) {
const token = this.$store.state.token;
if(token) {
config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
return config;
}, function(err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
Result of this changes is that every already existing backend calls ( GET ) which don't need token to work stopped working but it is logical because I didn't clarified to which request it should add token so it is trying to add it everywhere and in my interceptor something is still wrong and that is why every already exisitng request stopped working.
When I try to do backend POST call in browser console I still get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property '$store' of undefined
Although I import store to my interceptor file. Any ideas? I can provide some more information if any needed.
I additionally add screenshot of this main, store and interceptor tree structure so you can see that I'm importing fron correct path:
First of all I'd use a Vuex Module as this Login/Session behavior seems to be ideal for a Session module. After that (which is totally optional) you can set up a Getter to avoid accessing the state itself from outside Vuex, you'd would end up with something like this:
state: {
// bear in mind i'm not using a module here for the sake of simplicity
session: {
logged: false,
token: ''
getters: {
// could use only this getter and use it for both token and logged
session: state => state.session,
// or could have both getters separated
logged: state => state.session.logged,
token: state => state.session.token
mutations: {
With those getters set, you can get the values a bit easier from components. With either using this.$store.getters.logged (or the one you'd want to use) or using the mapGetters helper from Vuex [for more info about this you can check the getters docs]:
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
// ...
computed: {
I like to run Axios' interceptors along with Vue instantation in main.js creating, importing and executing an interceptors.js helper. I'd leave an example so you get an idea, but, then again, this is my own preference:
import Vue from 'vue';
import store from 'Src/store';
import router from 'Src/router';
import App from 'Src/App';
// importing the helper
import interceptorsSetup from 'Src/helpers/interceptors'
// and running it somewhere here
/* eslint-disable no-new */
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '<App/>',
components: { App }
import axios from 'axios';
import store from 'your/store/path/store'
export default function setup() {
axios.interceptors.request.use(function(config) {
const token = store.getters.token;
if(token) {
config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
return config;
}, function(err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
And there you'd end up having all the behavior cleanly encapsulated.
I did the same logic. however, I just change the file name. I used axios/index.js but the store is undefined there. so I just change the file name axios/interceptor.js and Don't know store data is accessible look at my below image