Spring Vault - How to access KV values at custom mount point? - spring-vault

We have Hashicorp Vault KV v1 engine mounted at /foo instead of /v1. How do I tell Spring Vault library to use /foo? Using Spring Vault 2.3.2, Spring Boot 2.7.3, Java 11.
I pass in foo/path/to/secret and I get 403 Forbidden at /v1/foo/path/to/secret.
VaultOperations vault;
public Foo getFoo( String fooName ) {
VaultResponseSupport<Foo> response = vault.read("foo/path/to/" + fooName, Foo.class);
if ( null != response && response.getData() != null ) {
return response.getData();
throw new FooException( "No foo found" + fooName, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST );
Note: The details of the HTTP requests and responses were found by wire logging org.apache.http.wire = DEBUG.
Note: login using approle is successful.
POST /v1/auth/approle/login HTTP/1.1
X-Vault-Namespace: acme/foo
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
GET /v1/kv-srs/gdk/client/BETA1-GW HTTP/1.1
X-Vault-Token: token-from-response-above
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Note: I considered adding the /foo path to the VaultEndpoint in our configuration, but /v1 is working correctly for the login. So, whatever we do, it has to work with the default login path.
Note: I'm not trying to map secrets to properties or anything else. Just look up a secret value by its key.


Webdav Lock request return "405 Method Not allowed" in asp .net core 6 hosted in IIS

I actually a migrate an old asp .net framework 4 web app to asp .net core 6.
This webapp was serving docx et xlsx files through IIS and webdav to allow end users edit directly files on the server
On the old app, the config was like that
a virtual directory on IIS to associate a virtual Path Webdav to a physical path
an IHttpModule which allow me to intercept all request on the server and add some authentication when the request point out /webdav (webdav don't support anonymous authentication)
HttpContext.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + base64string);
On the new app
the virtual directory is manage directly on the code (Startup)
var lOptions = new FileServerOptions
FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Sys.Web.AppliIs.Path_Webdav),
RequestPath = new PathString("/" + Sys.Web.AppliIs.WEBDAV_FOLDER),
EnableDirectoryBrowsing = false,
i intercept the request to add my authentication in a custom middleware (called before the code above)
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
AppliGeckosSL.WriteLogDebug($"intercept {context.Request.Path}, Method : {context.Request.Method}", null);//just to log everything which arrived
var lFileInfo = lHostEnv.ContentRootFileProvider.GetFileInfo(context.Request.Path);
if (lFileInfo != null)
WebdavFileManager.HandleRequest(context, lFileInfo.PhysicalPath);
// Call the next delegate/middleware in the pipeline.
await next(context);
Whe i test the new code (opening a file stored in the server with word), it failed.
Whe i inspect the logs, i notice thow things :
On the IIS logs, i see my different request called by word
2022-03-23 11:20:31 ::1 OPTIONS /Webdav/ - 7520 - ::1 Microsoft+Office+Protocol+Discovery 200 0 0 47
2022-03-23 11:20:31 ::1 HEAD /Webdav/BeWise.docx - 7520 - ::1 Microsoft+Office+Existence+Discovery 200 0 0 4
2022-03-23 11:20:31 ::1 OPTIONS /Webdav/ - 7520 - ::1 Microsoft+Office+Existence+Discovery 200 0 0 5
2022-03-23 11:20:31 ::1 LOCK /Webdav/BeWise.docx - 7520 - ::1 Microsoft+Office+Core+Storage+Infrastructure/1.0 405 0 0 4
2022-03-23 11:20:31 ::1 GET /Webdav/BeWise.docx - 7520 - ::1 Microsoft+Office+Core+Storage+Infrastructure/1.0 404 0 3 2
we can see the Lock method finished in 405
We can also see the get finishing in 404 which i can't understand because the HEAD finished on 200 on the same file
The log of my middleware give me only this
23/03 12:20:32:023 [FW] intercept /Webdav/BeWise.docx, Method : HEAD
23/03 12:20:32:055 [FW] intercept /Webdav/, Method : OPTIONS
so we see the LOCK and the GET are not handle by my server
I see many solutions on this problem on this forum and others which recommand to disable webdav, solution which dont fit me because i want to use webdav
There is not a lot of documentations about .net core and webdav, im not even sure its supported.
I try to remove the virtual directory by code and set a virtual directory through IIS like the old app but still not working, in this case the lock not finish in 405 but in 401. I notice my middleware in not called, so i cant add my authentication. I suppose with this option we don't go through the asp .net core pipeline.
What do you think ? any suggestion on that ?
Thanks for your help !
I had some answers from microsoft, the IIS webdav module is no longer supported with .net core (they will update the docs for that because it was not clearly said). So there is no way i will be able to achieve what i want.
My solutions now :
implement myself the webdav protocol
buy a licence to IT HIT WEBDAV Server Engine
thanks anyway for your answers, the subject is closed

Gmail API not a valid origin

I'm using Gmail API Javascript, but this is problem.
{error: "idpiframe_initialization_failed", details: "Not a valid origin for the client: http://localhosā€¦itelist this origin for your project's client ID."}
"Not a valid origin for the client: http://localhost has not been whitelisted for client ID 731803464357-pdq2kfb0qg5ahca5gvvht343u2qmbgdk.apps.googleusercontent.com . Please go to https://console.developers.google.com/ and whitelist this origin for your project's client ID."
This is my config with file: http://localhost/b.html
Did you add the Origin HTTP header before doing the HTTP request ?
const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Origin', 'http://localhost')

Not Getting Custom Nameservers Using Godaddy Api

I used this api call to get DNS records and nameservers using domain name
GetRecords here is the api call
For default godaddy nameservers its giving everything perfectly but whenever i am using custom nameservers for domain that time this api call not giving nameservers in response its giving empty array,
anyone knows how to get custom nameservers using this api call?
Finally, I found a way to get and edit nameservers for domain.
(For custom nameservers, records are not set by GoDaddy, therefore you have to
query nameserver provider.)
Following is the API call for getting nameservers:
HTTP request:
GET https://api.godaddy.com/api/v1/domains/mydomain.com
HTTP headers:
Authorization -> sso-key my-key:my-secret
Content-Type -> application/json
Response will contain JSON object which has key "nameservers"
with pair of nameservers that you have. Example:
"nameServers": [
To edit the nameservers via API call, you can use following API call:
HTTP request:
PATCH https://api.godaddy.com/api/v1/domains/mydomain.com
HTTP headers:
Authorization -> sso-key my-key:my-secret
Content-Type -> application/json
HTTP body:
"nameServers": [

Download file over HTTPS and SSO in groovy avoiding server certificate validation

I want to download a file in groovy over a connection that is both using single sign on (SSO) over HTTPS (SSL) is there an easy way to do this. I'm not intending to build a full blown application so security is not as much of a concern.
def data = new URL("https://server/context/servlet?param1=value1").getText()
print data
I currently do the download using curl but would ideally not have to call curl. current used call below.
curl --negotiate -u user:pass -L --insecure -o filename.txt "https://server/context/servlet?param1=value1"
Two key points to the solution i'm looking for
- It does not involve making a system call to curl
- It does not include manually setting up a certificate.
Would consider libraries.
To avoid the SSL PKIX validation check, in Groovy, you can implement a X509TrustManager in the same way that you do it in Java.
Note that this disable the validation server certificate validation, therefore it's a security risk:
import javax.net.ssl.*
// create a TrustManager to avoid PKIX path validation
def trustManager = [
checkClientTrusted: { chain, authType -> },
checkServerTrusted: { chain, authType -> },
getAcceptedIssuers: { null }
] as X509TrustManager
// creat a sslCtx to use "lax" trustManager
def context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
context.init(null, [trustManager] as TrustManager[], null)
// set as default ssl context
// finally you can connect to the server "insecurely"
def data = new URL("https://server/context/servlet?param1=value1").getText()
print data
About your second question, to provide a basic authentication like curl does with --user argument, you can set a default user/password for your connections using Authenticator class:
Authenticator.setDefault (new Authenticator() {
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new PasswordAuthentication ("user", "pass".toCharArray())
Note that is possible to do so on other ways in Groovy using some libraries, but this is a possible way using standard Java classes.

Accept any cookies in httpclient4

I try to develop Java client to my site but can't store cookies in httpclient4, server send in headers in get request :
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=ea384f86b9b89a749f1684d9d3980820; path=/
But in code after request I make :
CookieManager m = (CookieManager) CookieHandler.getDefault();
System.out.println("Count : " + m.getCookieStore().getCookies().size());
And I always obtain Count : 0
Httpclient creation :
CookieManager cookiem = new CookieManager();
httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(params);
httpClient.getParams().setParameter(ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, org.apache.http.client.params.CookiePolicy.BEST_MATCH);
But I obtain same result, what is wrong?
CookieManager is a Java 6 specific class used by JRE's internal HTTP client.
Apache HttpClient manages HTTP state differently and cannot (and probably should not) make use of Java 6 specific classes.
For details on HTTP state management with Apache HttpClient please see: