SceneForm Customization character appearance without ArCore (Kotlin) - kotlin

I hope they are well.
It is possible to change the appearance of a 3d character, for example remove a hat and put another item on it, change skin color, etc.


Filling in Hollow Area Only for Bootstrap Glyphicon

I'm using Bootstrap glyphicons for a web app and love the flexibility of being able to leverage them as fonts, since that's what they are, not graphics. However, I'm running into a challenge with the glyphicon-remove-sign icon, which has a colored circle surrounding an otherwise empty "x". I like the default look of the black surrounding the "x" and want to use it to close a rounded-cornered iframe. But, because that "x" is empty, it displays whatever is behind it:
Ideally, I'd want to have that hollow "x" be a different color like white, easy enough to do with background colors, except that creates a box around the otherwise vectored font and looks unsightly for my usage, which has multiple colors to contend with behind the icon:
The question is: is there a way to just fill in the empty space inside the hollow area of this glyphicon without this kludgy-looking box? I looked at using a clip-path with the background color, but that won't work with IE. I welcome any recommendations anyone may have for a fix here -- thanks in advance.
create a wrapper div of the glyphicon, give it border-radius as to imitate the circle streching it and then give that background color

NSTextField vertically misaligns text when using non-default typeface

I am having trouble making text fields look acceptable when using different typefaces.
See this screenshot taken from a test app I made to demonstrate the problem. It consists of a single XIB, with no code in the delegate or anywhere else. This is on OSX Mavericks with Xcode 5.1.1 but I haven't tried on other versions.
The default system font looks fine in the top text field, as you'd expect. Compare this to the one below: same exact size and shape, all I did differently was change the typeface in Interface Builder. Text is pushed downwards, and descending letters (lowercase pqjg) are clipped. The Menlo example below is also pushed downwards, though not quite as badly.
How do I fix this?
A quick test shows Lucida Grande and Helvetica require 17 pixels, and Menlo requires 19 pixels:
Note that this excludes the border and shadows, so you need your text view to be significantly larger than that to guarantee it will fit.
Interface Builder has been specifically designed for Lucida Grande, it knows it can get away with being too small because that font doesn't use all the space it has available. Doesn't work well with other fonts.
You can resolve this a couple of different ways:
• Enable "Uses Single Line Mode" on the Text Field Panel. When I first
encountered this issue it wasn't obvious that this would automatically
align the text vertically within an NSTextField.
• Simply adjust the size of the NSTextField using the adjustment boxes
that appear after you click on it. You can also adjust them through
the "Control" properties.

NSTextField weird left margins

I've been looking for a solution for this one all day.
I have 4 NSTextFields (actually subclassed for a few custom operations), which all share the same X position.
The problem is, some have different styles (light, regular, bold) and might have different sizes.
What happens is that, even though the X origin is the same, the 1st letter always has a bit of (consistently different) left margins.
Please see pic:
I want to make sure that all lines start exactly at the same point, say 100px from the left.
Any idea how to override that weird padding?
The margin you're talking about I'm pretty sure is the lineFragmentPadding on the NSTextContainer that is used by the NSTextField.
See the NSTextContainer reference:
And here's a page from the tutorial on Text Layout:
It states in that article:
The typesetter makes one final adjustment when it actually fits text
into the rectangle. This adjustment is a small amount fixed by the
NSTextContainer object, called the line fragment padding, which
defines the portion on each end of the line fragment rectangle left
blank. Text is inset within the line fragment rectangle by this amount
(the rectangle itself is unaffected). Padding allows for small-scale
adjustment of the text container’s region at the edges and around any
holes and keeps text from directly abutting any other graphics
displayed near the region. You can change the padding from its default
value with the setLineFragmentPadding: method. Note that line fragment
padding isn’t a suitable means for expressing margins; you should set
the NSTextView object’s position and size for document margins or the
paragraph margin attributes for text margins.
Unfortunately, it looks like NSTextField's NSTextContainer and NSLayoutManager are private and inaccessible, but it appears they are accessible in an NSTextView:
So that may be the class you need to subclass if you want to have minute control over this kind of functionality.
Have you looked into CoreText? I think it may provide the facilities to do what you're looking for. From the docs...
The Core Text layout engine is designed specifically to make simple text layout operations easy to do and to avoid side effects.
You are able to access "font metrics," which enable you to (from the docs)...
For every font, glyph designers provide a set of measurements, called metrics, which describe the spacing around each glyph in the font. The typesetter uses these metrics to determine glyph placement. Font metrics are parameters such as ascent, descent, leading, cap height, x-height, and so on.
It just may be that NSTextField was not designed for what you are trying to do. NSTextField does custom layout apart from a NSLayoutManager.
You may need to upgrade to a NSTextView, which always has a dedicated NSLayoutManager attached. Apple has some example projects you could search for using NSLayoutManager and NSTextView.
If you're using NSTextField to draw simple static text, take a look at AppKit additions to NSString. Use sizeWithAttributes: to get size of the "text" image. Then use the size to calculate rects for drawing. Finally use one of draw methods to actually draw text. Don't forget to "round" result of sizeWithAttributes! It's not pixel aligned.
But if you need to draw something more complex than simple label, use Core Text. You can find very good example of how to use it in twui source code.

Background color of a Gtk.TextView - can't see selection

I successfully changed the background color of a Gtk.TextView (GTK3) with method override_background_color:
I also override the foreground color.
Unfortunatelly in that case making a selection in the text is invisible.
How can I modify the background and foreground color of a TextView without loosing the visible text selecting?
It's best to format the text in a GtkTextView by using GtkTextTags. You can apply any sort of text formatting(background & foreground colors, font, size, weight, etc..) to any portion of the text.
Click here for an example.
Hope that helps!
By the way, what you're doing is changing the style of your TextView. In Gtk it's best to stay away from doing this, especially if you aren't in a controlled environment or plan on releasing your software for others to use, because gtk's philosophy is to leave the styling and theming up to the end user for their own personal touches/needs.
This is why you are getting some unwanted results by overriding style colors.
In terms of a GtkTextView it does however offer simple formatting of the text(even support for adding images/widgets) via use of GtkTextTags as the link shows above.

Is there any way of changing colors of text in Xcode?

What I want to know is if you can change the default color value for something like comments:
Which are by default, green. I want to know if you could make this red black or any other colors.
Also as a bonus, is there anything that works kind of like a little sticky note, but in the code? Some sort of image or something that would be easily recognized if you were scrolling through lots of code very fast. Like a place mark, an eye catcher. That doesn't affect the code.
Go to Xcode preferences, Fonts & Colors.
XCode menu->Preferences->Fonts and Colors, then have fun...
To put markers in your code you can use
#pragma mark - Something
It will then show in the drop down menu showing all your functions/declarations.
Edit: for newer Xcode versions, just use:
// MARK: - comment