React Native ScrollView hover touch event - react-native

I have a ScrollView and a Footer on absolute position.
When Scroll down the footer is hidden
When Scroll up the footer appears.
I want to modify the Scroll up animation.
when Scroll up with 1 touch(the finger doesn't stays on the ScrollView while scrolling) on ScrollView the footer appears.
when Scroll up with hover touch(the finger stays on the ScrollView while scrolling) footer remain hidden.
How can achieve this?
EXPO code:


How to change background-color of LayoutAnimation?

I have a view which can be disappeared by clicking a button. Before I "remove" the View I set this:
The animation works fine, but the Animation is always fading to white before reducing the height to zero. But the background of the app is black/darkblue.
Is there a way to change the color of this animation?

How to implement ScrollView in cocoa app?

I'm trying to add ScrollView to my app. But when I place it to the window and add some objects inside, it doesn't scroll! What should I do to make it work?
Link to image:
-> three buttons inside the ScrollView, while one of them is outside of the window's bounds
You should set the height of the contentSize of the scrollview larger than the height of the scrollview so that the scrollview can scroll vertically.To let the button outside the window be shown,the height of the contentSize should be larger than the maxY of the button

How to addSubview to NSSrollView correctly?

My code:
#IBOutlet weak var scroller: NSScrollView!
var showSettingsButton = NSButton(frame: NSMakeRect(0, 860, 60, 40))
showSettingsButton.title = "Settings"
The button looks as intended by the scrollview keeps static, but when I scroll the ScrollView, the button just looks like this:
I want to put this button always in the down-left corner regardless of scroller's scrolling.
So which view should be the superView of this button?
It should be in your View. Put it underneath the Scroll View - Text View, but make sure it will be siblings with the Scroll View - Text View, and not a child.
If you're going to add it in code, add it like
For your requirement , you should subclass NSScrollView and override the "tile" method. There you can specify your buttons frame
When you want your Button not to scroll, why do you add it to the scroll view then?
Add it to view, the superview of scrollview. So make it a sibling of the scrollview. Just add the scrolliview first and the button next so that the button overwrites the scrollview and appears on top.
-> View
-> ScrollView
-> TextView (and anything that you want to scroll)
-> Button
You may want to do parts of this programmatically because IB or Storyboard Editor respectivey may change the view hierarchy again by making the button a subview of your scroll view.

NSScrollView content and scroller insets

What would be the best way to create content and scroller insets on an NSScrollView like one can set on a UIScrollView?
I'd like to be able to add a footer which is not spanned by the vertical scroller like that found at the bottom of's sidebar
Have an NSView that contains both your NSScrollView and your footer's view, with the scroll view's frame set to not overlap the footer.

How to make scroll view reposition back to the top when I click a button

Hi I have a image in a view controller that has a scroll view, when the user scrolls to the bottom, there is a button that they click and it hides the view they were looking at and loads another, but it stays at the bottom because of the scroll view, so how can I go about reseting the scroll view back to the top when you click that button?
on your button click do
[self.scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
scrollView is the scroll view object.Replace it with your scroll view object name.