How can I parallelize data collection for Reinforcement Learning with tf-agents? - tensorflow

I am training a Reinforcement Learning model with tf-agents for the Cartpole environment.
I use the code from github:
Code on Github
To speed up the data collection process, I want to parallelize it and run it on multiple cores of my CPU. Can anyone give me tips on how to do this with tf-agents? What approach should I choose for this?


How to set up a real-time controller with reinforcement learning algorithms

I'm trying to control an actual robot manipulator using reinforcement learning. For reinforcement learning, I'm using Google tensorflow.
To control a robot manipulator, I need my controller to have real-time capability. However, as far as I know, python and thus tensorflow is not real-time friendly. I want to control the robot at about 100 ~ 1000 Hz.
I've considered implementing my own reinforcement learning algorithm in C++, but it would be too much work, and take too much time.
Is there anyway of using Tensorflow reinforcement learning algorithms in C++? Or, is there any other way of implementing reinforcement learning algorithm to a C++ real-time controller?
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't see a reason why Tensorflow is not good for real-time control since a TF model is not subject to the limitations of the Python interpreter.
In case you find that standard TF is not fast enough you can also have a look at TF-lite:

Using scikit learn for Neural Networks vs Tensorflow in training

I was implementing some sample Neural networks and in most tutorials saw this statement.
Neural networks tend to work better on GPUs than on CPU.
The scikit-learn framework isn’t built for GPU optimization.
So does this statement (work better) refers solely regarding the train phase of a neural network or it includes the prediction part also. Would greatly appreciate some explanation on this.
That statement refers to the training phase. The only issue here is that you can explore the search space of feasible models in a more efficient way using a GPU so you will probably find better models in less time. However, this is only related to computational costs and not to model predictive performance.

How to predict using Tensorflow?

This is a newbie question for the tensorflow experts:
I reading lot of data from power transformer connected to an array of solar panels using arduinos, my question is can I use tensorflow to predict the power generation in future.
I am completely new to tensorflow, if can point me to something similar I can start with that or any github repo which is doing similar predictive modeling.
Edit: Kyle pointed me to the MNIST data, which I believe is a Image Dataset. Again, not sure if tensorflow is the right computation library for this problem or does it only work on Image datasets?
thanks, Rajesh
Surely you can use tensorflow to solve your problem.
TensorFlow™ is an open source software library for numerical
computation using data flow graphs.
So it works not only on Image dataset but also others. Don't worry about this.
And about prediction, first you need to train a model(such as linear regression) on you dataset, then predict. The tutorial code can be found in tensorflow homepage .
Get your hand dirty, you will find it works on your dataset.
Good luck.
You can absolutely use TensorFlow to predict time series. There are plenty of examples out there, like this one. And this is a really interesting one on using RNN to predict basketball trajectories.
In general, TF is a very flexible platform for solving problems with machine learning. You can create any kind of network you can think of in it, and train that network to act as a model for your process. Depending on what kind of costs you define and how you train it, you can build a network to classify data into categories, predict a time series forward a number of steps, and other cool stuff.
There is, sadly, no short answer for how to do this, but that's just because the possibilities are endless! Have fun!

TensorFlow in production: How to retrain your models

I have a question related to this one:
TensorFlow in production for real time predictions in high traffic app - how to use?
I want to setup TensorFlow Serving to do inference as a service for our other application. I see how TensorFlow Serving helps me to do that. Additionally, it mentions a continuous training pipeline, which probably is related to the possibility that TensorFlow Serving can serve with multiple versions of a trained model. But what I am not sure is how to retrain your model as you get new data. The other post mentions the idea to run retraining with cron jobs. However, I am not sure if automatic retraining is a good idea. What architecture would you propose for a continuous retraining pipeline with a system continuously facing new, labelled data?
Edit: It is a supervised learning case. The question is would you automatically retrain your model after n new datapoints came in or would you retrain during the downtime of the customer automatically or just retrain manually?
You probably want to use some kind of semi-supervised training. There's fairly extensive research in that area.
A crude, but expedient way, which works well, is to use the current best models that you have to label the new, incoming data. Models are typically able to produce a score (hopefully a logprob). You can use that score to only train on the data that fits well.
That is an approach that we have used in speech recognition and is an excellent baseline.

TensorFlow - GPU Acceleration only for training?

Will utilizing GPU Acceleration with TensorFlow increase the speed of only the training of models or will it also help improve speed while using the model on data.
Most guides only talk about utilizing GPU acceleration for training purposes.
Also will it work with any of the TensorFlow Models ? Even those run via shell scripts ?
In addition would it run on the shell scripts by default or does it require explicit coding to make it work.
It will work for both and yes it should make using the models faster even when not training (unless the model is really simple and the overhead of placing it on the GPU outweighs the performance cost.) I do think using a GPU is less necessary for just evaluating the model. When training often the data is batched together so that each train step contains multiple runs of the model. Also the gradients need to be calculated which takes up a lot of compute time and memory. The weights also need to be updated during training. Therefore just making a simple forward pass is a lot faster. I really think you would see a benefit if you needed to make a whole bunch of forward passes at once.
As for running tensorflow models through shell scripts, I would assume if they train on the GPU they will also run on the GPU.