How to apply TLS session tickets from a previous TLS session to a new connecton in OpenSSL? [duplicate] - ssl

I've got a short-lived client process that talks to a server over SSL. The process is invoked frequently and only runs for a short time (typically for less than 1 second). This process is intended to be used as part of a shell script used to perform larger tasks and may be invoked pretty frequently.
The SSL handshaking it performs each time it starts up is showing up as a significant performance bottleneck in my tests and I'd like to reduce this if possible.
One thing that comes to mind is taking the session id and storing it somewhere (kind of like a cookie), and then re-using this on the next invocation, however this is making me feel uneasy as I think there would be some security concerns around doing this.
So, I've got a couple of questions,
Is this a bad idea?
Is this even possible using OpenSSL?
Are there any better ways to speed up the SSL handshaking process?

After the handshake, you can get the SSL session information from your connection with SSL_get_session(). You can then use i2d_SSL_SESSION() to serialise it into a form that can be written to disk.
When you next want to connect to the same server, you can load the session information from disk, then unserialise it with d2i_SSL_SESSION() and use SSL_set_session() to set it (prior to SSL_connect()).
The on-disk SSL session should be readable only by the user that the tool runs as, and stale sessions should be overwritten and removed frequently.

You should be able to use a session cache securely (which OpenSSL supports), see the documentation on SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode, SSL_set_session and SSL_session_reused for more information on how this is achieved.

Could you perhaps use a persistent connection, so the setup is a one-time cost?
You could abstract away the connection logic so your client code still thinks its doing a connect/process/disconnect cycle.

Interestingly enough I encountered an issue with OpenSSL handshakes just today. The implementation of RAND_poll, on Windows, uses the Windows heap APIs as a source of random entropy.
Unfortunately, due to a "bug fix" in Windows 7 (and Server 2008) the heap enumeration APIs (which are debugging APIs afterall) now can take over a second per call once the heap is full of allocations. Which means that both SSL connects and accepts can take anywhere from 1 seconds to more than a few minutes.
The Ticket contains some good suggestions on how to patch openssl to achieve far FAR faster handshakes.


How can I deal with the webserver UI of one machine being out of sync with backend/API of another?

The system my company sells is software for a multi-machine solution. In some cases, there is a UI on one of the machines and a backend/API on another. These systems communicate and both use their own clocks for various operations and storage values.
When the UI's system clock gets ahead of the backend by 30 seconds or more, the queries start to misbehave due to the UI's timestamp being sent over as key information to the REST request. There is a "what has been updated by me" query that happens every 30 seconds and the desync will cause the updated data to be missed since they are outside the timing window.
Since I do not have any control over the systems that my software is installed on, I need a solution on my code's side. I can't force customers to keep their clocks in sync.
Possible solutions I have considered:
The UI can query the backend for it's system time and cache that.
The backend/API can reach back further in time when looking for updates. This will give the clocks some room to slip around, but will cause a much heavier query load on systems with large sets of data.
Any ideas?
Your best bet is to restructure your API somewhat.
First, even though NTP is a good idea, you can't actually guarantee it's in use. Additionally, even when it is enabled, OSs (Windows at least) may reject packets that are too far out of sync, to prevent certain attacks (on the order of minutes, though).
When dealing with distributed services like this, the mantra is "do not trust the client". This applies even when you actually control the client, too, and doesn't necessarily mean the client is attempting anything malicious - it just means that the client isn't the authoritative source.
This should include timestamps.
Consider; the timestamps are a problem here because you're trying to use the client's time to query the server - except, we shouldn't trust the client. Instead, what we should do is have the server return a timestamp of when the request was processed, or the update stamp for the latest entry of the database, that can be used in subsequent queries to retrieve new updates (how far back you go on initial query is up to you).
Dealing with concurrent updates safely is a little harder, and depends on what is supposed to happen on collision. There's nothing really different here from most of the questions and answers dealing with database-centric versions of the problem, I'm just mentioning it to note you may need to add extra fields to your API to correctly handle or detect the situation, if you haven't already.

authenticating application codebase

So I have been working on a client/server application written in java. At the moment I am looking for a way to verify that the code of the client application has not be changed and then recompiled. I've been searching Google for some time without a lot of success. An educated guess would be to generate a hash value of the client's code during runtime, send it to the server and compare it with a database database entry or a variable. However I am not sure if that is the right way or even how to generate a hash of the codebase during execution in a secure way? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What would stop the nefarious user from simply having the client send the correct checksum to the server each time? Nothing.
There is currently no way to completely ensure that software running on a client computer is not running altered software. It's simply not possible to trust their software without asserting control over their hardware and software. Unfortunately, this is a situation where you should focus on software features and quality, something that benefits all users, rather than preventing a few users from hacking your software.

how to deal with read() timeout in Redis client?

Assume that my client send a 'INCR' command to redis server, but the response packet is lost, so my client's read() will times out, but client is not able to tell if INCR operation has been performed by server.
what to do next? resending INCR or continuing next command? If client resends INCR, but in case redis had carried out INCR in server side before, this key will be increased two times, which is not what we want.
This is not a problem specific to Redis: it also applies to any other data stores (including transactional ones). There is no solution to this problem: you can only hope to minimize the issue.
For instance, some people tend to put very aggressive values for their timeout thinking that Redis is supposed to be a soft real-time data store. Redis is fast, but you also need to consider the network, and the system itself. Network related problems may generate high latencies. If the system starts swapping, it will very seriously impact Redis response times.
I tend to think that putting a timeout under 2 secs is a nonsense on any Unix/Linux system, and if a network is involved, I am much more comfortable with 10 secs. People put very low values because they want to avoid their application to block: it is a mistake. Rather than setting very low timeouts and keep the application synchronous, they should design the application to be asynchronous and set sensible timeouts.
After a timeout, a client should never "continue" with the next command. It should close the connection, and try to open a new one. If a reply (or a query) has been lost, it is unlikely that the client and the server can resynchronize. It is safer to close the connection.
Should you try to issue the INCR again after the reconnection? It is really up to you. But if a read timeout has just been triggered, there is a good chance the reconnection will time out as well. Redis being single-threaded, when it is slow for one connection, it is slow for all connections simultaneously.

Erlang getting the exact size in memory of a SSL connection

Is there a way in erlang to get exactly how much memory a SSL connection takes ?
Right now I'm kinda guessing by dividing the whole beam.smp size (minus the init size) in memory by the number of connected clients...
I'm using R15B01
The SSL connection is handled by a gen_server, doing
process_info(spawn(Fun), memory).
give me after gc calling:
This clearly does not contain the SSL socket connection size.
The thing is that even to handle a single SSL connection Erlang starts several separate processes (certificate db, ssl manager, ssl session, etc) and each of those processes might have a separate storage for its data. Thus it is hard to give a definitive answer how much memory each connection takes as there is quite a few places which keep book keeping information about the connection.
If you need an estimate, I would do the following:
Started a SSL server and a SSL client as described at
Saved TotalMemory1 = proplists:get_value(total, memory()). in the server session.
Tried to open 99 more client connections from a separate client session.
Calculated TotalMemory2 = proplists:get_value(total, memory()).
Found out amortized amount of memory a single connection takes by dividing (TotalMemory2 - TotalMemory1)/99.

Persistent DB Connections - Yea or Nay?

I'm using PHP's PDO layer for data access in a project, and I've been reading up on it and seeing that it has good innate support for persistent DB connections. I'm wondering when/if I should use them. Would I see performance benefits in a CRUD-heavy app? Are there downsides to consider, perhaps related to security?
If it matters to you, I'm using MySQL 5.x.
You could use this as a rough "ruleset":
YES, use persistent connections, if:
There are only few applications/users accessing the database, i.e. you will not result in 200 open (but probably idle) connections, because there are 200 different users shared on the same host.
The database is running on another server that you are accessing over the network
An (one) application accesses the database very often
NO, don't use persistent connections, if:
Your application only needs to access the database 100 times an hour.
You have many webservers accessing one database server
You're using Apache in prefork mode. It uses one connection for each child process, which can ramp up fairly quickly. (via #Powerlord in the comments)
Using persistent connections is considerable faster, especially if you are accessing the database over a network. It doesn't make so much difference if the database is running on the same machine, but it is still a little bit faster. However - as the name says - the connection is persistent, i.e. it stays open, even if it is not used.
The problem with that is, that in "default configuration", MySQL only allows 1000 parallel "open channels". After that, new connections are refused (You can tweak this setting). So if you have - say - 20 Webservers with each 100 Clients on them, and every one of them has just one page access per hour, simple math will show you that you'll need 2000 parallel connections to the database. That won't work.
Ergo: Only use it for applications with lots of requests.
In brief, my experience says that persistent connections should be avoided as far as possible.
Note that mysql_close is a no-operation (no-op) for connections that are created using mysql_pconnect. This means persistent connection cannot be closed by client at will. Such connection will be closed by mysqldb server when no activity occurs on the connection for duration more than wait_timeout. If wait_timeout is large value (say 30 min) then mysql db server can easily reach max_connections limit. In such case, mysql db will not accept any future connection request. This is when your pager starts beeping.
In order to avoid reaching max_connections limit, use of Persistent connection need careful balancing of following variables...
Number of apache processes on one host
Total number of hosts running apache
wait_timout variable in mysql db server
max_connections variable in mysql db server
Number of requests served by one apache process before it is re-spawned
So, pl use persistent connection after enough deliberation. You may not want to invite complex runtime issues for a small gain that you get from persistent connection.
Creating connections to the database is a fairly expensive operation. Persistent connections are a good idea. In the ASP.Net and Java world, we have "connection pooling", which is roughly the same thing, and also a good idea.
IMO, The real answer to this question is whatever works best for you app. I would recommend you benchmark your app using both persistent and non-persistent connections.
Maggie Nelson # Objectively Oriented posted about this in August and Robert Swarthout made an accompanying post with some hard numbers. Both are pretty good reads.
In my humble opinion:
When using PHP for web development, most of your connection will only "live" for the life of the page executing. A persistant connection is going to cost you a lot of overhead as you'll have to put it in the session or some such thing.
99% of the time a single non-persistant connection that dies at the end of the page execution will work just fine.
The other 1% of the time, you probably should not be using PHP for the app, and there is no perfect solution for you.
In general, you'll need to use non-persistent connections sometimes, and it's nice to have a single pattern to apply to db connection design (as long as there's relatively little upside to using persistent connections in your context.)
I was going to ask this same question but rather than ask the same question again I'll just add some information that I've found.
Are PHP persistent connections evil ?
Persistent Database Connections
It is also worth noting that the newer mysqli extension does not even include the option to use persistent database connections.
I'm still using persitent connections at the moment but plan to switch to non-persistent in the near future.