Bottom navigation tabs don't hide without animation. Whenever I use the text input in react native bottom navigation tab is pushed up by the keyboard. That was somewhat solved by using:
tabBarHideOnKeyboard: true,
However, even after trying that bottom tab is seen for a moment. Is there a way to not see that bottom tab or turn off that bottom tab appearing and disappearing animation? I'm using react-navigation bottom tabs.
I am using Bottom Tab of react navigation and I am using borderWidth:1 and elevation:0 in tabBarStyle property of Tab.Navigator. How can I make top border visible?
I have a bottom tab inside drawer navigation. When I switch the tab,lets say from "Home" tab screen to "Profile" tab screen, I want to hide the drawer header, it is hiding via navigtion.setOptions inside componentDidMount but it is hiding after the components inside "Profile" screen are rendered. How can I make sure the drawer header will hide before rendering of components inside "Profile" tab screen?
If I open a modal (on iOS), and this modal navigates to another modal, I don't get a "right to left" navigation. I have a bottom to top navigation everytime the target is modal, but I just want this behavior on the first openned modal, then, the rest right to left.
How can I make this navigation? It feels weird openning twice from bottom to top.
React Navigation v6
You can review this tutorial here
Or you can use transitionConfig for each screen you want.
transitionConfig: () => ({
screenInterpolator: CardStackStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal,
I have a component that when scrolling a button remains at the same height as the header, that header has headerBackTitleVisible: true, and when pressing those buttons in that position, they do not work.
I have tried with headerMode to float or to screen but I still can't find the solution
Working with a long form in Formik that needs Scrollview. Scrollview works for the form; however it will not render the submit button at the bottom of the form.
Can I define the form with a container element, use Scrollview and leave button outside element so it will stay at the bottom of the viewport.
FYI working in React navigation v5 with a Tab Navigation at bottom of viewport.