How do I extract the output from CGAL::poisson_surface_reconstruction_delaunay? - cgal

I am trying to convert a point cloud to a trimesh using CGAL::poisson_surface_reconstruction_delaunay() and extract the data inside the trimesh to an OpenGL friendly format:
// The function below should set vertices and indices so that:
// triangle 0: (vertices[indices[0]],vertices[indices[1]],vertices[indices[2]]),
// triangle 1: (vertices[indices[3]],vertices[indices[4]],vertices[indices[5]])
// ...
// triangle n - 1
void reconstructPointsToSurfaceInOpenGLFormat(const& std::list<std::pair<Kernel::Point_3, Kernel::Vector_3>> points, // input: points and normals
std::vector<glm::vec3>& vertices, // output
std::vector<unsigned int>& indices) { // output
CGAL::Surface_mesh<Kernel::Point_3> trimesh;
double spacing = 10;
bool ok = CGAL::poisson_surface_reconstruction_delaunay(points.begin(), points.end(),
CGAL::First_of_pair_property_map<std::pair<Kernel::Point_3, Kernel::Vector_3>>(),
CGAL::Second_of_pair_property_map<std::pair<Kernel::Point_3, Kernel::Vector_3>>(),
trimesh, spacing);
// How do I set the vertices and indices values?
Please help me on iterating trough the triangles in trimesh and setting the vertices and indices in the code above.

The class Polyhedron_3 is not indexed based so you need to provide a item class with ids like Polyhedron_items_with_id_3. You will then need to call CGAL::set_halfedgeds_items_id(trimesh) to init the ids. If you can't modify the Polyhedron type, then you can use dynamic properties and will need to init the ids.
Note that Surface_mesh is indexed based and no particular handling is needed to get indices.

Based on sloriots code from his answer:
void mesh2GLM(CGAL::Surface_mesh<Kernel::Point_3>& trimesh, std::vector<glm::vec3>& vertices, std::vector<int>& indices) {
std::map<size_t, size_t> meshIndex2Index;
// Loop over all vertices in mesh:
size_t index = 0;
for (Mesh::Vertex_index v : CGAL::vertices(trimesh)) {
CGAL::Epick::Point_3 point = trimesh.point(v);
std::size_t vi = v;
vertices.push_back(glm::vec3(point.x(), point.y(), point.z()));
meshIndex2Index[vi] = index;
// Loop over all triangles (faces):
for (Mesh::Face_index f : faces(trimesh)) {
for (Mesh::Vertex_index v : CGAL::vertices_around_face(CGAL::halfedge(f, trimesh), trimesh)) {
std::size_t vi = v;
size_t index = meshIndex2Index[vi];
Seems to work fine.


How do I access all the pixels for a Raster Source

I am attempting to calculate some statistics for pixel values using openlayers 6.3.1 & I am having an issue iterating over all pixels. I have read the docs for the pixels array that gets passed to the operation callback and it states:
For pixel type operations, the function will be called with an array
of * pixels, where each pixel is an array of four numbers ([r, g, b, a]) in the * range of 0 - 255. It should return a single pixel
I have taken this to mean that the array passed contains all the pixels but everything I do seems to prove that I only get the current pixel to work on.
if(this.rasterSource == null) {
this.rasterSource = new Raster({
sources: [this.imageLayer],
operation: function (pixels, data) {
data['originalPixels'] = pixels;
if(!isSetUp) {
// originalPixels = pixels as number[][];
// const originalPixels = Array.from(pixels as number[][]);
// let originals = generateOriginalHistograms(pixels as number[][]);
isSetUp = true;
// console.log(pixels[0]);
let pixel = pixels[0];
pixel[data['channel']] = data['value'];
return pixel;
lib: {
isSetUp: isSetUp,
numBins: numBins,
// originalPixels: originalPixels,
// originalRed: originalRed,
// originalGreen: originalGreen,
// originalBlue: originalBlue,
generateOriginalHistograms: generateOriginalHistograms,
this.rasterSource.on('beforeoperations', function(event) { = 0; = 255;
this.rasterSource.on('afteroperations', function(event) {
console.debug("After Operations");
I have realised that I cannot pass arrays through the lib object so I have had to stop attempting that. These are the declarations I am currently using:
const numBins = 256;
var isSetUp: boolean = false;
function generateOriginalHistograms(pixels: number[][]) {
let originalRed = new Array(numBins).fill(0);
let originalGreen = new Array(numBins).fill(0);
let originalBlue = new Array(numBins).fill(0);
for(let i = 0; i < numBins; ++i) {
return {red: originalRed, blue: originalBlue, green: originalGreen};
& they are declared outside of the current angular component that I am writing this in. I did have another question on this but I have since realised that I was way off in what I could and couldn't use here;
This now runs and, as it is currently commented will tint the image red. But the value of data['originalPixels'] = pixels; only ever produces one pixel. Can anyone tell me why this is & what I need to do to access the whole pixel array. I have tried to slice & spread the array to no avail. If I uncomment the line // let originals = generateOriginalHistograms(pixels as number[][]); I get an error ​
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
generateOriginalHistograms # blob:http://localhos…a7fa-b5a410582c06:6
(anonymous) # blob:http://localhos…7fa-b5a410582c06:76
(anonymous) # blob:http://localhos…7fa-b5a410582c06:62
(anonymous) # blob:http://localhos…7fa-b5a410582c06:83
& if I uncomment the line // console.log(pixels[0]); I get all the pixel values streaming in the console but quite slowly.
The answer appears to be change the operationType to 'image' and work with the ImageData object.
this.rasterSource = new Raster({
sources: [this.imageLayer],
operationType: "image",
operation: function (pixels, data) {
let imageData = pixels[0] as ImageData;
I now have no issues calculating the stats I need.

Skeletal animation bug with Assimp in DirectX 12

I am using Assimp to load an FBX model with animation (created in Blender) into my DirectX 12 game, but I'm experiencing a very frustrating bug with the animation rendered by the game application.
The test model is a simple 'flagpole' containing four bones like so:
Bone0 -> Bone1 -> Bone2 -> Bone3
The model renders correctly in its rest pose when the keyframe animation is bypassed.
The model also renders and animates properly when the animation rotates the model only by the root bone (Bone0).
However, when importing a model that rotates at the first joint (i.e. at Bone1), the vertices clustered around each joint seem 'stuck' in their original positions, while the vertices surrounding the 'bones' proper appear to follow through with the correct animation.
The result is a crappy zigzag of stretched geometry like so:
Instead the model should resemble an 'allen-key' shape at the end of its animation pose, as shown by the same model rendered in the AssimpViewer utility tool:
Since the model is rendering correctly in AssimpViewer, it's reasonable to assume there are no issues with the FBX file exported by Blender. I then checked and confirmed that the vertices 'stuck' around the joints did indeed have their vertex weights correctly assigned by the game loading code.
The C++ model loading and animation code is based on the popular OGLDev tutorial:
Now the infuriating thing is, since the AssimpViewer tool was correctly rendering the model animation, I also copied in the SceneAnimator and AnimEvaluator classes from that tool to generate the final bone transforms via that code branch as well... only to end up with exactly the same zigzag bug in the game!
I'm reasonably confident there aren't any issues with finding the bone hierarchy structure at initialization, so here are the key functions that traverse the hierarchy and interpolate key frames each frame.
VOID Mesh::ReadNodeHeirarchy(FLOAT animationTime, CONST aiNode* pNode, CONST aiAnimation* pAnim, CONST aiMatrix4x4 parentTransform)
std::string nodeName(pNode->;
// nodeTransform is a relative transform to parent node space
aiMatrix4x4 nodeTransform = pNode->mTransformation;
CONST aiNodeAnim* pNodeAnim = FindNodeAnim(pAnim, nodeName);
if (pNodeAnim)
// Interpolate scaling and generate scaling transformation matrix
aiVector3D scaling(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
CalcInterpolatedScaling(scaling, animationTime, pNodeAnim);
// Interpolate rotation and generate rotation transformation matrix
aiQuaternion rotationQ (1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
CalcInterpolatedRotation(rotationQ, animationTime, pNodeAnim);
// Interpolate translation and generate translation transformation matrix
aiVector3D translat(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
CalcInterpolatedPosition(translat, animationTime, pNodeAnim);
// build the SRT transform matrix
nodeTransform = aiMatrix4x4(rotationQ.GetMatrix());
nodeTransform.a1 *= scaling.x; nodeTransform.b1 *= scaling.x; nodeTransform.c1 *= scaling.x;
nodeTransform.a2 *= scaling.y; nodeTransform.b2 *= scaling.y; nodeTransform.c2 *= scaling.y;
nodeTransform.a3 *= scaling.z; nodeTransform.b3 *= scaling.z; nodeTransform.c3 *= scaling.z;
nodeTransform.a4 = translat.x; nodeTransform.b4 = translat.y; nodeTransform.c4 = translat.z;
aiMatrix4x4 globalTransform = parentTransform * nodeTransform;
if (m_boneMapping.find(nodeName) != m_boneMapping.end())
UINT boneIndex = m_boneMapping[nodeName];
// the global inverse transform returns us to mesh space!!!
m_boneInfo[boneIndex].FinalTransform = m_globalInverseTransform * globalTransform * m_boneInfo[boneIndex].BoneOffset;
//m_boneInfo[boneIndex].FinalTransform = m_boneInfo[boneIndex].BoneOffset * globalTransform * m_globalInverseTransform;
m_shaderTransforms[boneIndex] = aiMatrixToSimpleMatrix(m_boneInfo[boneIndex].FinalTransform);
for (UINT i = 0u; i < pNode->mNumChildren; i++)
ReadNodeHeirarchy(animationTime, pNode->mChildren[i], pAnim, globalTransform);
VOID Mesh::CalcInterpolatedRotation(aiQuaternion& out, FLOAT animationTime, CONST aiNodeAnim* pNodeAnim)
UINT rotationKeys = pNodeAnim->mNumRotationKeys;
// we need at least two values to interpolate...
if (rotationKeys == 1u)
CONST aiQuaternion& key = pNodeAnim->mRotationKeys[0u].mValue;
out = key;
UINT rotationIndex = FindRotation(animationTime, pNodeAnim);
UINT nextRotationIndex = (rotationIndex + 1u) % rotationKeys;
assert(nextRotationIndex < rotationKeys);
CONST aiQuatKey& key = pNodeAnim->mRotationKeys[rotationIndex];
CONST aiQuatKey& nextKey = pNodeAnim->mRotationKeys[nextRotationIndex];
FLOAT deltaTime = FLOAT(nextKey.mTime) - FLOAT(key.mTime);
FLOAT factor = (animationTime - FLOAT(key.mTime)) / deltaTime;
assert(factor >= 0.f && factor <= 1.f);
aiQuaternion::Interpolate(out, key.mValue, nextKey.mValue, factor);
I've just included the rotation interpolation here, since the scaling and translation functions are identical. For those unaware, Assimp's aiMatrix4x4 type follows a column-vector math convention, so I haven't messed with original matrix multiplication order.
About the only deviation between my code and the two Assimp-based code branches I've adopted is the requirement to convert the final transforms from aiMatrix4x4 types into a DirectXTK SimpleMath Matrix (really an XMMATRIX) with this conversion function:
Matrix Mesh::aiMatrixToSimpleMatrix(CONST aiMatrix4x4 m)
return Matrix
(m.a1, m.a2, m.a3, m.a4,
m.b1, m.b2, m.b3, m.b4,
m.c1, m.c2, m.c3, m.c4,
m.d1, m.d2, m.d3, m.d4);
Because of the column-vector orientation of aiMatrix4x4 Assimp matrices, the final bone transforms are not transposed for HLSL consumption. The array of final bone transforms are passed to the skinning vertex shader constant buffer as follows.
commandList->SetPipelineState(m_psoForwardSkinned.Get()); // set PSO
// Update vertex shader with current bone transforms
CONST std::vector<Matrix> transforms = m_assimpModel.GetShaderTransforms();
VSBonePassConstants vsBoneConstants{};
for (UINT i = 0; i < m_assimpModel.GetNumBones(); i++)
// We do not transpose bone matrices for HLSL because the original
// Assimp matrices are column-vector matrices.
vsBoneConstants.boneTransforms[i] = transforms[i];
//vsBoneConstants.boneTransforms[i] = transforms[i].Transpose();
//vsBoneConstants.boneTransforms[i] = Matrix::Identity;
GraphicsResource vsBoneCB = m_graphicsMemory->AllocateConstant(vsBoneConstants);
vsPerObjects.gWorld = m_assimp_world.Transpose(); // vertex shader per object constant
vsPerObjectCB = m_graphicsMemory->AllocateConstant(vsPerObjects);
commandList->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(RootParameterIndex::VSBoneConstantBuffer, vsBoneCB.GpuAddress());
commandList->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(RootParameterIndex::VSPerObjConstBuffer, vsPerObjectCB.GpuAddress());
//commandList->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(RootParameterIndex::ObjectSRV, m_shaderTextureHeap->GetGpuHandle(ShaderTexDescriptors::SuzanneDiffuse));
commandList->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(RootParameterIndex::ObjectSRV, m_shaderTextureHeap->GetGpuHandle(ShaderTexDescriptors::DefaultDiffuse));
for (UINT i = 0; i < m_assimpModel.GetMeshSize(); i++)
commandList->IASetVertexBuffers(0u, 1u, &m_assimpModel.meshEntries[i].GetVertexBufferView());
commandList->DrawIndexedInstanced(m_assimpModel.meshEntries[i].GetIndexCount(), 1u, 0u, 0u, 0u);
Please note I am using the Graphics Resource memory management helper object found in the DirectXTK12 library in the code above. Finally, here's the skinning vertex shader I'm using.
// Luna (2016) lighting model adapted from Moller
#define MAX_BONES 4
// vertex shader constant data that varies per object
cbuffer cbVSPerObject : register(b3)
float4x4 gWorld;
//float4x4 gTexTransform;
// vertex shader constant data that varies per frame
cbuffer cbVSPerFrame : register(b5)
float4x4 gViewProj;
float4x4 gShadowTransform;
// bone matrix constant data that varies per object
cbuffer cbVSBonesPerObject : register(b9)
float4x4 gBoneTransforms[MAX_BONES];
struct VertexIn
float3 posL : SV_POSITION;
float3 normalL : NORMAL;
float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float3 tangentU : TANGENT;
float4 boneWeights : BONEWEIGHT;
uint4 boneIndices : BONEINDEX;
struct VertexOut
float4 posH : SV_POSITION;
//float3 posW : POSITION;
float4 shadowPosH : POSITION0;
float3 posW : POSITION1;
float3 normalW : NORMAL;
float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float3 tangentW : TANGENT;
VertexOut VS_main(VertexIn vin)
VertexOut vout = (VertexOut)0.f;
// Perform vertex skinning.
// Ignore BoneWeights.w and instead calculate the last weight value
// to ensure all bone weights sum to unity.
float4 weights = vin.boneWeights;
//weights.w = 1.f - dot(, float3(1.f, 1.f, 1.f));
//float4 weights = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f };
//weights.x = vin.boneWeights.x;
//weights.y = vin.boneWeights.y;
//weights.z = vin.boneWeights.z;
weights.w = 1.f - (weights.x + weights.y + weights.z);
float4 localPos = float4(vin.posL, 1.f);
float3 localNrm = vin.normalL;
float3 localTan = vin.tangentU;
float3 objPos = mul(localPos, (float4x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.x]).xyz * weights.x;
objPos += mul(localPos, (float4x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.y]).xyz * weights.y;
objPos += mul(localPos, (float4x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.z]).xyz * weights.z;
objPos += mul(localPos, (float4x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.w]).xyz * weights.w;
float3 objNrm = mul(localNrm, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.x]) * weights.x;
objNrm += mul(localNrm, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.y]) * weights.y;
objNrm += mul(localNrm, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.z]) * weights.z;
objNrm += mul(localNrm, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.w]) * weights.w;
float3 objTan = mul(localTan, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.x]) * weights.x;
objTan += mul(localTan, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.y]) * weights.y;
objTan += mul(localTan, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.z]) * weights.z;
objTan += mul(localTan, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.boneIndices.w]) * weights.w;
vin.posL = objPos;
vin.normalL = objNrm; = objTan;
//vin.posL = posL;
//vin.normalL = normalL;
// = tangentL;
// End vertex skinning
// transform to world space
float4 posW = mul(float4(vin.posL, 1.f), gWorld);
vout.posW =;
// assumes nonuniform scaling, otherwise needs inverse-transpose of world matrix
vout.normalW = mul(vin.normalL, (float3x3)gWorld);
vout.tangentW = mul(vin.tangentU, (float3x3)gWorld);
// transform to homogenous clip space
vout.posH = mul(posW, gViewProj);
// pass texcoords to pixel shader
vout.texCoord = vin.texCoord;
//float4 texC = mul(float4(vin.TexC, 0.0f, 1.0f), gTexTransform);
//vout.TexC = mul(texC, gMatTransform).xy;
// generate projective tex-coords to project shadow map onto scene
vout.shadowPosH = mul(posW, gShadowTransform);
return vout;
Some last tests I tried before posting:
I tested the code with a Collada (DAE) model exported from Blender, only to observe the same distorted zigzagging in the Win32 desktop application.
I also confirmed the aiScene object for the loaded model returns an identity matrix for the global root transform (also verified in AssimpViewer).
I have stared at this code for about a week and am going out of my mind! Really hoping someone can spot what I have missed. If you need more code or info, please ask!
This seems to be a bug with the published code in the tutorials / documentation. It would be great if you could open an issue-report here: Assimp-Projectpage on GitHub .
It's taken almost another two weeks of pain, but I finally found the bug. It was in my own code, and it was self-inflicted. Before I show the solution, I should explain the further troubleshooting I did to get there.
After losing faith with Assimp (even though the AssimpViewer tool was animating my model correctly), I turned to the FBX SDK. The FBX ViewScene command line utility tool that's available as part of the SDK was also showing and animating my model properly, so I had hope...
So after a few days reviewing the FBX SDK tutorials, and taking another week to write an FBX importer for my Windows desktop game, I loaded my model and... saw exactly the same zig-zag animation anomaly as the version loaded by Assimp!
This frustrating outcome meant I could at least eliminate Assimp and the FBX SDK as the source of the problem, and focus again on the vertex shader. The shader I'm using for vertex skinning was adopted from the 'Character Animation' chapter of Frank Luna's text. It was identical in every way, which led me to recheck the C++ vertex structure declared on the application side...
Here's the C++ vertex declaration for skinned vertices:
struct Vertex
// added constructors
Vertex() = default;
Vertex(FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z,
FLOAT tx, FLOAT ty, FLOAT tz) :
Pos(x, y, z),
Normal(nx, ny, nz),
TexC(u, v),
Tangent(tx, ty, tz) {}
Vertex(DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 pos,
DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 normal,
DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector2 texC,
DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 tangent) :
Pos(pos), Normal(normal), TexC(texC), Tangent(tangent) {}
DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 Pos;
DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 Normal;
DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector2 TexC;
DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 Tangent;
FLOAT BoneWeights[4];
BYTE BoneIndices[4];
Quite early on, being confused by Luna's use of BYTE to store the array of bone indices, I changed this structure element to UINT, figuring this still matched the input declaration shown here:
static CONST D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC inputElementDescSkinned[] =
Here was the bug. By declaring UINT in the vertex structure for bone indices, four bytes were being assigned to store each bone index. But in the vertex input declaration, the DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT format specified for the "BONEINDEX" was assigning one byte per index. I suspect this data type and format size mismatch was resulting in only one valid bone index being able to fit in the BONEINDEX element, and so only one index value was passed to the vertex shader each frame, instead of the whole array of four indices for correct bone transform lookups.
So now I've learned... the hard way... why Luna had declared an array of BYTE for bone indices in the original C++ vertex structure.
I hope this experience will be of value to someone else, and always be careful changing code from your original learning sources.

Can I use a QPainter to draw a line with a per-vertex color?

I have a custom Qt 5 widget that renders itself using QPainter. I would like to be able to draw a line where each vertex is associated with a different color, and the color is interpolated accordingly along the lines joining the points. Is this possible?
I think you'll need to perform the drawing on a line-by-line basis. Assuming that's acceptable then a QPen initialized with a suitable QLinearGradient should work...
class widget: public QWidget {
using super = QWidget;
explicit widget (QWidget *parent = nullptr)
: super(parent)
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event) override
QPainter painter(this);
* Define the corners of a rectangle lying 10 pixels inside
* the current bounding rect.
int left = 10, right = width() - 10;
int top = 10, bottom = height() - 10;
QPoint top_left(left, top);
QPoint top_right(right, top);
QPoint bottom_right(right, bottom);
QPoint bottom_left(left, bottom);
* Insert the points along with their required colours into
* a suitable container.
QVector<QPair<QPoint, QColor>> points;
points << qMakePair(top_left, Qt::red);
points << qMakePair(top_right, Qt::green);
points << qMakePair(bottom_right, Qt::blue);
points << qMakePair(bottom_left, Qt::black);
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
int e = (i + 1) % points.size();
* Create a suitable linear gradient based on the colours
* required for vertices indexed by i and e.
QLinearGradient gradient;
gradient.setColorAt(0, points[i].second);
gradient.setColorAt(1, points[e].second);
* Set the pen and draw the line.
painter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(gradient), 10.0f));
painter.drawLine(points[i].first, points[e].first);
The above results in something like...
(Note: There may be a better way to achieve this using QPainterPath and QPainterPathStroker but I'm not sure based on the docs. I've looked at.)

Optimized recalculating all pairs shortest path when removing vertexes dynamically from an undirected graph

I use following dijkstra implementation to calculate all pairs shortest paths in an undirected graph. After calling calculateAllPaths(), dist[i][j] contains shortest path length between i and j (or Integer.MAX_VALUE if no such path available).
The problem is that some vertexes of my graph are removing dynamically and I should recalculate all paths from scratch to update dist matrix. I'm seeking for a solution to optimize update speed by avoiding unnecessary calculations when a vertex removes from my graph. I already search for solution and I now there is some algorithms such as LPA* to do this, but they seem very complicated and I guess a simpler solution may solve my problem.
public static void calculateAllPaths()
for(int j=graph.length/2+graph.length%2;j>=0;j--)
public static void calculateAllPathsFromSource(int s)
final boolean visited[] = new boolean[graph.length];
for (int i=0; i<dist.length; i++)
if(i == s)
//visit next node
int next = -1;
int minDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j=0; j<dist[s].length; j++)
if (!visited[j] && dist[s][j] < minDist)
next = j;
minDist = dist[s][j];
if(next == -1)
visited[next] = true;
for(int v=0;v<graph.length;v++)
if(v == next || graph[next][v] == -1)
int md = dist[s][next] + graph[next][v];
if(md < dist[s][v])
dist[s][v] = dist[v][s] = md;
If you know that vertices are only being removed dynamically, then instead of just storing the best path matrix dist[i][j], you could also store the permutation of each such path. Say, instead of dist[i][j] you make a custom class myBestPathInfo, and the array of an instance of this, say myBestPathInfo[i][j], contain members best distance as well as permutation of the best path. Preferably, the best path permutation is described as an ordered set of some vertex objects, where the latter are of reference type and unique for each vertex (however used in several myBestPathInfo instances). Such objects could include a boolean property isActive (true/false).
Whenever a vertex is removed, you traverse through the best path permutations for each vertex-vertex pair, to make sure no vertex has been deactivated. Finally, only for broken paths (deactivated vertices) do you re-run Dijkstra's algorithm.
Another solution would be to solve the shortest path for all pairs using linear programming (LP) techniques. A removed vertex can be easily implemented as an additional constraint in your program (e.g. flow in <=0 and and flow out of vertex <= 0*), after which the re-solving of the shortest path LP:s can use the previous optimal solution as a feasible basic feasible solution (BFS) in the dual LPs. This property holds since adding a constraint in the primal LP is equivalent to an additional variable in the dual; hence, previously optimal primal BFS will be feasible in dual after additional constraints. (on-the-fly starting on simplex solver for LPs).

point light illumination using Phong model

I wish to render a scene that contains one box and a point light source using the Phong illumination scheme. The following are the relevant code snippets for my calculation:
R3Rgb Phong(R3Scene *scene, R3Ray *ray, R3Intersection *intersection)
R3Rgb radiance;
if(intersection->hit == 0)
radiance = scene->background;
return radiance;
// obtain ambient term
... // this is zero for my test
// obtain emissive term
... // this is also zero for my test
// for each light in the scene, obtain calculate the diffuse and specular terms
R3Rgb intensity_diffuse(0,0,0,1);
R3Rgb intensity_specular(0,0,0,1);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); i++)
R3Light *light = scene->Light(i);
R3Rgb light_color = LightIntensity(scene->Light(i), intersection->position);
R3Vector light_vector = -LightDirection(scene->Light(i), intersection->position);
// check if the light is "behind" the surface normal
// calculate diffuse reflection
intensity_diffuse += Kd*normal.Dot(light_vector)*light_color;
// calculate specular reflection
... // this I believe to be irrelevant for the particular test I'm doing
radiance = intensity_diffuse;
return radiance;
R3Rgb LightIntensity(R3Light *light, R3Point position)
R3Rgb light_intensity;
double distance;
double denominator;
if(light->type != R3_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT)
distance = (position-light->position).Length();
denominator = light->constant_attenuation +
(light->linear_attenuation*distance) +
light_intensity = light->color/denominator;
return light_intensity;
R3Vector LightDirection(R3Light *light, R3Point position)
R3Vector light_direction;
light_direction = position - light->position;
return light_direction;
I believe that the error must be somewhere in either LightDirection(...) or LightIntensity(...) functions because when I run my code using a directional light source, I obtain the desired rendered image (thus this leads me to believe that the Phong illumination equation is correct). Also, in Phong(...), when I computed the intensity_diffuse and while debugging, I divided light_color by 10, I was obtaining a resulting image that looked more like what I need. Am I calculating the light_color correctly?
Turned out I had no error. The "final image" I was comparing my results to wasn't computed correctly.