How to use CloudWatch after Control Tower version 3.0 update - amazon-cloudwatch

We have a multi-account setup where we deployed an organizational-level CloudTrail in our root account's Control Tower.
For the newest version of the Control Tower (3.0), AWS introduced Organizational-level CloudTrail, this service deploys a baseline CloudTrail in each of our respective accounts and provides them the ability to send logs to a central CloudWatch location in our Root account and to a central S3 location in our logging account.
We have concerns regarding providing access to the root account just to be able to view the centralized CloudWatch logs.
I have tried setting up Athena in our Logging account so that our team can view the logs in our logging bucket, but that feels like I'm taking an unnecessary detour.
What is the best way to still be able to access the root account's CloudWatch logs without having to be in the root account?
Any advice would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


Expose expiring URL with compressed file

The requirement is:
A technical user creates a DB backup from postgreSQL (pg_dump)
The technical user uploads the file to a bucket in the closes AWS region
the technical user gets an URL that should expire every week
technical user user sends the URL to 2-4 people with little IT knowledge: the non-technical user
non-technical user downloads the file accessing the temporary URL and replace it into a Docker Container Bind Volume local location
AWS technical user doesn't have permissions to generate AIM access key nor secret key
AWS S3 must be used as the organization uses AWS and strategically the purpose will be to have everything centralized in AWS infrastructure
I am following this documentation about presigned object URL
What do you suggest?
I suggest to create Iam user and consume the credentials with an small application (server side). There is Api already created by aws to connect any programming language. Personally I use symfony you have bundles to connect to s3 directly. Under my perspective I recommending you to create a simple interface to upload the backup and provide access to people with roles according to your necessities.

Can we use Cloudformation to define a social provider for Cognito UserPool?

I just successfully went through the Cognito setup through AWS console, which is a manual process. I wanted to code it up next, i.e.,
I wanted to setup and configure my Cognito with Cloudformation config file AWS AWS::Cognito::UserPool. However, I don't see a field that define the open id connect providers (i.e, the Facebook and Google as identity provider).
Is there a way to do so?
I am on the Cognito team and this is not possible at this point. However, it is on our roadmap to bring CloudFormation support up to speed to all the features we have launched recently.

Amazon S3 API OAuth-style access to 3-rd party buckets

I'm a newbie in AWS infrastructure, and I can't figure out how to build auth process which I want.
I want to have something similar to what other cloud storages, like Box, Dropbox, Onedrive have:
developer registeres OAuth app with a set of permissions
client with one click can give a consent for this app to have listed permissions on his own account and it's content, eternally, until consent is deliberately withdrawn
Now, as far as I understand, client should go to console and create a user, create a role for him, then send this user's id and key to my app, which is not that convinient. I'm looking for a most easy and simple way to do that.
I've tested "Login with Amazon" + "Amazon Cognito", but it turned out as a completely opposite mechanism: client should set up Login, link it to Cognito, to provide me one click access.
So, is it even possible? Which is the best way to implement such auth process?
There isn't a way to do what you're trying to do, and I would suggest that there's a conceptual problem with comparing Amazon S3 to Dropbox, Box, or Onedrive -- it's not the same kind of service.
S3 is a service that you could use to build a service like those others (among other purposes, of course).
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, highly-scalable cloud storage.
Note the target audience -- "developers and IT teams" -- not end-users.
Contrast that with Amazon Cloud Drive, another service from Amazon -- but not part of AWS.
The Amazon Cloud Drive API and SDKs for Android and iOS enable your users to access the photos, videos, and documents that they have saved in the Amazon Cloud Drive, and provides you the ability to interact with millions of Amazon customers. Access to the free Amazon Cloud Drive API and SDKs for Android and iOS enable you to place your own creative spin on how users upload, view, edit, download, and organize their digital content using your app.
The only way for your app to access your app's user's bucket would be for the user to configure and provide your app with a key and secret, or to configure their bucket policy to allow the operation by your app's credentials, or to create an IAM role and allow your app to assume it on their behalf, or something similar within the authentication and authorization mechanisms in AWS... none of which sound like a good idea.
There's no OAuth mechanism for allowing access to resources in an AWS account.

When using S3 in AWS, how do you manage access to specific images?

I am developing image server through S3 in AWS(Amazon Web Service) but i should solve the management issue
What i mean is that end user should be able to specific images in S3
For that, i am thinking about IAM(Identity access management) for allowing some users to access specific images.
What i want to know is that whether there is other solutions or not.
Actually, i have found about cognito but unfortunately cognito is supported in only 2 regions....
If you have a good idea, please give me explanation thank you
Unfortunately there is nothing in the suite of AWS services that fits your use case 100%.
While Amazon Cognito is only available in 2 regions, this does not restrict you to accessing S3 from only those 2 regions with credentials vended from the service. You could Amazon Cognito and IAM roles to define a policy that would allow for limited permissions to a set of files based on the prefix. However, at the current time, role policies would allow you to restrict access to 2 classes of files:
"Public files" - files accessible via all identities in your pool.
"Private files" - files accessible only to a specific identity in your pool.
If you wanted to support restricting access to specific files to specific users in your application you would need to handle this through a backend application that would proxy the access to the files in S3.

How can I create IAM Roles for Amazon EC2?

I am exploring IAM Roles. I am wondering how roles can be accessed on behalf of a user on EC2.
Any help is highly appreciated.
You usually do not have to do anything special after launching an EC2 instance with an IAM Role for Amazon EC2 (I figure from your duplicate questions, that you've already done this), conceptually all you have to do are the following steps:
create an IAM role for EC2
configure IAM policies for that role to match your use case
launch an EC2 isntance with your IAM role
use IAM role aware tools, which will pick up the credentials from the role automatically
Let me stress the last aspect again: you do not need to do anything but configure the required IAM credentials on the role and IAM role aware tools will pick the resulting credentials up automatically from the EC2 instance metadata!
If you really must (but you shouldn't, see next paragraph), you could do the same yourself as explained in Retrieving Security Credentials from Instance Metadata.
In particular, you should use AWS only by one of the following means for everything but highly special use cases:
Command Line Usage
Unix/Linux/Windows - use the AWS Command Line Interface, which is a unified tool to manage your AWS services.
see Option #3 within AWS Credentials regarding the IAM role support
Windows only - use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell , which lets developers and administrators manage their AWS services from the Windows PowerShell scripting environment.
see section IAM Roles for EC2 Instances and the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell within AWS Credentials regarding the IAM role support
Programmatic Usage
Use the appropriate AWS SDK for your language of choice, see Tools for Amazon Web Services for an extensive listing of what's available.
see each SDK's documentation for details regarding the IAM role support (again, it will just work once you have implemented steps 1-3 above correctly).