How to return a Hash/Raku object from native call? - raku

I am writing a library that uses NativeCall, it would be very convenient for me to be able to return a Raku Hash from an exported function. How can I do this?
For example, in Ruby, if I wanted to return a Hash from C, I would do something like:
#include "ruby.h"
VALUE make_hash() {
VALUE hash = rb_hash_new();
return hash;
I am interested to see if this can be done, I was thinking that maybe I would need to use a MoarVM header or something. But I'm not sure.
What I'm trying to do is write a C function that takes in a String does some stuff, then returns a Raku hash.

it would be very convenient for me to be able to return a Raku Hash from an exported function
A workaround could be to let the C function return a struct with key and values and then write a Raku wrapper that converts that into a Raku hash like this:
use v6;
use NativeCall;
constant LIB = ('./');
class HInfo is repr('CStruct') is export {
has Str $.key1;
has num64 $.value1;
has Str $.key2;
has num64 $.value2;
sub foo_(Str--> HInfo) is native(LIB) is symbol('foo') { * }
sub foo(Str $str --> Hash) {
my HInfo $hinfo = foo_($str);
my %h;
%h{$hinfo.key1} = $hinfo.value1;
%h{$hinfo.key2} = $hinfo.value2;
return %h;
my %h = foo("bar");
dd %h;

I have done roughly this for Rust over here (this is a collection of some Raku-Rust Nativecall code examples, not a module)...
First the raku:
## Rust FFI Omnibus: Objects
class ZipCodeDatabase is repr('CPointer') {
sub zip_code_database_new() returns ZipCodeDatabase is native($n-path) { * }
sub zip_code_database_free(ZipCodeDatabase) is native($n-path) { * }
sub zip_code_database_populate(ZipCodeDatabase) is native($n-path) { * }
sub zip_code_database_population_of(ZipCodeDatabase, Str is encoded('utf8'))
returns uint32 is native($n-path) { * }
method new {
submethod DESTROY { # Free data when the object is garbage collected.
method populate {
method population_of( Str \zip ) {
zip_code_database_population_of(self, zip);
my \database =;
my \pop1 = database.population_of('90210');
my \pop2 = database.population_of('20500');
say pop1 - pop2;
Then the Rust:
// Rust FFI Omnibus: Objects
pub struct ZipCodeDatabase {
population: HashMap<String, u32>,
impl ZipCodeDatabase {
fn new() -> ZipCodeDatabase {
ZipCodeDatabase {
population: HashMap::new(),
fn populate(&mut self) {
for i in 0..100_000 {
let zip = format!("{:05}", i);
self.population.insert(zip, i);
fn population_of(&self, zip: &str) -> u32 {
pub extern "C" fn zip_code_database_new() -> *mut ZipCodeDatabase {
pub extern "C" fn zip_code_database_free(ptr: *mut ZipCodeDatabase) {
if ptr.is_null() {
unsafe {
pub extern "C" fn zip_code_database_populate(ptr: *mut ZipCodeDatabase) {
let database = unsafe {
&mut *ptr
pub extern "C" fn zip_code_database_population_of(
ptr: *const ZipCodeDatabase,
zip: *const c_char,
) -> u32 {
let database = unsafe {
let zip = unsafe {
let zip_str = zip.to_str().unwrap();
Obviously the C side of affairs will need to be quite different, but hopefully this gives enough clues.

As someone suggested, this is best done with a wrapper function. First things first though, what kind of value are you returning from C?
Your best bet is to return a CStruct.


How do I return a Result containing every error from an iterator of Results, not just the first one?

I'm trying to implement a simple interpreter in Rust, for which I have created a Tokens struct, which takes source characters and produces either a Token or a ScanError inside a Result:
pub struct Tokens<'src> {
chars: Chars<'src>,
impl<'src> Iterator for Tokens<'src> {
type Item = Result<Token, ScanError>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Token, ScanError>> {
// ...
Since Result implements FromIterator, it is simple to collect the result to either the first ScanError or a vector of Tokens:
fn scan_tokens(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, ScanError> {
let iter = Tokens {
chars: source.chars(),
In the case of multiple errors I really want to return every error:
fn scan_tokens(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Vec<ScanError>> {
// what goes here?
It isn't possible as far as I know to implement my own version of FromIterator because neither that trait or Result are local to my crate. Can anyone suggest a clean way of doing this?
I have written an implementation using partition on the iterator, then unwrapping each Result, below, but it's not fun to read and doesn't feel like good use of iterators:
type T = Vec<Result<Token, ScanError>>;
fn scan_tokens(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Vec<ScanError>> {
let iter = Tokens {
chars: source.chars(),
let (tokens_results, error_results): (T, T) = iter.partition(|result| result.is_ok());
let errors: Vec<ScanError> = error_results
.map(|result| result.unwrap_err())
if errors.len() > 0 {
return Err(errors);
.map(|result| result.unwrap())
unwrapping each Result
I would use itertools' partition_map to avoid the need to unwrap:
use itertools::{Either, Itertools}; // 0.8.0
fn iterator() -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<i32, bool>> {
vec![Ok(1), Err(false), Ok(2), Err(true), Ok(3)].into_iter()
fn example() -> Result<Vec<i32>, Vec<bool>> {
let (values, errors): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = iterator().partition_map(|v| match v {
Ok(v) => Either::Left(v),
Err(e) => Either::Right(e),
if errors.is_empty() {
} else {
See also:
What's the most idiomatic way of working with an Iterator of Results?
How do I stop iteration and return an error when Iterator::map returns a Result::Err?
How do I perform iterator computations over iterators of Results without collecting to a temporary vector?
You could also use the fact that Option and Result implement IntoIterator to avoid the exact unwrap, although this still processes one collection twice:
fn example2() -> Result<Vec<i32>, Vec<bool>> {
let (values, errors): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = iterator().partition(|result| result.is_ok());
if errors.is_empty() {
} else {
See also:
Why does `Option` support `IntoIterator`?
An imperative solution is often the most expressive and efficient way to implement some algorithm. It's Rust, not Haskell; not everything needs to be functional.
fn scan_tokens(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Vec<ScanError>> {
let iter = Tokens {
chars: source.chars(),
let mut tokens = Vec::new();
let mut errors = Vec::new();
for result in iter {
match result {
Ok(token) => {
Err(e) => {
if errors.is_empty() {
} else {

How can I return an iterator over a locked struct member in Rust?

Here is as far as I could get, using rental, partly based on How can I store a Chars iterator in the same struct as the String it is iterating on?. The difference here is that the get_iter method of the locked member has to take a mutable self reference.
I'm not tied to using rental: I'd be just as happy with a solution using reffers or owning_ref.
The PhantomData is present here just so that MyIter bears the normal lifetime relationship to MyIterable, the thing being iterated over.
I also tried changing #[rental] to #[rental(deref_mut_suffix)] and changing the return type of MyIterable.get_iter to Box<Iterator<Item=i32> + 'a> but that gave me other lifetime errors originating in the macro that I was unable to decipher.
extern crate rental;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub struct MyIterable {}
impl MyIterable {
// In the real use-case I can't remove the 'mut'.
pub fn get_iter<'a>(&'a mut self) -> MyIter<'a> {
MyIter {
marker: PhantomData,
pub struct MyIter<'a> {
marker: PhantomData<&'a MyIterable>,
impl<'a> Iterator for MyIter<'a> {
type Item = i32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<i32> {
use std::sync::Mutex;
rental! {
mod locking_iter {
pub use super::{MyIterable, MyIter};
use std::sync::MutexGuard;
pub struct LockingIter<'a> {
guard: MutexGuard<'a, MyIterable>,
iter: MyIter<'guard>,
use locking_iter::LockingIter;
impl<'a> Iterator for LockingIter<'a> {
type Item = i32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
struct Access {
shared: Mutex<MyIterable>,
impl Access {
pub fn get_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Box<Iterator<Item = i32> + 'a> {
Box::new(LockingIter::new(self.shared.lock().unwrap(), |mi| {
fn main() {
let access = Access {
shared: Mutex::new(MyIterable {}),
let iter = access.get_iter();
let contents: Vec<i32> = iter.take(2).collect();
println!("contents: {:?}", contents);
As user rodrigo has pointed out in a comment, the solution is simply to change #[rental] to #[rental_mut].

Wrong number of lifetime parameters when using a modified `Chars` iterator

I want to implement the IntoIterator trait for a struct containing a String. The iterator is based on the chars() iterator, is supposed to count the '1' chars and accumulate the result. This is a simplified version of what I got so far:
use std::iter::Map;
use std::str::Chars;
fn main() {
let str_struct = StringStruct { system_string: String::from("1101") };
for a in str_struct {
println!("{}", a);
struct StringStruct {
system_string: String
impl IntoIterator for StringStruct {
type Item = u32;
type IntoIter = Map<Chars, Fn(char) -> u32>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
let count = 0;
return self.system_string.chars().map(|c| match c {
Some('1') => {
count += 1;
return Some(count);
Some(chr) => return Some(count),
None => return None
Expected output: 1, 2, 2, 3
This fails with:
error[E0107]: wrong number of lifetime parameters: expected 1, found 0
--> src/
17 | type IntoIter = Map<Chars, Fn(char) -> u32>;
| ^^^^^ expected 1 lifetime parameter
The chars iterator should have the same lifetime as the StringStruct::system_string, but I have no idea how to express this or if this approach is viable at all.
To answer the question you asked, I'd recommend to impl IntoIterator for &StringStruct (a reference to a StringStruct instead of the struct directly). The code would look like this:
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a StringStruct {
type Item = u32;
type IntoIter = Map<Chars<'a>, Fn(char) -> u32>;
// ...
However, you will notice many more errors that have a different origin afterwards. The next error that pops up is that Fn(char) -> u32 does not have a constant size at compile time.
The problem is that you try to name the type of your closure by writing Fn(char) -> u32. But this is not the type of your closure, but merely a trait which is implemented by the closure. The type of a closure can't be named (sometimes called "Voldemort type").
This means that, right now, you can't specify the type of a Map<_, _> object. This is a known issue; the recently accepted impl Trait-RFC might offer a workaround for cases like this. But right now, it's not possible, sorry.
So how to solve it then? You need to create your own type that implements Iterator and use it instead of Map<_, _>. Note that you can still use the Chars iterator. Here is the full solution:
struct StringStructIter<'a> {
chars: Chars<'a>,
count: u32,
impl<'a> Iterator for StringStructIter<'a> {
type Item = u32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|c| {
if c == '1' {
self.count += 1;
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a StringStruct {
type Item = u32;
type IntoIter = StringStructIter<'a>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
StringStructIter {
chars: self.system_string.chars(),
count: 0,
fn main() {
let str_struct = StringStruct { system_string: String::from("1101") };
for a in &str_struct {
println!("{}", a);
And just a small note: an explicit return when not necessary is considered bad style in Rust. Better stick to rule and write idiomatic code by removing return whenever possible ;-)

Return an arbitrary Encodable from a match expression?

I have a match expression than can return several (builtin and custom) types, which will ultimately be serialized to JSON and returned from a web request. I would prefer to avoid repeating the serialization code or making a string copy in each match arm.
Each arm returns an Encodable; however, it seems that Encodable is not object-safe, so I cannot make a pointer to it.
Edit: Due to changes in Rust, the question has gone from "Is this a good way to do this?" to "How can I do this at all?" (This is with version rustc 1.0.0-nightly (ed530d7a3 2015-01-16 22:41:16 +0000))
extern crate "rustc-serialize" as rustc_serialize;
use rustc_serialize::{json, Encodable};
struct Valid {
value: u32
struct Error {
error: &'static str // '
fn main() {
let valid = true;
let result = match valid {
true => Box::new(Valid { value: 42 }) as Box<Encodable>,
false => Box::new(Error { error: "bork" }) as Box<Encodable>
let mut buf = String::new();
result.encode(&mut json::Encoder::new(&mut buf)).unwrap();
println!("{}", buf);
error: cannot convert to a trait object because trait `rustc-serialize::serialize::Encodable` is not object-safe [E0038]
There are 2 ways in which traits can be used in Rust:
As bounds in generic functions (static dispatch)
As trait objects, behind pointers (dynamic dispatch)
Because Encodable is not object-safe, we can't use dynamic dispatch, because the compiler doesn't allow us to create a pointer to an Encodable.
Therefore, we have to use static dispatch. To do this, I've moved the code that works on the Encodable to a new, generic function, and called it from each arm.
extern crate "rustc-serialize" as rustc_serialize;
use rustc_serialize::{json, Encodable};
struct Valid {
value: u32
struct Error {
error: &'static str // '
fn do_encode<E: Encodable>(e: E) -> () {
let mut buf = String::new();
e.encode(&mut json::Encoder::new(&mut buf)).unwrap();
println!("{}", buf);
fn main() {
let is_valid = true;
match is_valid {
true => do_encode(Valid { value: 42 }),
false => do_encode(Error { error: "bork" }),

Rust: Create an Iterator out of Default and Succ?

I have the following code in a repo:
impl<Id> IdAllocator<Id> where
Id : Clone + Default + Add<u32, Id>,
pub fn new() -> IdAllocator<Id> {
IdAllocator {
next: Default::default()
// Produce an Id that hasn't been produced yet by this object.
pub fn allocate(&mut self) -> Id {
let ret =; = + 1;
But it seems a little clumsy, especially since the Add instance is only used as a succ function (generating the next value in sequence). Is there some Succ class I can use? And if so, is there already some Iterator construction somewhere in the standard library that already does this Default+Succ pattern?
No, unfortunately, there is no Succ-like thing in the standard library. The closest thing you can find is range() family of iterators, however, it uses Add and One numeric traits to generate items. You can do it this way (the idea is basically the same as yours, but this version is slightly more generic due to One trait usage):
use std::num::One;
use std::default::Default;
struct IdAllocator<T> {
current: T
impl<T: Default> IdAllocator<T> {
pub fn new() -> IdAllocator<T> {
IdAllocator {
current: Default::default()
impl<T: Add<T, T>+One+Clone> Iterator<T> for IdAllocator<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
let next = self.current + One::one();
self.current = next.clone();
fn main() {
let a = IdAllocator::<uint>::new();
for i in a.take(10) {
println!("{}", i);
(try it here)