I am working on updating a VB.net project to use Option Strict On throughout and seeing this error:
BC32013 Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity.
However when I try it the code does not work.
If (dtg_FieldSelector.Rows.Item(m_int_SelectedRow).Cells(0).Value = txt_FieldIndex.Text) Then
you need to stringify the datagrid value as it is Object and Strict on forbids the comparison of two different datatypes
If (dtg_FieldSelector.Rows.Item(m_int_SelectedRow).Cells(0).Value.ToString() = txt_FieldIndex.Text) Then
Is there a difference between using 'As' keyword and the '=' operator in vb.net?
Using aThing As New Thing()
End Using
' OR
Using aThing = New Thing()
End Using
There will be no effective difference if you have Option Infer On. If you have Option Infer Off then the first snippet will always result in a variable of type Thing while the second snippet will fail to compile with Option Strict On and result in a variable of type Object with Option Strict Off.
The first code snippet is explicit in its typing of the variable so it will be the type you specify regardless of what settings you have for Option Strict and Option Infer. The second code snippet is not explicit about the type so that type must be determined implicitly by the compiler. With Option Infer On, the type Thing can be inferred from the initialising statement. With Option Infer Off, the type will default to Object and late-binding must be used, which is not allowed with Option Strict On.
It's worth noting that your original question isn't really valid because it's actually not a case of using As or =. This:
Using aThing As New Thing()
is actually just a shorthand for this:
Using aThing As Thing = New Thing()
so you're actually using = either way and the choice is just whether or not to provide an As clause. An As clause is required with Option Strict On unless you also have Option Infer On and the type can be inferred from the initialising statement. If there is no initialising statement or the type of that statement is different to the type you want the variable to be then an As clause is required to tell the compiler the type of the variable that it cannot infer for itself.
Compare weirdness when working with LINQ and Entity Framework.
I want to retrieve an ID from my DB and I get this weird message.
I could simply fix it as you can see but I want to understand why this happens.
Why do I get this error message even if I check with "HasValue" or I use "FirstOrDefault"? It can't be null in my opinion but I obviously miss something.
Add .Value if you are 100% sure the Integer? has a value.
Why do I get this error message even if I check with "HasValue"
Entity Framework just uses the objects you give it. It can't create a new object where OPX_ isn't nullable.
the setOpxRights function presumably takes an Integer as a parameter and Option Strict On won't allow an Integer? to be implicitly converted to an Integer. If you are sure that it will always have a value, pass in cctUser.OPX_Rechte.Value
The compiler is not perfect, we can see that OPX_Rechte will have a value because of the where statment, but for the compiler you are just using a the object cctUser that have an Integer? and it needs an Integer.
I've been happily writing code like this:
For idtArticles = 0 To dtArticles.Rows.Count - 1
and this:
If request.QueryString.HasKeys() Then
For Each parameter In request.QueryString.AllKeys
requestVars.Add(parameter, request.QueryString(parameter))
And suddenly it won't compile and giving errors
Error 34 'idtArticles' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to
its protection level. ..userAccountModel.vb
Which assuming I can't go back to my lazy ways is fine to edit as
For idtArticles as Integer
But I don't know for exampple what the Request collection would be declared as..
Error 39 'Parameter' is a type and cannot be used as an
expression. ..userAccountModel.vb
How can I make it go back to not caring? Also if not, what shall I DIM that Parameter as?
I've checked and Option Strict is OFF. In Tools.. Default Project Settings.
From Microsoft Doc on Option Infer Statement:
When you set Option Infer to On, you can declare local variables
without explicitly stating a data type. The compiler infers the data
type of a variable from the type of its initialization expression.
I would try this at the top of your code file:
Option Infer On
Or, alternatively you can change this on My Project -> Compile - Option Infer, right under Option strict!
I'm turning On Option Strict on all project in my newly inherited VB.NET application. I'm mostly adding alot of CStr, CBool, CType statements to get rid of all the compile errors.
Dim x As String = someObject
dim val As SomeEnumType = 1
Dim x As String = CStr(someObject) ' Not .ToString() because someObject could be Nothing
Dim val As SomeEnumType = CType(1, SomeEnumType)
I'm doing everything pretty much by hand one error at a time and have a test application to test the Nothing, ... bordercases.
But is it possible I'm missing something that is going to generate exceptions at runtime?
And what kind of code is being generated due to Option Strict? Is it just some conversions that are going to be added or does OptionStrict do other things aswell?
Option Strict On does not generate any extra code, it merely tells the compiler to generate errors when your vb.net statements are relying on implicit type conversions. Like assigning an object to a string. What you've written in your snippet is exactly what the compiler does with Option Strict Off so no extra code is generated by your type conversion operators.
But of course, there's always a non-zero chance that you use the wrong conversion and break the existing code. You'll have to do what's always required when you make changes to code, you'll have to re-test it.
I have a Linq query that yields anonymous types. However, now I want to work with the parameters of this anonymous type and it does not seem to work.
For Each obj As Object in Query
Dim row As DataRow = obj.parameter
Next obj
Now the compiler throws an error on the expression obj.parameter: "Option Strict On disallows late binding". If I understand it right, the compiler doesnt know the parameters of the anonymous type. I tried Option Infer On (and removed As Object), based on Google results, but it didnt help. Which seems to make sense, because it always seems to be a widening conversion to me.
Is there anyway to fix this, or should I just create a custom type?
The code that declares the anonymous type (i.e. the Select part of your LINQ query) must be in the same method as the the code that uses it and the Query variable's declaration must have an inferred type. You cannot access the properties of an anonymous type after it has been cast to an Object since there is no named type to which you can cast it.
So make sure that your LINQ query (or, at least, the part that Selects into a new anonymous type) is in the same method. E.g.
Dim Query = From prod In products
Select prod.Name, prod.Price
For Each obj in Query
Dim name = obj.Name
Next obj