How to read the AWS secrets to karate-configuration file - karate

Created secrets in AWS secret manager. Not sure how to read the secretes to the karate configuration file.
retrieving the secrets from AWS secrete Manager.


Use AWS KMS for encrypt/decrypt secrets in spring-cloud-config server

How to make use of KMS for encrypting and decrypting secrets in the spring cloud config server?

How to access AWS S3 bucket from digital ocean server without access key and secret key

We are planning to continuously generate logs moving from the digital ocean Server to AWS S3 Bucket without access key and secret key
I don't think you can access S3 like that

Can Flink send files with sink specific S3 Server Side Encryption Headers?

Trying to send records to Amazon S3 with Flink: however these records need to be sent with an AES256 SSE header to request server side encryption
see aws documentation:
If you need server-side encryption for all of the objects that are stored in a bucket, use a bucket policy. For example, the following bucket policy denies permissions to upload an object unless the request includes the x-amz-server-side-encryption header to request server-side encryption:
Is this something that can be set for specific file sinks? have not found any documentation on the matter and beginning to think a forwarding lambda will be needed to transform the data.

How do I store and retrieve signing credentials for IdentityServer4 deployed to Kubernetes?

I'm in the process of implementing IdentityServer4 into my ASP.NET Core web application, which will be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster using Continuous Deployment.
The documentation talks about adding signing credentials (AddSigningCredential) and most tutorials/guides demonstrate how to use this by loading a .pfx file from the file system, or by using the local certificate store and searching by the subject name.
Is there a commonly accepted way of storing, retrieving and rotating the signing credentials when deployed to a Kubernetes cluster with minimal intervention?
I think using a secret is the best option in Kubernetes.
K8s have a secret kind that can be deployed with other ressource, here is a link to the official doc:
Or you could also use another secret manager , like Vault.
If I am not mistaken , I think it's the best practice.

Store Vault secrets in S3 bucket

I am trying to store the Vault kv in an AWS S3 bucket.
I deployed Vault in Kubernetes using Helm and also enabled the Kubernetes auth methods.
In the Helm chart values.yaml I have all the credentials required for S3,
access_key: "AWS-ACCESS-KEY"
secret_key: "AWS-SECRET-KEY"
bucket: "AWS-BUCKET"
region: "eu-central-1"
If I use this configuration locally then it works.
Can somebody please provide any working examples for this.
Any help is appreciated.