How to convert a chart to a dataset/csv - dataframe

does anybody know a reliable way to convert charts to a dataset (csv, pandas, ...)? I only have the png of the chart below but need the dataset to plot the chart on my own.
Thanks in advance!

You could try this web based tool to extract numerical data from plot images: WebPlotDigitizer. Tool allows you to upload images with plots/graphs, select data points of interest and download them into csv format.
You could also install it on your desktop: WebPlotDigitizer


Using a Pre-Made PDF for jsPDF

I am using jsPDF to build my PDFs in my Quasar/Electron app. I have PDFs that I need to use as the base for the output, and I would love to be able to use that instead of building the whole PDF line by line. Does anyone know if this is possible?
This is an example of the PDF I need to use:
Score Sheet
I need to fill in the various details such as Call Name, Breed, etc. I'm not sure if it's possible to specify the exact position of the data while using the pre-made PDF.
Thanks for help!

Nvidia digits object detection own dataset

According to information on the Nvidia website Digits uses datatasets in Kitti format. Is there possibilty in Digits or in external application to prepare such dataset or I will have to write it on my own?
I would like to simply draw bounding boxes on the displayed image and then have it converted to txt appropiate txt file.
Thanks in advance!
Yep, you can use one of the available solutions for bounding box annotations eg. RectLabel, save the annotations in Pascal VOC format and then transform it to Kitti using one of the freely available converters, eg: VOD Converter

How to make nice pdf out of jupyter file?

I am supposed to create pdf documents that contain math expression and graph images.
Until now my work flow was using matlab to draw the plots, export them into jpg, put them into OpenOffice / Word document describe how I get those plots trough math equations and finally export to pdf.
Recently I have found julia ( replacement for matlab ) and jupyter ( replacement for Word ).
Jupyter is awesome but the export to PDF is lacking some features :
Hide code cell. ( I don't want to show the code I used to generate those graphs. )
Hide output of code cell. ( I don't want to show output of using Plots; plotlyjs() )
Hide the IN [...] and OUT [...] annotations.
Increase space size between lines.
I hope there is some easy way to do this. Otherwise I will have to go back to Word and Matlab.
Thank you!
You might want to consider investing some time learning how to use the nbconvert tool that comes with jupyter notebook. It supports multiple output formats including PDF and also supports custom templates. For example see this older post for an example of hiding code input and only showing output.

Will PDFToImage Extract embedded images also - pdfbox?

Would PDFToImage command do the image extraction also ?
I want to convert the PDF files To Image (PDFBOX)
I am using PDFToImage command for pdf to image file conversion,but i'm missing All Embedded images in PDF when I ran PDFToImage.
Or Do I need to Run Extract Images separately to extract images from PDFFiles?
Is there any other way to Achieve this ???
thanks in advance ...
PDFToImage is converting PDF pages into images and output one image per page.
You are looking for ExtractImages which extracts all embedded images of a PDF document.
More information about ExtractImages can be found there:
To answer your question more specifically, these two programs do different things. You can recode a single one that gathers the two functionalities, or run them separately.

Is it possible to make a Telerik report based on an existing PDF?

I have a lengthy PDF time tracking document that was printed out and used in a paper process to schedule appointments. Now this paper process is being converted to an online application and this application needs to generate reports in the same format as the PDF document (this time programatically inserting values into rows instead of having someone write them on the piece of paper).
My question is this, is possible to somehow import the layout of that PDF document into Telerik reporter's designer? Otherwise, is there some sort of an intermediary tool that I can use to make the layout more exportable?
Just to clarify, I am not trying to save my reports as PDF but trying to use a given PDF's layout to create a similar looking report in Telerik.
Any tips would be very welcome.
Thank you very much!
There are numerous tools for extracting text or images from pdf files, but I am pretty sure nothing exists to extract the layout of a pdf. The pdf format is just text and symbols with coordinates. There is no layout to extract.