How to create a list which sorts its self like games with the animation - flutter-dependencies

I am creating a game in flutter in which I want to create my leader board page in which I want to achieve the list like Reorderable widget but in that we drag the tile manually but I need to get it automate ,it should elevate and lower another tiles same animation like Reorderable list but it should be automated
I hope I will find some solution with large community

You can take a look at the AnimatedList in Flutter:
When a new value is inserted (or removed), it is automatically animated (and you can of course customize this animation to suit your needs).
I'm not sure how you would handle moving an item from one place to the next in the list, though.
I found this other SO thread which mentions the great_list_view package, in which you can just update your underlying list (with the new score, or sort it again) and it will automatically animate it for you. That sounds like a good option, and the package has recently been updated and has a decent amount of likes on pub.


Running Text as Breaking News animation in React-Native?

I'm new in React-Native Animation.
I want to create Running Text like Running Text in Breaking News.
Appreciate for any help.
I don't know whether you want to create the animation on your own or just use existing components. If you just need the animation, try importing components like react-native-marquee or react-native-marquee-label.
If you want to understand how it's done and want to implement it yourself, just have a look at the source codes of those projects, e. g. this one.

Editing Video Effects panel on VLC for Mac

Ok so this question is actually in two parts.
I coded a video filter for VLC and I would like to add a control to the Video Effects panel on the OS X UI. So far I've been able to link my plugin the the UI by hijacking one of the existing controls, but this isn't ideal.
Now, if I open up the Xcode project (I'm running Xcode 6.3.1) and try to open the VideoEffect.xib file, I get the following error:
I tried to google this but it sounds like the only alternative would be to play archaeologist and dig up an old copy of Xcode 3. Is there any other way to be able to open this file and edit it somehow? I tried to look at the XML code but if I started to change that I'd do more damage than good.
The second thing I'd like to do is sending back values from the effect module to the UI. At the moment (by hijacking one of the existing sliders), all I can do is read a value from the panel with
config_ChainParse(p_filter, FILTER_PREFIX, ppsz_filter_options, p_filter->p_cfg);
p_filter->p_sys->i_factor = var_CreateGetIntegerCommand(p_filter, FILTER_PREFIX "factor");
and then, inside the callback function:
p_sys->i_factor = VLC_CLIP( newval.i_int, 0, 255 );
However, I haven't been able to write back the value. I'd like the filter to set p_sys->i_factor to a random value at start. This works (using var_SetInteger()), but it isn't reflected in the position of the slider in the Video Effect panel. I suspect I need to hack a bit deeper for that. Any ideas?
Regarding your first question with the xib-file. Consider downloading and using our forthcoming 3.0 code from git:// - it allows editing of said file without Xcode 3.
Regarding your second question, why would you want your video filter to interfere with the UI? This is not how the architecture of VLC works and there is no correct way to do it at this point. You would need to edit the core to do another global variable callback to ask the UI to reload the presented filter configuration.
Perhaps, if you give details about what your filter does and what you want to achieve, we find a more supported way :)

ListView bound to storage files with grouping capabilities in WinJS

I would like to replicate the song view of the Music app, in my Windows 8 Metro app using WinJS.
I'm using a StorageDataSource to load files from the music library in a list view. This works well, now I'd like to group music files by some property (ex.: album).
StorageDataSource does not support grouping, so I'm looking for tips on how to go at this. It has to be efficient as the user can have many items in the library, but I don't need it to auto-update when new files are added/removed (though it would be nice).
My current understanding is that I need to build 2 custom data sources:
One or the itemDataSource of the ListView, and is a wrapper around StorageDataSource. Ex.: the getItemsFromIndex implementation queries the underlying dataSource for its items that it wraps in a literal. I can't just set the StorageDataSource as its objects are immutable.
One for the groupDataSource of the listView. I build it manually once when the app loads, by iterating over my first StorageDataSource and determining how many groups I have, and where each one starts in terms of itemDataSource indexes.
It works, but I wonder if there's a better way. It also seems impossible to have groups in a ListLayout and it forces items to be displayed horizontally.
Does anyone have tips for the high level view of what's required here? Thanks.
First, you are correct that if you are using a list layout that grouping isn't supported; its only supported in the Grid layout. You could choose to insert fake data items for the groups that you could style as you needed using a custom item template rendering function.
The rest of your stuff will require some learning I suggest you take a look at the ListView samples to really understand the ins and outs of the data source API.
One option is to let the ListView calculate them for you by supplying the computerDataSourceGroups function:
The other option is that the StorageDataSource source is right the for you to look at; adding grouping to this as a raw datasource may in fact be your most efficient and maintainable solution. It will hopefully allow you to continue to leverage the virtualization of the listview without causing the data source to de virtualized. You should find the source in the references node in VS, in ui.js.

progress bars for portfolio items

I'm looking to create a custom roadmap app using Portfolio items.
I think this will be pretty straightforward, but I would very much like to incorporate the % done bars that portfolio items have into my tables.
Since these are not part of the SDK, is it possible to get the javascript that will have the same look and feel as when the % done bars are displayed in the custom grids, along with the warnings etc for stories that don't have estimates?
I would wait on trying to re-implement the percent done bars in your custom app. We are feverishly working on the second edition of our SDK and the percent bar is currently a part of that release.
As a side note recreating the algorithm that colors the cards would be a pain and I would wait for us to complete the new SDK with the component. It is surprising how many edge cases there are in that one little bar.

Getting the screen position of a non-view based NSStatusItem

My application makes use of an NSStatusItem. I need to grab the screen coordinates for the status item, but since I have no need for the functionality offered by setting a custom view for the item I am using a standard icon-based one instead.
Is there a way to get the status item's position without having to resort to setting a custom view to it?
Unless you find a better way, you could use some undocumented API: - (id)_window of NSStatusItem probably returns the window enclosing the item itself. Maybe you can get some interesting information out of that?
Beware: Some fundamentalists might actually try to break your neck for using undocumented API. Just make sure you check regularly if this portion of your code works with newer OS versions (either by hand or using some unit tests).