Does a connection bounce causes Redis queue flush? - redis

my php application is containerized. When the container/application bounces i.e, Redis connection bounces does it cause flushing of redis queue contents? Or, will it reset the resis queue?
I did not try a test yet.


ServiceStack Redis Mq: is eventual consistency an issue?

I'm looking at turning a monolith application into a microservice-oriented application and in doing so will need a robust messaging system for interprocesses-communication. The idea is for the microserviceprocesses to be run on a cluster of servers for HA, with requests to be processed to be added on a message queue that all the applications can access. I'm looking at using Redis as both a KV-store for transient data and also as a message broker using the ServiceStack framework for .Net but I worry that the concept of eventual consistency applied by Redis will make processing of the requests unreliable. This is how I understand Redis to function in regards to Mq:
Client 1 posts a request to a queue on node 1
Node 1 will inform all listeners on that queue using pub/sub of the existence of
the request and will also push the requests to node 2 asynchronously.
The listeners on node 1 will pull the request from the node, only 1 of them will obtain it as should be. An update of the removal of the request is sent to node 2 asynchronously but will take some time to arrive.
The initial request is received by node 2 (assuming a bit of a delay in RTT) which will go ahead and inform listeners connected to it using pub/sub. Before the update from node 1 is received regarding the removal of the request from the queue a listener on node 2 may also pull the request. The result being that two listeners ended up processing the same request, which would cause havoc in our system.
Is there anything in Redis or the implementation of ServiceStack Redis Mq that would prevent the scenario described to occur? Or is there something else regarding replication in Redis that I have misunderstood? Or should I abandon the Redis/SS approach for Mq and use something like RabbitMQ instead that I have understood to be ACID-compliant?
It's not possible for the same message to be processed twice in Redis MQ as the message worker pops the message off the Redis List backed MQ and all Redis operations are atomic so no other message worker will have access to the messages that have been removed from the List.
ServiceStack.Redis (which Redis MQ uses) only supports Redis Sentinel for HA which despite Redis supporting multiple replicas they only contain a read only view of the master dataset, so all write operations like List add/remove operations can only happen on the single master instance.
One notable difference from using Redis MQ instead of specific purpose MQ like Rabbit MQ is that Redis doesn't support ACK's, so if the message worker process that pops the message off the MQ crashes then it's message is lost, as opposed to Rabbit MQ where if the stateful connection of an un Ack'd message dies the message is restored by the RabbitMQ server back to the MQ.

Messages replayed after reboot in rabbitMQ

I have a rabbitMQ cluster with two nodes configured to be synchronized. Each queue is mirrored and persistent.
Each time I need to reboot a node of my cluster, some old messages are replayed.
I don’t understand why because one of the two nodes is still alive and they are "normally" synchronized.
Have you any idea to help me to investigate this problem?
Could you check if you have some messages that are not acknowledged?
If you do (this would mean a consumer never acknowledges it), it could explain the behavior:
Message consumed but never acknowledged
Node reboots
The connections of the consumers connected to that node get closed
Any of the unacked messages that have been consumed in the related channel are put back in the queue

how to resove "connection.blocked: true" in capabilities on the RabbitMQ UI

"rabbitmqctl list_connections" shows as running but on the UI in the connections tab, under client properties, i see "connection.blocked: true".
I can see that messages are in queued in RabbitMq and the connection is in idle state.
I am running Airflow with Celery. My jobs are not executing at all.
Is this the reason why jobs are not executing?
How to resolve the issue so that my jobs start running
I'm experiencing the same kind of issue by just using celery.
It seems that when you have a lot of messages in the queue, and these are fairly chunky, and your node memory goes high, the rabbitMQ memory watermark gets trespassed and this triggers a blocking into consumer connections, so no worker can access that node (and related queues).
At the same time publishers are happily sending stuff via the exchange so you get in a lose-lose situation.
The only solution we had is to avoid hitting that memory watermark and scale up the number of consumers.
Keep messages/tasks lean so that the signature is not MB but KB

Logstash with rabbitmq cluster

I have a 3 node cluster of Rabbitmq behind a HAproxy Load Balancer. When I shut down a node, Rabbitmq successfully switches the queue to the other nodes. However, I notice that Logstash stops pulling messages from the queue unless I restart it. Is this a problem with the way rabbitmq operates? i.e. it deactivates all active consumers. I am not sure if log stash has any retry capability. Anyone run into this issue?
Quoting rabbit mq documentation, page for clustering first
What is Replicated? All data/state required for the operation of a
RabbitMQ broker is replicated across all nodes. An exception to this
are message queues, which by default reside on one node, though they
are visible and reachable from all nodes.
and high availability
Clients that are consuming from a mirrored queue may wish to know that
the queue from which they have been consuming has failed over. When a
mirrored queue fails over, knowledge of which messages have been sent
to which consumer is lost, and therefore all unacknowledged messages
are redelivered with the redelivered flag set. Consumers may wish to
know this is going to happen.
If so, they can consume with the argument x-cancel-on-ha-failover set
to true. Their consuming will then be cancelled on failover and a
consumer cancellation notification sent. It is then the consumer's
responsibility to reissue basic.consume to start consuming again.
So, what does all this mean:
You have to mirror queues
The consumers should use manual ACK
The consumers should reconnect on their own
So the answer to your question is no, it's not a problem with rabbitmq, that's simply how it works. It's up to clients to reconnect.

How to restart all subscriptions done by Redis after Redis is restarted?

Once the Redis server is restarted, how to start all the processes which were run by Redis instance?
Here in my application, I can see that Redis instance is created, but all the subscriptions which the Redis instance was doing, is not restarted. Hence application is not able to receive new messages from the event bus/ Redis bus.
You application needs to capture the disconnect event and, once the database is back online, reconnect to it and resubscribe to the relevant channels.