Google Breakpad Microdump Example Usage - google-breakpad

I have been looking into google breakpad for crash reporting on a linux port of some old windows code that already uses minidump. I am interested in utilizing the microdump functionality in linux, but I can't seem to find any examples for even basic usage. Can anyone provide any links to any example code on how to produce a micro dump using google breakpad?
Thanks in advance.
Tried searching the internet, seems mostly used for android, but still no example code.


im working on leadtools and trying to configure it to work on https

i'm using lead tools web scanner and trying to enable it to work on HTTPS.
can i get some help here
It appears you tried to quote something in your question but it did not show correctly.
In any case, if you’re using the current version 20 of LEADTOOLS, see this forum post with detailed information on How to Enable HTTPS in the LEADTOOLS Web Scanning Host.
If you’re using the previous version 19, there’s an older article that discusses that version here.
If neither of these pages helped you, send full details about what you tried and what problems you ran into to the support address Our email support is free regardless of which version of LEADTOOLS you’re using.

How do I go about safely taking a screenshot of a website that I know is infected with malware?

One of my clients' websites has become a malware infested hotbed.
Disposing of the malware has proven difficult and time consuming, and, in the meantime, we still have had to do work on the site.
For now, we went to some trouble to do our work - creating a disposable VM to just run a web browser, so we can see what the site looks like for the designers' work, for example.
I'm wondering if there's an easier (and faster) way to get an idea what the design of the site looks like. Not everyone on the project is tech savvy enough to be trusted with, for example, properly handling switching VMs.
Is there a method for safely seeing what a malware infested website looks like (for example, a service which will browse the site for me and send a screenshot), one which ideally is easy and simple enough to use that I can trust our non-tech-savvy designers to user?
You might take at look at Internet Archive: Wayback Machine to see if the site has been archived.
If a screenshot is all you need, there are several online browser simulators, such as Net Renderer (which will run any inputted web URL in a given version of Internet Explorer and then supply a screenshot). You might also try BrowserStack, which requires an account, and is not free, but does have a free trial period, and offers more than Internet Exploder.
You could also try running a browser in Sandboxie, which is simpler to set up and use than a VM (you just install it, and then use the windows right-click menu to launch any program in a sandbox of your choosing). However, it isn't free for commercial use.
I don't know if exist a standalone tool to parse a website for malwares, but I think this can help you, it's a google tool that you can you with a request and they will send you a response.
Follow the link:
Hope it helped.

Is there a decent, standalone, cross-platform webserver that will work in concert with Autorun on USB Jump Drives?

I'm trying to find a decent standalone webserver that I can load up on a jump drive.
My wife is a photographer, and I'd like to present the clients with their images on usb. When they plug it in, I'd like a web page to load up, and run some jQuery magic to show them a nice carousel of all there images.
So far, this is all fine since it can all be done client side and doesn't need a server at all.
The problem I'm facing is that I'd like some server-side code to be able to read the images out of the directory so that once the interface is built, I don't need to manually create all of the <img /> tags.
If it was primarily going to be used in a Windows environment, I'd have no problem going with IIS Express, since I'm mainly a .NET MVC developer and this would be perfect for me... However, the fact of the matter is that a large amount of our client base is also OS X users.
I did find this Java one jlHttp, and I also found this thread here on SO, but I don't think I understand enough about either one of them to accomplish what I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I'm looking for the same thing, and the two best options I've found were Flying Ant cd web server and Stunnix. Of the two, Flying Ant is cheaper, and I've tested it with success on my project.
I found Mongoose very convenient for this exact purpose. It's crossplatform, lightweight and requires minimum configuration. You may be interested in this project that uses Mongoose to display pictures in a folder tree or FTP directory.
How about Node.js
It says it runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Writing a simple web-based IDE - ideas / concepts?

This may be a too broad question but how would you develop a simple web-based IDE/editor? For a lecture I was thinking of a simple editor where you could enter some sort of code, press compile and then display the results, error messages etc. in some way.
Does anyone knows some examples (with source code maybe), or any suggestions on how to do this conceptually?
Or you could try
You might also be interested in taking a look at the very new Eclipse Orion project, in particular the architecture overview:
Koding provides a framework for you to develop html5 applications with access to a real Ubuntu VM with Root. The idea for this post, being that you can develop an IDE that works with Client and Server languages, without having to deal with security of giving people access to machines that you are hosting. Security is hard with machines and avoiding exploits

What is the easiest way to install a R web application through RApache?

I use windows XP and R for my desktop use. And a shared hosting account (at some company) for my web hosting needs.
I wish to create an R web application and I understand that one such way is by using R with Apache through RApache , but since my current shared hosting plan doesn't allow me to install RApache I am a bit stuck.
So... (and here's my question) what would be the easiest/fastest/cost-effective way to get started?
Buying a more expensive hosting package ?
Hosting the thing myself? (on windows ?!)
switch to some other hosting company that permits the use of RApache?
Any suggestion will be most helpful.
Self-hosting is an option if you insist on using RApache. This might be easier than you think. Here's a link to a blog post i read a month ago before i decided to buy the hardware and server my own files. i just watched this seven minute YouTube video tutorial entitled "R Web Application–'Hello World' using RApache" I believe this was just posted today.
In seven minutes, the author walks through building a "hello world" Site using RApache then walks through a more ambitious example, building a user-input form to collect inputs then deliver them to a particular R function--pretty much a exemplary slice of what i suspect most people would want to use RApache for.
A second option is using a web framework. My recommendation here is Django. Why? It's written in Python so you can access R functionality via the python bindings (RPy2). Second, if you are not an experienced web developer, Django is in many ways, a great framework to begin with because it's truly a "full-stack" solution--it works more or less out of the box. In addition, there is a substantial and growing body of quality step-by-setp tutorials, code snippets, and even packaged django Sites, to learn from.
it seems they provide a VMWare image to get up and running quickly.
I suggest you download VMWare player and try the image. Since RApache isn't available for Windows, this is the most simple way, I guess. I wouldn't use that for hosting, but I would first try whether this stack is actually the right thing for your app. Also, this allows you testing things locally.
Should I read your suggestion as saying that a Django app can call the RPy2 functionality without RApache? If so, that sounds like a solution for folks on shared hosting who can't install the RAPache module.