Background tasks and app structure in watchos 9 - watchos

Im trying to do a very basic standalone watch app that just shows a dynamically generated animated gif (pulled from a url) and refreshes it maybe every 30 minutes. This also would hopefully have a circular / corner complication.
It seems watchos 9 / xcode 14 is very different from previous versions so I'm struggling to find examples / tutorial on implementing such a thing. I tried putting this refresh logic in the TimelineView closure, but it seems it would want to be in a background task.
If anyone has suggestions or where to look, as the apple developer resources seem to not go over something like this (or at least not very succinctly). Thanks!


Migrate app to ios11 for Iphone X

I need to update my app and make it look good on the iphone X. I've seen a couple of answers on stackoverflow and on the internet regarding the new safe area option (Use Safe Area Layout Guides).
According to what I've read the app should adapt automatically using autolayout as well but what I've got is this:
If I start a new project it all works fine. The project is quite big, so starting all over again is not an option. What should I do?
I just had the same problem, and in my case, the problem was that my app didn't have a Launch Screen.storyboard, it was using a image as launcher. So adding a new Launch Screen.storyboard and selecting that one fixed it, maybe the rest of the app takes some settings from that Launch Screen.storyboard

Blur classes in UIKit missing

Anybody tried blur effects in iOS 7 presented at the WWDC 2013 - session 226: Implementing Engaging UI on iOS?
I tried to use the code snippets mentioned at time 15:00:
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(image.size, NULL, 0);
[view drawViewHierarchyInRect:rect];
etc...BUT the code won't run, because it calls methods and classes that are not even in the API.
Plus I downloaded the sample project - Running with a Snap. That project doesn't even compile because the classes imported are simply not in the there. Example project...seriously...
Anybody knows if there is ANY way how to do the blurs in iOS 7 without using 3rd party frameworks?
They haven't implemented the api for it yet. A neat temporary solution has been found in the mean time that involves stealing the background layer of UIToolbar.
You can find the solution here bundled up in a nice class

Animation/Transition-Creator for iOS/Objective-C?

Together with an illustrator I want to create some screens with lots of animations/transitions (moving sprites). I need the illustrator to do the animation. He knows how to use AfterEffects so best would be some kind of timeline-tool to create the transitions/scalings/alphas etc.
My question is now: Is there some kind of tool out there that could be used to create animations and then export the used parameters to objective-c to import it to xcode?
To my knowledge: No.
We spend some time a couple of months back trying to find something similar to Expression blend, just for iOS, but without luck.
If you however are planing to make your app for MacOS and not iOS you can take a look at quartz composer. For iOS you could also take a look at storyboard (here is a link to fairly good tutorial), but I'm afraid your needs will not be met by the features of storyboard.
I found Flash2Cocos2D and I think this is the best solution available right now.
Also promissing: cocosbuilder!

How to make Notification Center Widgets (iOS 5)

iOS 5 introduced Notification Center Widgets and I would like to experiment with those widgets and make custom ones (with a Jailbroken device). I couldn't quite figure out how to make such a widget. The Widgets (WeeApps) are bundles stored in /System/Library/WeeAppPlugins. It would be great if anyone has already writren a guide or could share how the principal class of a WeeApp has to look like. Ideal would be to have a WeeApp NIC template for theos :)
Note: This question is regarding so called WeeApps, system plugins for Notification Center introduced in iOS 5. Not to be confused with Today View Extensions introduced in iOS 8.
I don't want to shameless-plug in here, but I wrote a small tutorial to help you with this.
How to write Notification Center Widgets for iOS (iOS 6 and Below)
Hope it helps you!
Please note this is for iOS widgets running iOS 6 and below - In other words, this is for old jailbreak development. I may write an iOS 8 tutorial eventually, but this one is not it.
OK i think i have found a good way to understand it, a sample widget with full source code available on github: But whats most helpful is this tutorial and the NIC template for theos mentioned in the tutorial, I already made several widgets using this method and my custom NIC templates.

Using Titanium.Platform.takeScreenshot

I'm evaluating using Titanium for a project that makes videos from browser based animations. I was hoping for a way to take screenshots from within the app for each frame. The documentation of takeScreenshot seems a little slim so I was hoping to ask before I build a prototype.
Does take screenshot get the full document, or just the visible content?
Does the screenshot include window chrome?
Someone from titanium QA was able to answer the question. takeScreenshot actually takes a screenshot of the whole desktop.