Intellij and javafx problems [duplicate] - intellij-idea

The problem is when i try to run my main class i get the error from above.
I'm using Intellij IDEA
Added dependencies and plugin in pom.xml
Ran mvn clean install, also mvn clean javafx:run
But I can't run my main class
Here is what i added to pom

File > New Project > Generators > JavaFX
I suggest starting with a new project created by IntelliJ IDEA explicitly aimed at JavaFX.
Use the JavaFX option in the Generators list, in the New Project wizard.
You will get a full working example app, that runs successfully.
The code is modularized with a file.
The example app uses FXML. If you wish, you can easily delete that. You can use only Java coding without any FXML markup coding — your choice. If you opt out of FXML, delete the dependency for javafx-fxml from your POM.
The POM looks like the following. Notice the inclusion of OpenJFX dependencies.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns = ""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
<!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->
By the way, you can replace the property <junit.version>5.9.1</junit.version> and the pair of JUnit dependencies with this simpler single “Aggregator” dependency:
<!-- -->
Like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns = ""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
<!-- -->
<!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->


When running via maven, my tests are not found in the junit project

screenshot 1
As in the screenshot 1 I'm trying to run my set of autotests, the build works successfully, but not a single test is defined.
screenshot 2
Screenshot 2 shows the result after running through maven
If you run tests separately, through "run test", but everything starts and runs according to the script
my POM file:
I want that tests were defined in all classes.
I tried to play with the pom file, apparently there are problems in it, but nothing happens.
link to project
i fix problem
my pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Where to put file when using org.springframework.boot?

I'm getting error trying to use local XSD file in changelog.xml (new security feature was introduced in ver 4.8)
Failed to read schema document 'dbchangelog-4.12.xsd', because 'file'
access is not allowed due to restriction set by the
accessExternalSchema property.
I know, that I need to create file in the liquibase directory with
but the question is: where to put this file and how to make it work if liquibase is not installed on my Mac computer?
I created this file and placed it in every folder of my project, but it does not work.
Docker container builds this way:
mvn clean install -f pom.xml
docker build -t ${APP}:${VER} --build-arg APP=${APP} --build-arg VER=${VER} --build-arg JARSRC=${JARSRC} -f Dockerfile .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- when running failsafe integration tests, we do not want to run regular unit tests-->
<!-- for int tests, remove H2 so #SpringBootTest and #DataJpaTests don't switch the db -->
Since this is a new feature, we need a PR to investigate. Please submit a bug report.

Cucumber setup issue in intelliJ

Environment: Windows10, Java8, IntelliJ, Cucumber
I have followed a article and tried to setup Cucumber in IntelliJ and run the feature files, however, it doesn't help
I just wanted to keep it simple for the start and setup a skeleton cucumber feature and run it, but I have an error like this:
Error running 'Scenario: add to basket':;Lcom/intellij/execution/process/ProcessHandler;Lcom/intellij/execution/testframework/TestConsoleProperties;Lcom/intellij/execution/runners/ExecutionEnvironment;)Lcom/intellij/execution/testframework/ui/BaseTestsOutputConsoleView;
POM.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
**This is my Settings.xml file for Maven, I am not sure if there's anything got to do with this or not? *
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation=""
My bad!!! I thought Gherkin was installed, showever not. Problem fixed.

Unable to set the path to bin, lib for selenium (maven) project for jenkins

Trying to run selenium test cases. Which ever document i have seen, suggestion is to add path to bin and lib directory.
Set projectLocation=F:\Selenium\TestNGBatchExample
cd %projectLocation%
set classpath=%projectLocation%\bin;%projectLocation%\lib\*
java org.testng.TestNG %projectLocation%\testng.xml
But in maven project, there is no bin, lib folders in my maven project. Is there any mistake being done in exporting the projecting or any other place. Test cases run perfectly in local environment when executed from eclipse.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>page factory in simplify360</name>
<description>page factory in simplify360</description>
To execute testNg.xml file via Maven, you can use surefire plugin. Add below lines in plugins > configuration section of your pom.xml file, if you have not already.

Maven Dependency - Failure to find eviware:maven-soapui-plugin:jar:4.5.1

I am running Soapui test using Intelliji, however I am unable to run test via Maven. Normal test works fine using SoapUITestRunner.
I am getting below error, even though I have eviware:maven-soapui-plugin:jar:4.5.1 in my project path and under .m2 repository.
Failed to execute goal on project webservice: Could not resolve dependencies for project webservice:webservice:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find eviware:maven-soapui-plugin:jar:4.5.1 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
Appreciate your help.
Best Regards,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Source directory configuration -->
<!-- Setting properties for test execution -->
<!-- Setting ReportNG listeners -->
<value>org.uncommons.reportng.HTMLReporter, org.uncommons.reportng.JUnitXMLReporter</value>
Remove your cached jars from C:\Users\.m2\repository\com\smartbear.
enable proxy if any in your settings.xml under .m2 folder.