Cleaning up raw syslog events coming into Sentinel - json/string - kql

I'm having an issue parsing out syslog data coming into Sentinel. I think it's a misunderstanding of the data types and what my options are when working with them.
I have some raw syslog coming into Sentinel. This data is being ingested with 4 columns: TimeStamp, SyslogMessage, Computer, and Facility. The 'SyslogMessage' column is the one with by far the most data in it, but I'm having issues parsing it out to make it useful. I'd like to be able to take pieces out of the "SyslogMessage" column, and extend new columns from that data, which will give a better ability to manipulate that data than some string operator like contains.
For instance, in a separate situation I had some raw event data coming through as what I think is Json. With this dataset, I was able to do something like extend c = RawEventData.AccountMoniker, which would give me a column 'c' and would only project the AccountMoniker data. Here is an example of that working dataset:
The data set that I am currently working with, looks like this picture. It looks to be formatted similarly to json, but seems to have had a string prefixed to the beginning of it which made the rest of the data a string I think. Here is that data:
I've been able to work in some regex and get the 'SyslogMessage' down to just the bracketed material, but have still been having issues when trying to do something like 'parse_json'. Right now, the only way I'm able to search through this data is using 'has' or 'contains'. What are my options for getting the 'SyslogMessage' data into a type that I can more easily search through and project as columns?


RediSql (for redis): Get column names as well as data type?

I am using the excellent RediSql, a module for Redis, to get a powerful caching solution.
When sending a command to Redis, that interacts with the SqLite db in the background, like this:
I get a result like this:
I get a type for the integer column, but not for the string, and no column names are provided.
Is there a way to get column name and defined data type always? I would need this, as I need to convert the results back to a more standard sql result format.
unfortunately, at the moment this is not possible with the EXEC command.
You can use the QUERY.INTO command reference
QUERY.INTO add the result of your query into a stream, it adds the column and the values for each row. Then you can consume the stream in whichever way you prefer.
When doing query (reads) against RediSQL is a good practice to use the .QUERY family of commands, this avoids useless replication of data, in the case you are in a cluster setup.
Moreover, it is possible to use the .QUERY commands also against replica of the main redis instance, while the .EXEC commands can be used only against the primary instance.

Azure Stream Analytics -> how much control over path prefix do I really have?

I'd like to set the prefix based on some of the data coming from event hub.
My data is something like:
I'd like to write a blob prefix that is something like:
Ultimately I'd like to have one blob for each id. This will help how it gets consumed downstream by a couple of things.
What I don't see is a way to create prefixes that aren't related to date and time. In theory I can write another job to pull from blobs and break it up after the stream analytics step. However, it feels like SA should allow me to break it up immediately.
Any ideas?
{date} , {time} and {partition} are the only ones supported in blob output prefix. {partition} is a number.
Using a column value in blob prefix is currently not supported.
If you have a limited number of such {id}s then you could workaround by writing multiple "select --" statements with different filters writing to different outputs and hardcode the prefix in the output. Otherwise it is not possible with just ASA.
It should be noted that now you actually can do this. Not sure when it was implemented but you can now use a single property from your message as a custom partition key and the syntax is exactly as the OP has asked for: foo/{id}/something/else
More details are documented here:
Key points:
Only one custom property allowed
Must be a direct reference to an existing message property (i.e. no concatenations like {prop1+prop2})
If the custom property results in too many partitions (more than 8,000) then an arbitrary number of blobs may be created for the same parition

.Net Parsing Fixed Width Data... From a Concatenated, Single, Fixed-Width Column

I was bored and looking at old code that runs like molasses on a cold day. I found that a group of tables in our accounting system - each with 500,000 records of ~20 datapoints - that use a single column of concatenated, fixed-width values instead of separate columns. (Fixing the tables isn't an option.) An old .net ETL project is grabbing all records, doing a bunch of substrings on each record to set an object's corresponding attributes, then sending the object to merge with production data via a stored proc.
The way it is working is fine. It works. And, to be perfectly honest, I doubt I'll be given the go-ahead to fix it even if I come up with a better solution, but I was curious to see if anyone knew of a better way of doing this, because it's not entirely unlikely that I'll face a situation like this in the future.
I was thinking that if there was a way to use the TextFieldParser to parse a static string instead of a file/stream that might be a valid idea. Or, instead, I could write the entire table to a text file and then use the TextFieldParser to send data to the SProc. does show that TextFieldParser is quite a bit faster than split, which I would assume is tantamount to the string manipulation our project is currently doing with substring. So there may be something to that idea.
Or perhaps the whole, old project should be dumped for a shiny new SSIS project. Would it also have to write the records to a flat file before importing into SQL? Or can it import directly from the table?
Thank you in advance!

How to handle to input stream in Pentaho with script steps?

How many different kind of steps in Pentaho can accept more than one input stream, such as "Merge Join", "Stream Look up"?
What's the typical user scenario of them?
Any script related steps can accept more than one stream as input, like javascript or UDJC? e.g. use one stream as data source, another as filter condition?
Thank you all.
All the steps under "Joins" and "Lookup", joins just like table join, lookup is to using one stream as source dataset another as "translate" dictionary, this is what I know
Answer to 3 questions as below:
All the Steps available in "Joins" and "Lookup" section will accept two streams. (i haven't tried with 3 streams) Some filter steps like Java Filter will also accept more than one stream.
Typical use scenario is to get data from one or more streams and to work on your business logic. There is no specific example i can explain at the moment.
As per my knowledge, you cannot use more than one stream in JavaScript Step. You might get an error like
I am trying to stream two columns of different names. Input 1 has column "a" and Input 2 has column "b".
You can ignore this error if you can make both the input stream columns to the same name.
Hope this help :)

Database : best way to model a spreadsheet

I am trying to figure out the best way to model a spreadsheet (from the database point of view), taking into account :
The spreadsheet can contain a variable number of rows.
The spreadsheet can contain a variable number of columns.
Each column can contain one single value, but its type is unknown (integer, date, string).
It has to be easy (and performant) to generate a CSV file containing the data.
I am thinking about something like :
class Cell(models.Model):
column = models.ForeignKey(Column)
row_number = models.IntegerField()
value = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Column(models.Model):
spreadsheet = models.ForeignKey(Spreadsheet)
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
type = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Spreadsheet(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
creation_date = models.DateField()
Can you think about a better way to model a spreadsheet ? My approach allows to store the data as a String. I am worried about it being too slow to generate the CSV file.
from a relational viewpoint:
Spreadsheet <-->> Cell : RowId, ColumnId, ValueType, Contents
there is no requirement for row and column to be entities, but you can if you like
Databases aren't designed for this. But you can try a couple of different ways.
The naiive way to do it is to do a version of One Table To Rule Them All. That is, create a giant generic table, all types being (n)varchars, that has enough columns to cover any forseeable spreadsheet. Then, you'll need a second table to store metadata about the first, such as what Column1's spreadsheet column name is, what type it stores (so you can cast in and out), etc. Then you'll need triggers to run against inserts that check the data coming in and the metadata to make sure the data isn't corrupt, etc etc etc. As you can see, this way is a complete and utter cluster. I'd run screaming from it.
The second option is to store your data as XML. Most modern databases have XML data types and some support for xpath within queries. You can also use XSDs to provide some kind of data validation, and xslts to transform that data into CSVs. I'm currently doing something similar with configuration files, and its working out okay so far. No word on performance issues yet, but I'm trusting Knuth on that one.
The first option is probably much easier to search and faster to retrieve data from, but the second is probably more stable and definitely easier to program against.
It's times like this I wish Celko had a SO account.
You may want to study EAV (Entity-attribute-value) data models, as they are trying to solve a similar problem.
Entity-Attribute-Value - Wikipedia
The best solution greatly depends of the way the database will be used. Try to find a couple of top use cases you expect and then decide the design. For example if there is no use case to get the value of a certain cell from database (the data is always loaded at row level, or even in group of rows) then is no need to have a 'cell' stored as such.
That is a good question that calls for many answers, depending how you approach it, I'd love to share an opinion with you.
This topic is one the various we searched about at Zenkit, we even wrote an article about, we'd love your opinion on it: