Reactive Spring Webflux exception while finding by id - spring-webflux

I am writing simple CRUD reactive app with webflux
I have Author and Book repos and services
I have an exception below
Book Repository
public interface BookRepository extends R2dbcRepository<Book, Long> {
Author Repository
public interface AuthorRepository extends R2dbcRepository<Author, Long> {
BookService methods
public Mono<BookDto> findById(Long id) {
return bookRepository
.flatMap(dto -> authorRepository.findAllByBookId(dto.getId())
.map(authors -> {
return dto;
findById method in BookController
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Mono<BookDto> findById(#PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return bookService.findById(id);
I sending this request
GET http://localhost:8085/book/4
And this exception occured
2023-01-29T14:30:52.193+05:00 ERROR 8328 --- [actor-tcp-nio-1] a.w.r.e.AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler : [56530bed-1] 500 Server Error for HTTP GET "/book"
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Binding index 0 when only 0 parameters are expected
at io.r2dbc.postgresql.client.Binding.add( ~[r2dbc-postgresql-1.0.0.RELEASE.jar:1.0.0.RELEASE]
Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException:
Error has been observed at the following site(s):
*__checkpoint ⇢ Handler [DispatcherHandler]
*__checkpoint ⇢ HTTP GET "/book" [ExceptionHandlingWebHandler]


Around annotion executed twice using WebFlux

I'm facing a weird behaviour while using AOP with AspectJ.
Basically the #Around method its called either once either twice and while trying to debugging I can't find the reason why it's being executing twice (I mean what triggers the second execution of the method)
here is some code :
public class ReactiveRedisCacheAspect {
public void cacheablePointCut() {}
public Object cacheableAround(final ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) {
log.debug("ReactiveRedisCacheAspect cacheableAround.... - {}", proceedingJoinPoint);
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) proceedingJoinPoint.getSignature();
Method method = methodSignature.getMethod();
Class<?> returnTypeName = method.getReturnType();
Duration duration = Duration.ofHours(getDuration(method));
String redisKey = getKey(method, proceedingJoinPoint);
if (returnTypeName.isAssignableFrom(Flux.class)) {
log.debug("returning Flux");
return cacheRepository.hasKey(redisKey)
.filter(found -> found)
.flatMapMany(found -> cacheRepository.findByKey(redisKey))
.flatMap(found -> saveFlux(proceedingJoinPoint, redisKey, duration));
} else if (returnTypeName.isAssignableFrom(Mono.class)) {
log.debug("Returning Mono");
return cacheRepository.hasKey(redisKey)
.flatMap(found -> {
if (found) {
return cacheRepository.findByKey(redisKey);
} else {
return saveMono(proceedingJoinPoint, redisKey, duration);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("non reactive object supported (Mono,Flux)");
private String getKey(final Method method, final ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) {
ReactiveRedisCacheable annotation = method.getAnnotation(ReactiveRedisCacheable.class);
String cacheName = annotation.cacheName();
String key = annotation.key();
cacheName = (String) AspectSupportUtils.getKeyValue(proceedingJoinPoint, cacheName);
key = (String) AspectSupportUtils.getKeyValue(proceedingJoinPoint, key);
return cacheName + "_" + key;
public class AspectSupportUtils {
private static final ExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator();
public static Object getKeyValue(JoinPoint joinPoint, String keyExpression) {
if (keyExpression.contains("#") || keyExpression.contains("'")) {
return getKeyValue(joinPoint.getTarget(), joinPoint.getArgs(), joinPoint.getTarget().getClass(),
((MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod(), keyExpression);
return keyExpression;
private static Object getKeyValue(Object object, Object[] args, Class<?> clazz, Method method, String keyExpression) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(keyExpression)) {
EvaluationContext evaluationContext = evaluator.createEvaluationContext(object, clazz, method, args);
AnnotatedElementKey methodKey = new AnnotatedElementKey(method, clazz);
return evaluator.key(keyExpression, methodKey, evaluationContext);
return SimpleKeyGenerator.generateKey(args);
public #interface ReactiveRedisCacheable {
String key();
String cacheName();
long duration() default 1L;
public class TestRestController{
#ReactiveRedisCacheable(cacheName = "test-cache", key = "#name", duration = 1L)
#GetMapping(value = "test")
public Mono<String> getName(#RequestParam(value = "name") String name){
return Mono.just(name);
public class Config {
public ReactiveRedisCacheAspect reactiveRedisCache (ReactiveRedisCacheAspect reactiveRedisCacheAspect) {
return reactiveRedisCacheAspect;
ReactiveRedisCacheAspect cacheableAround.... - {}execution(Mono
2021-06-04 15:36:23.096 INFO [fo-bff,f688025287be7e7c,f688025287be7e7c] 20060 --- [ctor-http-nio-3] c.m.s.c.a.i.ReactiveRedisCacheAspect : Returning Mono
2021-06-04 15:36:23.097 INFO [fo-bff,f688025287be7e7c,f688025287be7e7c] 20060 --- [ctor-http-nio-3] c.m.s.c.repository.CacheRepositoryImpl : searching key: (bff_pippo)
ReactiveRedisCacheAspect cacheableAround.... - {}execution(Mono
2021-06-04 15:36:23.236 INFO [fo-bff,f688025287be7e7c,f688025287be7e7c] 20060 --- [ioEventLoop-7-2] c.m.s.c.a.i.ReactiveRedisCacheAspect : Returning Mono
2021-06-04 15:36:23.236 INFO [fo-bff,f688025287be7e7c,f688025287be7e7c] 20060 --- [ioEventLoop-7-2] c.m.s.c.repository.CacheRepositoryImpl : searching key: (bff_pippo)
2021-06-04 15:36:23.250 INFO [fo-bff,f688025287be7e7c,f688025287be7e7c] 20060 --- [ioEventLoop-7-2] c.m.s.c.repository.CacheRepositoryImpl : saving obj: (key:bff_pippo) (expiresIn:3600s)
2021-06-04 15:36:23.275 INFO [fo-bff,f688025287be7e7c,f688025287be7e7c] 20060 --- [ioEventLoop-7-2] c.m.s.c.repository.CacheRepositoryImpl : saving obj: (key:bff_pippo) (expiresIn:3600s)
So far I would have expected the cacheableAround would be executed only once, but what happens its a bit weird, if the object is present on redis the method is executed only once but if is not present the method is executed twice which it doesn't make sense, moreover it should be the business logic to manage what to do inside the method.
Thanks in advance!
You did not mention whether you use native AspectJ via load- or compile-time weaving or simply Spring AOP. Because I see not #Component annotation on your aspect, it might as well be native AspectJ, unless you configure your beans via #Bean factory methods in a configuration class or XML.
Assuming that you are using full AspectJ, a common problem newbies coming from Spring AOP have, is that they are not used to the fact that AspectJ not only intercepts execution joinpoints, but also call ones. This leads to the superficial perception that the same joinpoint is intercepted twice. But in reality, it is once the method call (in the class from which the call is made) and once the method execution (in the class where the target method resides). This is easy to determine if at the beginning of your advice method you simply log the joinpoint. In your case:
If then on the console you see something like
call(public void org.acme.MyClass.myMethod())
execution(public void org.acme.MyClass.myMethod())
then you know what is happening.
In case you use Spring AOP, probably it is an issue with the aspect or the Redis caching behaviour that is different from your expectation.

How do I hook into micronaut server on error handling from a filter?

For any 4xx or 5xx response given out by my micronaut server, I'd like to log the response status code and endpoint it targeted. It looks like a filter would be a good place for this, but I can't seem to figure out how to plug into the onError handling
for instance, this filter
class RequestLoggerFilter: OncePerRequestHttpServerFilter() {
companion object {
private val log = LogManager.getLogger(
override fun doFilterOnce(request: HttpRequest<*>, chain: ServerFilterChain): Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<*>>? {
return Publishers.then(chain.proceed(request), ResponseLogger(request))
class ResponseLogger(private val request: HttpRequest<*>): Consumer<MutableHttpResponse<*>> {
override fun accept(response: MutableHttpResponse<*>) {"Status: ${response.status.code} Endpoint: ${request.path}")
only logs on a successful response and not on 4xx or 5xx responses.
How would i get this to hook into the onError handling?
You could do the following. Create your own ApplicationException ( extends RuntimeException), there you could handle your application errors and in particular how they result into http error codes. You exception could hold the status code as well.
class BadRequestException extends ApplicationException {
public HttpStatus getStatus() {
return HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
You could have multiple of this ExceptionHandler for different purposes.
#Requires(classes = {ApplicationException.class, ExceptionHandler.class})
public class ApplicationExceptionHandler implements ExceptionHandler<ApplicationException, HttpResponse> {
public HttpResponse handle(final HttpRequest request, final ApplicationException exception) {
log.error("Application exception message={}, cause={}", exception.getMessage(), exception.getCause());
final String message = exception.getMessage();
final String code = exception.getClass().getSimpleName();
final ErrorCode error = new ErrorCode(message, code);"Status: ${exception.getStatus())} Endpoint: ${request.path}")
return HttpResponse.status(exception.getStatus()).body(error);
If you are trying to handle Micronaut native exceptions like 400 (Bad Request) produced by ConstraintExceptionHandler you will need to Replace the beans to do that.
I've posted example here how to handle ConstraintExceptionHandler.
If you want to only handle responses itself you could use this mapping each response code (example on #Controller so not sure if it works elsewhere even with global flag:
#Error(status = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, global = true)
public HttpResponse notFound(HttpRequest request) {
Example from Micronaut documentation.
Below code I used for adding custom cors headers in the error responses, in doOnError you can log errors
public class ResponseCORSAdder implements HttpServerFilter {
public Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<?>> doFilter(HttpRequest<?> request, ServerFilterChain chain) {
return this.trace(request)
.switchMap(aBoolean -> chain.proceed(request))
.doOnError(error -> {
if (error instanceof MutableHttpResponse<?>) {
MutableHttpResponse<?> res = (MutableHttpResponse<?>) error;
.doOnNext(res -> addCorsHeaders(res));
private MutableHttpResponse<?> addCorsHeaders(MutableHttpResponse<?> res) {
return res
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "OPTIONS,POST,GET")
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
private Flowable<Boolean> trace(HttpRequest<?> request) {
return Flowable.fromCallable(() -> {
// trace logic here, potentially performing I/O
return true;

WebFlux+RSocket, How to pass flux from RSocket to WebFlux

I'm trying to use WebFlux with RSocket, The sample application has server and client applications. both running on WebFlux and RSocket, my rsocket communication type is request-stream. client-server application runs perfectly fine for couple concurrent requests, however when I load test with 1000qps with 8 threads, requests starts hanging. On investigation below sample code passes through load test.
public class RSocketClientConfig {
RSocketRequester rSocketRequester(RSocketRequester.Builder rsocketRequesterBuilder, RSocketStrategies strategies,
RSocketClientProperties clientProp) {
RSocketRequester rsocketRequester = rsocketRequesterBuilder.rsocketStrategies(strategies)
.dataMimeType(new MimeType("application", "x-protobuf"))
.connectTcp(clientProp.getHost(), clientProp.getRsocPort()).retry().block();
rsocketRequester.rsocket().onClose().doOnError(error -> log.warn("Connection CLOSED"))
.doFinally(consumer ->"Client DISCONNECTED")).subscribe();
return rsocketRequester;
public class PersonRSocketClient {
private RSocketRequester personClient;
public Flux<Person> list() {
return personClient.route("person").retrieveFlux(Person.class);
public class RSocketClientConfig {
Mono<RSocketRequester> rSocketRequester(RSocketRequester.Builder rsocketRequesterBuilder, RSocketStrategies strategies,
RSocketClientProperties clientProp) {
Mono<RSocketRequester> rsocketRequester = rsocketRequesterBuilder.rsocketStrategies(strategies)
.dataMimeType(new MimeType("application", "x-protobuf"))
.connectTcp(clientProp.getHost(), clientProp.getRsocPort());
return rsocketRequester;
public class PersonRSocketClient {
private Mono<RSocketRequester> personClient;
public Flux<Person> list() {
return personClient
.flatMapMany(rsocket -> rsocket.route("person").retrieveFlux(Person.class));
How to map request-stream to flux correctly?

Spring data rest i18n domain exceptions

I have a sdr project where I do some basic validation in entity setters and throw a domain exception if model is invalid. I can not get a message source inside the exception so that I can localize the business exception message. Custom exception class I have tried is:
public class DoublePriceException extends Exception {
static ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public DoublePriceException(OrderItem orderItem) {
messageSource.getMessage("exception.doublePricedItem", null, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()),;
And how I try to throw this mofo is:
public void setPrices(List<Price> prices) throws DoublePriceException {
for (Price price : prices) {
List<Price> itemsPrices = -> price.item.equals(it.item)).collect(Collectors.toList());
if(itemsPrices.size() > 1)
throw new DoublePriceException(itemsPrices.get(0).item);
this.prices = prices;
messageSource is always null. Is what I am trying not achievable?
DoublePriceException is obviously not a Spring managed Bean so that is not going to work.
You can register a Spring ControllerAdvice in your application that handles the exception and generates a suitable response.
* Spring MVC #link {#link ControllerAdvice} which
* is applied to all Controllers and which will handle
* conversion of exceptions to an appropriate JSON response.
public class ErrorHandlingAdvice
* Handles a #DoublePriceException
* #param ex the DoublePriceException
* #return JSON String with the error details.
public Object processValidationError(DoublePriceException ex)
//return suitable representation of the error message
//e.g. return Collections.singletonMap("error", "my error message");
Placing the above in a package scanned by the Spring framework should be enough to have it detected and applied.
Best I could come up with is catching the HttpMessageNotReadableException and calling getMostSpecificCause() like the following:
public class ExceptionHandlingAdvice {
private MessageSource messageSource;
public ResponseEntity<Object> onException(HttpMessageNotReadableException ex, WebRequest request) {
Locale locale = request.getLocale();
Throwable cause = ex.getMostSpecificCause();
String message = cause.getMessage();
if (cause instanceof MultiplePriceException) {
message = messageSource.getMessage("exception.multiple.price",
new Object[] { ((MultiplePriceException) cause) }, locale);
return new ResponseEntity(Collections.singletonMap("error", message), new HttpHeaders(),

How to implement a Restlet JAX-RS handler which is a thin proxy to a RESTful API, possibly implemented in the same java process?

We have two RESTful APIs - one is internal and another one is public, the two being implemented by different jars. The public API sort of wraps the internal one, performing the following steps:
Do some work
Call internal API
Do some work
Return the response to the user
It may happen (though not necessarily) that the two jars run in the same Java process.
We are using Restlet with the JAX-RS extension.
Here is an example of a simple public API implementation, which just forwards to the internal API:
public MyResult method1(#Context UriInfo uriInfo, InputStream body) throws Exception {
String url = uriInfo.getAbsolutePath().toString().replace("/api/", "/internalapi/");
RestletClientResponse<MyResult> reply = WebClient.put(url, body, MyResult.class);
return reply.returnObject;
Where WebClient.put is:
public class WebClient {
public static <T> RestletClientResponse<T> put(String url, Object body, Class<T> returnType) throws Exception {
Response restletResponse = Response.getCurrent();
ClientResource resource = new ClientResource(url);
Representation reply = null;
try {
Client timeoutClient = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
reply = resource.put(body, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
T result = new JacksonConverter().toObject(new JacksonRepresentation<T>(reply, returnType), returnType, resource);
Status status = resource.getStatus();
return new RestletClientResponse<T>(result, (Form)resource.getResponseAttributes().get(HeaderConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADERS), status);
} finally {
if (reply != null) {
and RestletClientResponse<T> is:
public class RestletClientResponse<T> {
public T returnObject = null;
public Form responseHeaders = null;
public Status status = null;
public RestletClientResponse(T returnObject, Form responseHeaders, Status status) {
this.returnObject = returnObject;
this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders;
this.status = status;
and RestletUtils.addResponseHeaders is:
public class RestletUtils {
public static void addResponseHeader(String key, Object value) {
Form responseHeaders = (Form)org.restlet.Response.getCurrent().getAttributes().get(HeaderConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADERS);
if (responseHeaders == null) {
responseHeaders = new Form();
org.restlet.Response.getCurrent().getAttributes().put(HeaderConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADERS, responseHeaders);
responseHeaders.add(key, value.toString());
public static void addResponseHeaders(Form responseHeaders) {
for (String headerKey : responseHeaders.getNames()) {
RestletUtils.addResponseHeader(headerKey, responseHeaders.getValues(headerKey));
The problem is that if the two jars run in the same Java process, then an exception thrown from the internal API is not routed to the JAX-RS exception mapper of the internal API - the exception propagates up to the public API and is translated to the Internal Server Error (500).
Which means I am doing it wrong. So, my question is how do I invoke the internal RESTful API from within the public API implementation given the constraint that both the client and the server may run in the same Java process.
Surely, there are other problems, but I have a feeling that fixing the one I have just described is going to fix others as well.
The problem has nothing to do with the fact that both internal and public JARs are in the same JVM. They are perfectly separated by WebResource.put() method, which creates a new HTTP session. So, an exception in the internal API doesn't propagate to the public API.
The internal server error in the public API is caused by the post-processing mechanism, which interprets the output of the internal API and crashes for some reason. Don't blame the internal API, it is perfectly isolated and can't cause any troubles (even though it's in the same JVM).