Get Generated RQL for a RavenDB Query - ravendb

Is it possible to get the generated RQL including parameters and everything?
If you call .ToString() it gives the command with placeholders for the parameters (e.g. $p0, $p1, ... $p17). That makes it annoying when trying to debug.


Proper error propagation in clojure

I'm currently working on my first major project in clojure and have run into a question regarding coding style and the most "clojure-esque" way of doing something. Basically I have a function I'm writing which takes in a data structure and a template that the function will try to massage the data structure into. The template structure will look something like this:
:key1 (:string (:opt :param))
:key2 (:int (:opt :param))
:key3 (:obj (:tpl :template-structure))
:key4 (:list (:tpl :template-structure))
Each key is an atom that will be searched for in the given data structure, and it's value will be attempted to be matched to the type given in the template structure. So it would look for :key1 and check that it's a string, for instance. The return value would be a map that has :key1 pointing to the value from the given data structure (the function could potentially change the value depending on the options given).
In the case of :obj it takes in another template structure, and recursively calls itself on that value and the template structure, and places the result from that in the return. However, if there's an error I want that error returned directly.
Similarly for lists I want it to basically do a map of the function again, except in the case of an error which I want returned directly.
My question is what is the best way to handle these errors? Some simple exception handling would be the easiest way, but I feel that it's not the most functional way. I could try and babysit the errors all the way up the chain with tons of if statements, but that also doesn't seem very sporting. Is there something simple I'm missing or is this just an ugly problem?
You might be interested in schematic, which does pretty similar stuff. You can see how it's used in the tests, and the implementation.
Basically I defined an error function, which returns nil for correctly-formatted data, or a string describing the error. Doing it with exceptions instead would make the plumbing easier, but would make it harder to get the detailed error messages like "[person: [first_name: expected string, got integer]]".

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method [Type] GetValue[Type]

I've a simple class like this:
Public Class CalculationParameter{
public Long TariffId{get;set;}
In a workflow activity, I've an Assign like this:
(From tariffDetail In db.Context.TariffDetails
Where tariffDetial.TariffId = calculationParameter.TariffId).FirstOrDefault()
Dto is passed to Activity as an Input Argument.
It raise following error and I'm wondering how to assign Id. Any Idea?
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int64
GetValue[Int64](System.Activities.LocationReference)' method, and this
method cannot be translated into a store expression.
How can I assign the calculationParameter.TariffId to tariffDetial.TariffId?!
Screen shot attached shows that how I'm trying to assign calculationParameter.TariffId to tariffDetail.TariffId (car.Id = Dto.Id) and the query result should assign to CurrentTrafficDetail object.
Here's your problem. I don't know if there is a solution to it.
As you said in a (now deleted, unfortunately necessitating that I answer) comment, the exception you're getting is
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method Int64 GetValue[Int64](System.Activities.LocationReference) method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
in your Linq query, calculationParameter is a Variable defined on the workflow. That Variable is actually an instance that extends the type System.Activities.LocationReference and NOT CalculationParameter.
Normally, when the workflow executes, the LocationReference holds all the information it needs to find the value which is assigned to it. That value isn't retrieved until the last possible moment. At runtime, the process of retrieval (getting the executing context, getting the value, converting it to the expected type) is managed by the workflow.
However, when you introduce Linq into the mix, we have the issue you are experiencing. As you may or may not know, your expression gets compiled into the extension method version of the same.
(From tariffDetail In db.Context.TariffDetails
Where tariffDetial.TariffId = calculationParameter.TariffId)
is compiled to
.Where(x => x.TariffId = calculationParameter.TariffId)
When this executes, L2E doesn't actually execute this code. It gets interpreted and converted into a SQL query which is executed against the database.
As the interpreter isn't omniscient, there are a well defined set of limitations on what methods you can use in a L2S query.
Unfortunately for you, getting the current value of a LocationReference is not one of them.
TL:DR You cannot do this.
As for workarounds, the only thing I think you can do is create a series of extension methods on your data context type or add methods to your CalculationParameter class that you can call from within the Expression Editor. You can create your Linq to Entities queries within these methods, as all types will already have been dereferenced by the workflow runtime, which means you won't have to worry about the L2E interpreter choking on LocationReferences.
*Edit: A workaround can be found here (thanks to Slauma who mentioned this in a comment on the question)

oData operation consumption with objective-C

I have a really simple WCF service operation GetCurrentBalance. It returns a decimal.
I also have the odatagen generated entity files included in the project, which contains an implementation of the GetCurrentBalance operation returning a string. Calling this method returns me an XML string with the desired value in it.
I also tried using executeServiceOperation method in the generated class and pass in the operation name as a parameter, the returned value again is the same XML string.
Is there a way to extract this value? Or do I have to write a custom parser for it?
Thanks in advance.
Without further informations, if the returned value is a formatted XML string you may try extracting the value using XPath queries, have a look at this to get you started

How do I use Team Build Properties in MSBuild?

I have a simple tfs-2010 build definition using the default process template. In it I defined the Build Number Format using $(BuildID) to define part of the computed field. This works and I can see what BuildID's value is.
Now I try to pass the BuildID property to MSBuild as an argument:
However when I look at the build log I see SomeProperty literally equals $(BuildID) rather then the value of BuildID.
What am I missing?
Update for clarity: What I'm asking is how to reference as a Build Process Parameter in the Build Definition. For example Build Number Format has a default expression of $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r)
You need to use a VB.NET expression. For example:
String.Format("/p:SomeProperty={0}", BuildDetail.BuildNumber)
The Build Number tokens, e.g. $(BuildDefinitionName), are specific to the Build Number Format process parameter. They aren't tokens that you can use anywhere else in the build process. Most are available in the BuildDetail object or from the environment. The Build Id is a bit of a special case, however. It comes from the identity column of the builds table and isn't directly exposed in our public API. You could extract it from the BuildNumber, like this:
BuildDetail.BuildNumber.Substring(BuildDetail.BuildNumber.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
Note that you would need to do this in the XAML directly rather than putting a VB expression into the build process parameter editor GUI. That's because those values just get passed through as literal strings.

Specifying multiple MergeSection values when using LINK task on MSBuild

Is there anyway to specify more than one MergeSection value for the MSBuild LINK task? (The MergeSection param is the same as the /merge param for link.exe)
When calling link.exe you can specify more than one /merge value, but that doesn't seem possible with the MergeSection parameter.
So far the only way I can see to make this work is by using the AddtionalOptions param, but I'm hoping there's a better way to implement this parameter.
I think you may have to use AdditionalOptions.
In the Link task the MergeSections property is a string value, not an array, so you can only set one string. Link.exe does not seem to allow you to pass multiple pairs in one command line parameter, you must specify a separate MERGE command line parameter for each pair. The Visual Studio property page only allows a single string for the MergeSections property.