Delegating calls to implementation contract solidity - solidity

i am using upgradable (proxy) ERC20 contract in my solidity code, and i need to call the functions of that contract in my code, when i initialize the my contract with the address of the proxy, it is not able to access the functions, but when i initialize it with implementation address it works as expected, so what is the proper way to access the implementation contracts functions?
I am thinking saving the proxy contract address and whenever i need to call implementation contracts functions i call implementation function of proxy, then initialize ERC20 implementation with returned address and then call the function with that implementation, but this seems very inefficient if we take gas fees into account. is there more optimal solution?


How to change old implementation contract address on etherscan?

I wrote upgradable smart contract using solidity and upgraded contract several time.
When I upgraded smart contract, implementation contract address was changed.
But under that address, the old implementation contract address still remains.
How to change or hide this old address?
Particularly you can't hide anything once it is stored on the Blockchain. The old address will still be visible.
But if you want that calling to the old contract should fail, you can simply create a self destruct function inside your smart contract and call it when you have updated the smart contract and deployed it with a new address.
Tip -
Always have smart contracts with the self destruct functionality
Whenever you update your smart contract i.e deploy it to a new address, call the self destruct function on the old contract address for it to be destroyed.
Syntax for self destruct -
contract YourContract {
// State variables
// Some functions
function destruct(address addr) ownerOnly {
// The above function sends all ether from the contract to the specified address

How much nfts can be transferd on 1 smart contract?

I can't figure out if i need to Deploy a smart contract for each transfer? or can 1 smart contract serve several transactions? Thanks ahead
You don't need to deploy another smart contract to transfer NFTs.
Info about each token ownership is stored in its collection contract. So you just need to execute the safeTransferFrom() function on the collection contract from the current owner address, passing it following params:
current owner (_from)
receiver (_to)
token ID (_tokenId)
There are several ways to execute the function from a regular (non-contract) address, for example using the UI of EtherScan/BSCScan under the Contract -> Write Contract section on the detail page of the collection contract address.
Note: All assuming the collection contract follows the ERC-721 standard.

How can I tell if a smart contract on RSK is an NFT?

Given an address of a smart contract deployed to RSK, how can I tell if it is an NFT or not? Is there a "standard" way to do this?
Yes there is a definitive way to do this,
if the smart contracts implement well-known token standards for NFTs,
which in turn implement the well-known EIP165 Standard Interface Definition.
(1) The easiest way to do this is to simply look up the address on the RSK block explorer.
If the smart contract address is 0x814eb350813c993df32044f862b800f91e0aaaf0, then go to
On this page, you will see a row for "Contract Interfaces",
and in the case of this smart contract,
displays ERC165 ERC721 ERC721Enumerable ERC721Metadata.
Since this contains ERC721, we know that it implements that token standard for non-fungible tokens.
(2) The more programmatic/ DIY way to do this is to use the function defined in the EIP165 standard, whose interface is copied below:
interface ERC165 {
/// #notice Query if a contract implements an interface
/// #param interfaceID The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165
/// #dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165. This function
/// uses less than 30,000 gas.
/// #return `true` if the contract implements `interfaceID` and
/// `interfaceID` is not 0xffffffff, `false` otherwise
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external view returns (bool);
Without going too much into the math of how this is calculated,
(read the EIP-165 standard for the full description/ explanation)
if invoking supportsInterface returns true, then you know
that that this smart contracts (claims to) implement that particular interface.
If you wish to test if a particular smart contract implements the
"Non-Fungible Token Standard":
call supportsInterface(0x80ac58cd)
If you wish to test if a particular smart contract implements the
"Multi Token Standard",
which is presently the 2nd most popular NFT standard:
call supportsInterface(0xd9b67a26)
(Note that while both of the above values are stated in their respective standards,
you may also wish to calculate them yourself, and the EIP-165 standard includes section on how to do this.)

How do I write proxy and implementation contracts that supports Chainlink functionality (Proxy Pattern via DELEGATECALL Solidity 0.6)

I have a Solidity smart contract which relies on Chainlink oracles for external data that has a lot of functionality code that does not need to be replicated on a per contract basis but does change the state of the contract instance, which is why I decided the proxy pattern using delegate calls makes the most sense. In the proxy pattern I only have to deploy the byte-code for my contracts functions once, and then all other instances of my contract will just delegate call to the implementation contract, and the only new information added to the block chain will be instance fields of that specific contract.
I am able to get an implementation contract deployed and point my deployed proxy to its functions, but then when I call the lock function on the proxy I fail the check require(owner == msg.sender,"Owner only") which doesnt make sense since delegate calls are supposed to pass msg.sender and I set the owner field to msg.sender in the proxy's constructor. If I remove the require, I can call the function without a revert but the locked and debugAddr fields are unchanged, even though the lock function should change them(I thought delegate call was executed in the context of the caller?). Does anyone know what is wrong with my proxy and implementation contracts? I can guess it is to do with memory layouts or the assembly im using to do delegate calls, but I am not yet on the level where I can use my googling skills to find out what is wrong, so if someone can spot where my proxy contract is incorrect/badly formatted please let me know.
Lock function code snippet
//Locks in the contract, buyer should have already provided data scientist an upload only API key and their model ID
function lock() public returns (bool success)
debugAddr = msg.sender;
uint tempStamp = now;
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can lock contract.");
//require(!locked, "Cannot lock contract that is already locked.");
//require(buyer != address(0),"No buyer to lock.");
//require(bytes(buyerModelName).length != 0,"No buyerModelName to lock.");
//require((tempStamp - startTimestamp) < 158400,"Cannot lock contract that was entered by buyer over 44 hours ago.");
//require((getWeekday(tempStamp) == 0) || (getWeekday(tempStamp) == 1 && getHour(tempStamp) < 14),"Contract can only be locked in between Sunday 00:00 UTC and Monday 14:00 UTC");
LinkTokenInterface link = LinkTokenInterface(chainlinkTokenAddress());
//require(link.balanceOf(address(this)) >= totalFee, "Contract requires 0.5 LINK total to operate once locked, current LINK balance is under 0.5.");
locked = true;
return true;
Proxy contract with require commented(also see the contract's txs, you can see me call lock):
Implementation contract the proxy points to:
Proxy contract with require uncommented(also see the contract's txs, you can see me call lock, and the revert):
Implementation contract the proxy points to:
Proxy Code and Implementation Code
Referenced Code:
Important Note In my proxy I do not want to declare the contract as a ChainlinkClient since then ChainlinkClient's functions will be included in the proxy which is unnecessary as the implementation should have those methods already. Instead I only declare the fields and of ChainlinkClient on my own. I feel like this is a prime place for my implementation to be wrong, but I am not sure what needs to change/if this is even feasible
This contract should have the minimal requirements to be a proxy for a ChainlinkClient and only has the lock function and a constructor, I get the same revert on require(owner == msg.sender). If I remove the require, the call to lock on the proxy contract says confirmed, but the proxy's state variables remain unchanged (debugAddr is 0, locked stays false)
Here is the minimal example code(I deployed on remix IDE compiled 0.6.12, the proxy's lock function was called by using at address retrieval with the delegate code compiled so that the abi of the delegate is used):
If I remove the ChainlinkClient portion/fields of my proxy and implementation minimum examples as linked above, I get a proxy contract that works and can accept external function calls defined in the implementation contract as it should.
So my question now is how do I write proxy and implementation contract that supports Chainlink GET request functionality? What fields/constants/events/interfaces does my proxy need defined or imported and where should I define/import them to allow for Chainlink to work? For example if I wanted to have my contract retrieve the temperature in Paris from an API via Chainlink, but also be a proxy so that I do not have to redploy all its functions and save on gas price.
Anything I have tried so far(see minimal breaking example) does not work once I add Chainlink into the mix, as I am not sure about how to structure the Proxy contract class so that the storage of the proxy and the access/write of the delegate call to the implementation line up. Here is the minimal code that works after I remove Chainlink functionality:
A version of my working example proxy/implementation pattern contracts but with Chainlink functionality, or pointers on what fields/events/cosntant the proxy contract needs in order for it to make calls to oracles would be much appreciated.
Instead of defining the fields of ChainlinkClient in your proxy class, write a class ChainlinkClientStorage that holds the fields of ChainlinkClient, then declare your Proxy as inheriting from ChainlinkClientStorage
contract MyProxy is ChainlinkClientStorage, MyContractStorage{}

how I get new contract

I want a solidity contract to compile and deploy in remix.ethereum
the contract code I used brings always errors!
Error message:
This contract may be abstract, not implement an abstract parent’s methods completely or not invoke an inherited contract’s constructor correctly.
I want to use a new contract to verify and publish my tokens.
can you help me pls with a new contract that works with a remix and verifying etherscan?
Based on the error message, you are trying to deploy the ERC20Interface instead of the contract x.
The solution is simple in Remix: Chose the correct contract to deploy from the selectbox.