How to save tensorflow models in RAMDisk? - tensorflow

In my original python code, there is a frequent restore of the ckpt model file. It takes too much time to read the checkpoints again and again. So I decided to save the model in the memory. A simple way is to create a RAMDisk and save the model in that disk. However, something unexpected happens.
I deployed 1G of RAMDisk according to the tutorial How to Create RAM Disk in Windows 10 for Super-Fast Read and Write Speeds. My system is windows 11.
I made two attempts: In the first one, I copied my code to the RAMDisk E: and used tf.train.Saver().save(self.sess,'./') to save the model, but it reports that UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb4 in position 114: invalid start byte. However, if I put the code on other normal folders, it runs successfully.
In the second attempt, I put the code under D: and modified the line as tf.train.Saver().save(self.sess,'E:\\'), and it reports that cannot create directory E: Permission Denied. Obviously, E:\ is not a directory to create. So I don't know how to handle this.

Your jupyter/python environment cannot go beyond the directory from which jupyter/python is started from and that's why you get a permission denied error.
However, you can run shell commands from the jupyter notebook. If your user has write access to your destination, you can do the following."my_model") # This will save the model to the current directory.
!mv "my_model" "E:\my_model" # This will move the model from the current directory to your required directory.
On a side note, I when searching for tf.train.Saver().save(), I get this page as the only relevant result, which says it is used for saving checkpoints and not model. Also they recommend switching to the newer tf.train.Checkpoint or tf.keras.Model.save_weights. None the less, the above method should work as expected.


What is the use of .profile-empty file in Tensorflow events folder

There is this file (events.out.tfevents.1611631707.8f60fbcf7419.profile-empty) that appears alongside other files e.g. events.out.tfevents.1611897478.844156cf4a75.61.560.v2.
My model training is not going well at all so I am looking all over to identify things I don't understand to see if they may be the cause. What is this .profile-empty file for? An image below to show the files.
This is a file written by the TensorFlow profiler. It is here to help the TensorBoard know which directory contains the profile data.
From the commit c66b603:
save empty event file in logdir when running profiler. TensorBoard will use this event file to identify the logdir that contains profile data
And from the commit 23d8e38:
Save an empty event file when StartTracing is called. This is to help with TensorBoard subdirectory searching.

Saving Variable state in Colaboratory

When I am running a Python Script in Colaboratory, it's running all previous code cell.
Is there any way by which previous cell state/output can be saved and I can directly run next cell after returning to the notebook.
The outputs of Colab cells shown in your browser are stored in notebook JSON saved to Drive. Those will persist.
If you want to save your Python variable state, you'll need to use something like pickle to save to a file and then save that file somewhere outside of the VM.
Of course, that's a bit a trouble. One way to make things easier is to use a FUSE filesystem to mount some persistant storage where you can easily save regular files but have them persist beyond the lifetime of the VM.
An example of using a Drive FUSE wrapper to do this is in this example notebook:
This notebook shows the following:
Installing a Google Drive FUSE wrapper.
Authenticating and mounting a Google Drive backed filesystem.
Saving local Python variables using pickle as a file on Drive.
Loading the saved variables.
It'a a nope. As #Bob in this recent thread says: "VMs time out after a period of inactivity, so you'll want to structure your notebooks to install custom dependencies if needed."

How do I unzip a file from memory (not a disk file) in Meteor?

The sequence of events that I'm trying to make happen in Meteor is:
On the client browser, upload a zip file and send it to the server
On the server, receive the zip file and hold it in a memory object
Unzip the memory object into individual objects representing the contents
Process the individual files one at a time
Return success/failure status to the client
I have steps 1 and 2 working, using EJSON to stringify the contents of the zip file on the client and again to convert it back to its original form on the server. The problem I'm encountering is when I try to unzip the object on the server. It seems that every unzip library available wants to operate directly on a file or stream, not on a memory object.
I suppose I could write the object to disk and read it back again, but that seems like an unnecessary step. Is there a library available to unzip a memory object? Alternatively, is there a way to create a stream directly from the object that I can then feed to the unzip routine?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You could use the unzip module from npm. It accepts streaming input and allows you to process output without saving to disk.
It will take some work to wrap it to work with meteor. Your two options are the meteorhacks:npm package or upgrading to the Meteor 1.3 beta.

FTP client sees a file that isn't there... How can I successfully delete/overwrite this "ghost" file?

So we have a client that creates "training packages" and then uploads them via ftp to their website. They create the training packages in PowerPoint, and then use some program to convert them into html/swf files and package them within a folder. When they upload, they use Filezilla, and just transfer the entire folder over. The folder is uniquely named, uses no spaces or special characters.
These files have uploaded fine for about a year. Recently, they've run into a problem. Whenever they try to upload training package folder, they are immediately presented with the "This file already exists, do you want to overwrite?" message. Except... the folder they're moving is brand new, and the file it's asking to overwrite DOESN'T EXIST. When they choose "Overwrite" the file looks like it transfers, but the file size is wrong, and the training package doesn't work correctly.
This happens with every training package they try to upload. It's not just a badly outputted package. Also, it's always the same file that has the problem--it's the main "player" for the training package, and though it contains different content for every package, it is the same file name (cplayer.swf) every time.
Things they've tried without success:
-Re-uploading the file again by itself, and overwriting
-Deleting the "bad" file and re-uploading the single file - Get the overwrite message again, even though the file DOES NOT EXIST.
-Renaming the file on the server and re-uploading the single file - Get the overwrite message.
-Renaming the single file locally within the package and uploading/renaming it - Won't let us rename because the file already exists.
-Used another FTP client - Same results as above, so not a client specific problem.
-Used a different FTP login - Same results as above, so not a permissions problem.
Other things of note:
-The file is small--it's not a time out problem. Plus, all other files upload fine, and some are a lot larger.
-They've emailed this file to me, and I've uploaded it successfully.
I am completely at my wits end. Does anyone have any ideas where I can at least troubleshoot a little further?
Thanks for the non-help, the downvote, and the general lack of response on what was a pretty serious issue for me.
In case anyone else has a similar problem, here's what was going on:
Virus software (specifically Malware Bytes) was blocking THIS ONE SINGLE FILE. All I had to do was exclude the folder that contained the file.

Watch folder for files being Read

I am trying to watch files in a directory to determine when files are opened/accessed. I thought FileSystemWatcher would do the trick using the event Changed.
Problem is that some applications do not create a lock on the file they open/access or change either the date modified or date accessed (even after fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0). Notepad for example. Apparently is makes a copy of the file in memory and plays with it there until you save it. Nor does it update the Date Accessed.
How can I monitor a directory of files and be notified when a file is simply opened/accessed by any program (e.g. Notepad)? Files may be opened from another computer, not necessarily on the computer running the "watcher".
I found lots of similar questions but did not see one focusing on file "access".
This is quite normal. Updating an existing file is quite dangerous since it can cause irretrievable data loss. A disk error (like disk full) while writing is very bad news. The common algorithm used:
rename the original file
write a new file using the original name
no error: delete the renamed file
error: delete the new file, rename original file back
Clearly this doesn't cause a Changed event to be raised, no file was changed.
Sorry, I didn't read the question well enough. There is no notification whatsoever for an app just opening a file for reading. FSW can only detect changes to the file system. There is no ready alternative either, this requires a custom file system filter driver that snoops on driver requests. Like the kind that SysInternals' ProcMon utility uses. I'm not aware of such a driver ready for use in a C# program, you can't write them in C# either. This just isn't a common requirement.