Having issue calculating the merkle proof with just these given parameters - cryptography

Can anyone here help me ? Help is really appreciated
I tried using merkel tree.js and I couldn't figure it out as it's not even a sha hash or keccak256 one


How to trigger an increase of 1D array?

I'm new on LabVIEW and I need some help to trigger the increment of all items of 1D array. Basically what I need to do is: when element of "#found" increase by one a led should light.
Anyone could help me?
Thank you!

Apriori algorithm expert is needed

I have a dataset with 3.3M rows and 8k unique products.
I wanted to apply apriori algorithm to find association rules and connections between products.
Well, I did it before on a much smaller database with 50k rows and maybe 200 unique products..
Someone knows how can I do it effectively with larger scales of data? How can I still make it work for me maybe there are tricks to reduce the scale of the data but still get effective results.
Any help would be amazing! Reach me out if you experienced with this algorithm.
The trick is: Don't use Apriori.
Use LCM or the top-down version of FP-Growth.
You can find my implementations here:
command line programs: https://borgelt.net/fim.html (eclat with option -o gives LCM)
Python: https://borgelt.net/pyfim.html
R: https://borgelt.net/fim4r.html

Number of ways getting sum K with a pair of 6sided dices.

Given a of 6sided pair of dices, in how many ways can I get sum K.
Can someone give a detailed explanation to me how to use dynamic programming to solve this problem.
I have done reading on it but still hard to understand link

Is this statement true and why?(time complexity)

I am having a really hard time understanding these so please help me so I may get an example, so I can get a chance to solve more of those. I have tried many different way but none seem to be able to come to a result, my guess is that it is wrong and it is O(n) but I cannot prove it.
//Is this statement true and why?
square_root(n5) log(square_root(n5)) = O(n3)
Following the steps below would help you deduce the result discussed in the question.
With an appendix:

How do chains work in Rainbow tables?

I was wondering if somebody could explain in detail, how chains work in rainbow tables as you would to a complete novice, but with relevance to programming.
I understand that a chain is 16 bytes long. 8 bytes mark the starting point and 8 mark the end. I also understand that in the filename we have the chain length i.e. 2400. Which means that between our starting point and end point in just 16 bytes we have 2400 possible clear texts, what? How does that work? In those 16 bytes how do I get my 2400 hashes and clear texts, or am I misunderstanding this?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
P.S.: I have read the related papers and googled this topic a fair bit. I think im just missing something important to make these gears turn.
Knowing the start point for a hash chain, you can compute all the intermediates and the end-point by repeatedly applying the hash-and-reduce function.
The end point comes in when you want to search the chain for a hashed password. Apply hash-and-reduce up to the chain-length number of times; at each stage, look to see if your intermediate matches the endpoint of any chain that you have computed. If so, then you've found the chain that includes the password. You then know where the chain starts because you've stored its start point, and so you can trivially walk forwards through the chain from there to find the password which, when hashed once, yields the hash value.
The full rainbow table process applies this sort of searching but with a family of different reduction functions to avoid hash collisions; I'm not well versed in the details.