Visual Studio Code Showing percentage symbol at the end - npm

Visual Studio Code Showing percentage symbol at the end. When I am trying to enter npm init, I am getting the below error. Not allowed to install anything. Please help.


Visual Studio 2022 Unnecessary using directives and undifined type error at the same time

Is it just a Visual Studios bug?
I'm working with Visual Basic Project with Visual Studio Professional 17.4.3.
And it was no problem until last day when I open the solution,
Visual Studio showed a lot of errors with error code BC30002: Type '<typename>' is not defined.
But the sametime, the Type that errored was suggested by Visual Studio to remove Imports with warning code IDE0005: Remove unnecessary using directives.
The solution builds with no problem. It's just annoying to see..
I've tried Clean and Rebuilding, and deleting build files manually but I didn't worked.

I cannot run the correct code on Visual Studio 2022 Community. How to fix it?

I wrote an WinForm application work as an anlogue clock in C#. It worked smoothly and showed me the correct time. Then I tried to write the same analogue clock but in VB.There was no error on my code but VS throws an error like "Visual Studio cannot start debugging... ...Debug\VBAnalogueClock.exe is missing". What does VS mean by that? What should I get from this message? Shouldn't VS create this missing exe file when I start my project for the first time?

Problem installing quick.db in npm for discord bot in discord.js

-> I got this error while trying to install quick.db:
I tried the troubleshooting on the documents:
I found some similar questions and follow the steps, but it still didn't solve the problems.
The debug logs:
Also I got no idea how did Python get involved in there (I use JS), maybe that's because I'm a beginner and I have no idea what I put inside the code :\
Node Version: v17.0.1
Node gyp Version: v8.2.0
The logs you shared all seem to indicate that Visual Studio is not installed. Can you please verify that it is?
Note: It is important to notice the distinction between Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. Despite the fact they have similar names, they are very different products and have different support for extensions/plugins. Visual Studio Code has a blue logo and functions exclusively as a code editor, while Visual Studio Code has a purple logo (images not attached because I don't have permission, but you can Google around) and functions as a complete IDE with integration into other Microsoft products.
Plugins/extensions that work in Visual Studio will not always work in Visual Studio Code, and vice versa. It is important to ensure you are using the right one.

Visual Studio error to debug

I am working in a solution for a while using in Visual Studio, when I try to run debug (F5) I get the following error:
"Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.
The process has been terminated.
Refresh the process list before attempting another attach."
I am not sure what is the issue, but I guess something with Visual Studio, because I restored a backup from my solution that it was working perfectly, and I got the same error (image below). Can you help me please??

Error when opening class

I am new to visual studio 2013
I am getting this error message when I open any class in my project.
Can anyone explain what this means and maybe a possible fix?
Microsoft Visual Studio
No exports were found that match the constraint:
Reinstall Visual Studio. Keep the projects and start fresh.