Why i am getting this error while i am using modifier property to set width or height of layout functions like surface or column, - kotlin

Modifier property error with width
i have using all things but never works

replace your imported package with:
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.height


UE5. How to set animaton easing (in\out) in sequencer with Python. Picture inside

I can set easing manually.
I have found parameter “easing” in unreal.MovieSceneSection
(easing (MovieSceneEasingSettings): [Read-Write] Easing)
i followed to MovieSceneEasingSettings
Bases: [unreal.StructBase]
Movie Scene Easing Settings
C++ Source:
Module: MovieScene
File: MovieSceneSection.h
When i try to see current parameters of easing,
i receive empty struct
LogPython: <Struct 'MovieSceneEasingSettings' (0x0000080193DA5B60) {}>
When i try to set variables (present in MovieSceneSection.h)
I receive error
LogPython: Error: MovieSceneEasingSettings: Property
‘AutoEaseInDuration’ for attribute ‘AutoEaseInDuration’ on
‘MovieSceneEasingSettings’ is protected and cannot be set
How to provide easing with Python?

Display screen overlay from component

I'm writing a React Native reusable component, which in some state needs to display an overlay on the screen. It seems that the way to do this, is using position:absolute. But that does not work very well in my situation, as the component is not child of the root-view and therefore cannot obtain the full screen area.
See this demo example on Snack:
In this case the position is obtained based on the position of the AssetExample element.
Here is how the above example looks like:
I would like the overlay to be positioned in the top of the screen like this:
How can I solve this?
Maybe get the width and height from Dimensions? that way you will always get 100%
import { .....,Dimensions,.... } from 'react-native';
const width= Dimensions.get('window').width;
const height= Dimensions.get('window').height;
I solved the problem by using Overlay from react-native-elements.
I'm also stuck with the same problem. I've created ListItem input fields where the DatePicker is inside it.

QML access properties of elements in list

I have a list of MapPolyline and I try to save dynamically added objects into this list. well It works but when I try to get the objects in list it does not work. it says TypeError: Cannot read property of undefined Here is my code
property list<MapPolyline> lines
var component;
var sprite;
component = Qt.createComponent("lineStringComponent.qml");
sprite = component.createObject(window,{"id": "button1"});
sprite.addCoordinate(QtPositioning.coordinate(currentgcppoint.lat, currentgcppoint.lon));
console.log("Added:", lines[1])
console.log("width:", lines[1].line.width)
Here is lineStringComponent.qml
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtLocation 5.6
import QtPositioning 5.6
MapPolyline {
line.width: 3
line.color: Qt.rgba(Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random())
The consoles output is :
Added: undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'line' of undefined
It seems it has a delay when it tries to create a new object. How can we overcome this delay?
If I read your code correctly you only add 1 element to lines, and than you try to retrieve the second element of lines with line[1]. This is obviously undefined.
Try to access the first element of lines with line[0].
Indices of JS arrays start with 0 (as in most languages).
If there would be a delay with object creation, than you could not alter any of its properties, which you do (sprite.addCoordinate(...))

what is the proper way to set kivy scrollview effects_cls property?

I want to stop the user from over scrolling. kivy doc say that the effects_cls property will change this behavior, but I have not found a way to make it work.
Although you have solved your problem I will provide an example for future users.
You can change what effect is being used by setting effect_cls to any effect class. If you want to disable the overscroll effect to prevent the scroll bouncing effect ScrollEffect solve the problem.
Example using kivy Language:
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.scrollview import ScrollView
from kivy.lang import Builder
#:import ScrollEffect kivy.effects.scroll.ScrollEffect
#:import Button kivy.uix.button.Button
effect_cls: ScrollEffect
size_hint_y: None
height: self.minimum_height
cols: 1
for i in range(10): self.add_widget(Button(text=str(i), size_hint_y=None))
class RootWidget(ScrollView):
class MainApp(App):
def build(self):
root = RootWidget()
return root
if __name__ == '__main__':
so I was trying to use effect_cls: ScrollEffect when it should be effect_cls: 'ScrollEffect'.
have to pass it as a string.

Error in React Native Parallax View

I'm using the library react-native-parallax-view and I keep on getting this error. Even the example doesn't work. What is causing this?
2015-11-30 14:26:59.836 [error][tid:main] Unable to resolve module Dimensions from /Users/hiran/research/react-native/myapp/node_modules/react-native-parallax-view/lib/ParallaxView.js: Invalid directory /Users/node_modules/Dimensions
Found the fix. In your project directory node_modules/react-native-parallax-view/lib/ you will find the ParallaxView.js file. Update the lines as follows.
var screen = require('Dimensions').get('window');
Replace this with
var screen = Dimensions.get('window');
and add Dimensions to the import list as,
var {
} = React;
Hope the author would update this soon.