JupyterLab - keyboard shortcut for moving a tab right/left - keyboard-shortcuts

In JupyterLab is there any command for moving a tab right/left? I am changing my mappings and want to add that to a key.


Zerobrane hotkeys to jump between editor tabs and other panes within IDE

Using Zerobrane, are there any defined hotkeys or keymaps that will jump between panes within the IDE? Like, some key to jump between several files open as tabs (jump between tabs). Another is jumping from editor tab pane over to the project pane, etc...
To jump between tabs you can you Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn or Ctrl-(Shift-)Tab. Also, Ctrl-P will open a command panel with the list of currently open files, and after selecting a file from the list press Enter to jump to the tab with that file.
Jumping to Project tab and Console is not available, but moving between tabs there can be done using the same Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn combination. I'll consider adding some hotkey to move between open panes.
Update 7/13: Something like this may work as a simple workaround (add to the IDE config file as Edit > Preferences > Settings: User):
ide:SetHotKey(function()ide:GetProjectTree():SetFocus()end, "Ctrl-Alt-P")
ide:SetHotKey(function()ide:GetOutlineTree():SetFocus()end, "Ctrl-Alt-O")
Other panes (Output/GetOutput(), Console/GetConsole(), etc.) can be done in a similar way.

IntellijJ: Resizing Window with keyboard

I am trying to use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+[Left|Right|Up|Down] to resize windows in intelliJ. But it doesn't work. Weirdly, in Window->Active Tool Window -> Resize I do see the option to apply the same options Stretch To [Left|Right|Up|Down] along with the corresponding shortcut key combination and that usually works for all windows except the editor window in which all the four options are shadowed even when the editor windows isn't stretched to it's full extent. Anyone has any idea on what is going on? I can do the resizing using the mouse.
It's because these shortcuts only work in tool windows and the editor is not a tool window. From Tool Windows:
Attached to the bottom and sides of the workspace are IntelliJ IDEA tool windows.
Within the editor, the shortcuts have different meaning:
ShiftCommand← – Move caret to line start with selection
ShiftCommand→ – Move caret to line end with selection
ShiftCommand↑ – Move statment up
ShiftCommand↓ – Move statment down
The editor doesn't have a specific size, it uses the available space. To make it larger or smaller, you have to resize the attached tool windows.

Is it possible to view one file in a new window in intellij-idea?

What I actually want to do is to view different files in a some project on different screens.
If they are in different windows, I can easily drag one window to another screen.
It's fine if there are other ways can do this. I'm using windows7.
You can drag the editor tab to another screen and it will open in a separate window. See the Detaching Editor Tabs help section for details.
Shift+F4 does the same:
The shortcut can be changed here:
You have to add a new keyboard shortcut in your keymap.
The action is called Open In New Editor Window
Then when searching for a class using Ctrl + n (go to Class...) or Ctrl + e (recent files)
instead of opening the Class in the same window by pressing Enter
you can open it in a new window using your own keyboard shortcut (Shift + Enter in my case).
Right-click on tab.
Select Move Tab to New Window option.

How to navigate in groups (not tabs) in tool windows

I'm trying to use Intellij Idea only with the keybord.
How can I navigate between groups/panels (don't know the exact term) within a tab of a tool window?
For example in the Debug tool window → tab debugger how to switch from the Frames panel to Variables panel using only the keybord?
There is a mapping on Alt + -> or Alt + <- to navigate between tabs within a tool window.
But I can't find a way to navigate within the panels of the tab.
i use linux, but maybe windows key + tabor more simple you can map the shortcut from your keybord in the windows settings

Alt key command in Intellij for Windows

I've mapped some functions in IntelliJ IDEA to the Alt key.
Specifically Alt+W for closing an active tab.
When I mapped the key, it said that there were no conflicts with existing key binds, but whenever I try Alt+W to close an active tab, the "Window" navigation-tab in the editor is selected instead.
(see picture)
I'm thinking that this is a standard Windows functionality for the navigation tabs in applications which is overriding the Intellij Keymap, but I don't know how to disable this. Any ideas?