Telethon "DestroySessionRequest" method not work - telethon

I try destoy every new session.
I run main script, save all exist session to variable
all_session = await client(functions.account.GetAuthorizationsRequest())
hash_list = [x.hash for x in all_session.authorizations]
after i run and search for new session
if i got new session - i try destroy it
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(15)
all_new = await client(functions.account.GetAuthorizationsRequest())
new_hashes = [x.hash for x in all_new.authorizations]
for h in new_hashes:
if h not in hash_list:
logger.debug(f"have a new hash {h}")
result = await client(functions.DestroySessionRequest(
logger.debug(f"DROP RESULT IS: {result.stringify()}")
except Exception as e:
f"error - {e}")
Every time then i try i got as response
i also tried use this method without "-", same result
result = await client(functions.DestroySessionRequest(
logger.debug(f"DROP RESULT IS: {result.stringify()}")
except Exception as e:
f"error - {e}")


telethon :A wait of 16480 seconds is required (caused by ResolveUsernameRequest)

i'm trying to use telethon to send messages to telegram groups. after some times runing, it reruens:
A wait of 16480 seconds is required (caused by ResolveUsernameRequest).
the code is:
async def main():
print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())))
config = configparser.ConfigParser()"seetings.ini",encoding= 'utf-8')
message = config['Customer']['message']
internal = config['Customer']['internal']
count = 0
excel_data = pandas.read_excel('tg_groups.xlsx', sheet_name='Groups')
for column in excel_data['GroupUsername'].tolist():
if str(excel_data['GroupUsername'][count]) == 'None':
count += 1
chat = await client.get_input_entity(str(excel_data['GroGroupUsernameupID'][count]))
await client.send_message(entity=chat, message=message)
except Exception as e:
count = count + 1
count = count + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
if proxytype == 'HTTP':
client = TelegramClient('phone'+phone, api_id, api_hash, proxy=(socks.HTTP, 'localhost', int(proxyport))).start()
if proxytype == 'socks5':
client = TelegramClient('phone'+phone, api_id, api_hash, proxy=(socks.SCOKS5, 'localhost', int(proxyport))).start()
myself = client.get_me()
freqm = config['Customer']['freq']
while True:
with client:
from the 'Entity' guide, it says get_input_entity method will search the user info from session file cache, why it it still call the 'ResolveUsernameRequest'to get the user info? anything i missed?
thanks for any advice.
'Entity' guide, it says get_input_entity method will search the user info from session file cache, why it it still call the 'ResolveUsernameRequest'to get the user info? anything i missed or the session file didn't keep the user info cache?

the post sent by the bot telegram is not deleted for all users

I have a function which allows to send a message to all users who clicked the start button.
#dp.message_handler(commands=['Yes'], state=Post.send_post)
async def process_name(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
for admin in admins:
if == admin:
async with state.proxy() as data:
data['send_post'] = message.text
conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(f'SELECT * FROM users')
result = cur.fetchall()
await state.finish()
for z in range(len(result)):
await[z][0], photo=data['photo'], caption=data['CAPTHION'], reply_markup=kb)
test = message.message_id + 1
await[z][0], text=f'id поста {test}')
except BotBlocked:
print('Пользователь заблокировал бота')
except ChatNotFound:
print('Пользователь не запускал бота')
Also, there is a function that allows you to delete messages by id. The administrator enters the deleted command, after which the bot asks to enter its id. When the Administrator enters an id, the bot deletes messages through a loop, iterating over the id. But for some reason, it only deletes a post from one user, then it throws an error
aiogram.utils.exceptions.MessageToDeleteNotFound: Message to delete not found
Please help me I can't figure out why
#dp.message_handler(commands=['deleted'], state=None)
async def send_id(message: Message):
for admin in admins:
if == admin:
await Post.Sen_id.set()
await, text='Введите ID поста, который нужно удалить.')
async def deleted_post(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
for admin in admins:
if == admin:
async with state.proxy() as data:
data['sen_id'] = message.text
conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(f'SELECT * FROM users')
result = cur.fetchall()
#message_ids = int(data['sen_id'])
for z in range(len(result)):
await[z][0], message_id=data['sen_id'])
print('Сообщение удалено')
#chat_id =
#await, message_ids)
await, text='пост удален')
except BotBlocked:
print('Пользователь заблокировал бота')
except ChatNotFound:
print('Пользователь не запускал бота')
This is a code that does what you wish for - deleting message with given message_id in every chat where that message exist. Later I'll explain why this is actually not a good solution.
The problem is with the placing of the try-except block. In your code, if deleting the message fails for a single user, for all users that are past him in the database the deletion will not be even attempted. Solution would be to place the try-except block in the for loop.
if == admin:
async with state.proxy() as data:
data['sen_id'] = message.text
conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(f'SELECT * FROM users')
result = cur.fetchall()
#message_ids = int(data['sen_id'])
for z in range(len(result)):
await[z][0], message_id=data['sen_id'])
print('Сообщение удалено')
#chat_id =
#await, message_ids)
await, text='пост удален')
except BotBlocked:
print('Пользователь заблокировал бота')
except ChatNotFound:
print('Пользователь не запускал бота')
except Exception as e:
However, after testing this approach, I believe you will realise that there is a problem: if you send a "post" to multiple users, it may have a different message_id for different users! So you would have to use a different approach.

How can I use pandas.read_sql on an async connection?

I am trying to do the asynchron equivalent of
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///./test.db')
stmt = session.query(MyTable)
data = pd.read_sql(stmt, engine)
but it fails with the error AttributeError: 'AsyncConnection' object has no attribute 'cursor'.
What would be the right way to make this work?
asyn_engine = create_async_engine('sqlite+aiosqlite:///./test.db')
stmt = select(MyTable)
data = pd.read_sql(stmt, async_engine)
This code in principal is working...
# Making pd.read_sql connection the first argument to make it compatible
# with conn.run_syn()
def _read_sql(con, stmt):
return pd.read_sql(stmt, con)
async def get_df(stmt, engine):
async with engine.begin() as conn:
data = await conn.run_sync(_read_sql, stmt)
return data
asyn_engine = create_async_engine('sqlite+aiosqlite:///./test.db')
stmt = select(MyTable)
data = get_df(stmt, asyn_engine )

How can I create reliable flask-SQLAlchemy interactions with server-side-events?

I have a flask app that is functioning to expectations, and I am now trying to add a message notification section to my page. The difficulty I am having is that the database changes I am trying to rely upon do not seem to be updating in a timely fashion.
The html code is elementary:
<ul id="out" cols="85" rows="14">
<script type="text/javascript">
var ul = document.getElementById("out");
var eventSource = new EventSource("/stream_game_channel");
eventSource.onmessage = function(e) {
ul.innerHTML += + '<br>';
Here is the msg write code that the second user is executing. I know the code block is run because the redis trigger is properly invoked:
msg_join = Messages(game_id=game_id[0],
message=f'{current_user.username} has requested to join.')
channel = str(game_id[0]).zfill(5) + 'startGame'
session['channel'] = channel
date_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
redisChannel.set(channel, date_time)
Here is the flask stream code, which is correctly triggered by a new redis time, but when I pull the list of messages, the new message the the second user has added is not yet accessible:
def stream_game_channel():
def eventStream():
channel = session.get('channel')
game_id = int(left(channel, 5))
cnt = 0
while cnt < 1000:
print(f'cnt = 0 process running from: {current_user.username}')
ntime = redisChannel.get(channel)
if cnt == 0:
msgs = db.session.query(Messages).filter(Messages.game_id == game_id)
msg_list = [i.message for i in msgs]
cnt += 1
ltime = ntime
lmsg_list = msg_list
for i in msg_list:
yield "data: {}\n\n".format(i)
elif ntime != ltime:
print(f'cnt > 0 process running from: {current_user.username}')
msgs = db.session.query(Messages).filter(Messages.game_id == game_id)
msg_list = [i.message for i in msgs]
new_messages = # need to write this code still
ltime = ntime
cnt += 1
yield "data: {}\n\n".format(msg_list[len(msg_list)-len(lmsg_list)])
return Response(eventStream(), mimetype="text/event-stream")
The syntactic error that I am running into is that the msg_list is exactly the same length (i.e the pushed new message does not get written when i expect it to). Strangely, the second user's session appears to be accessing this information because its stream correctly reflects the addition.
I am using an Amazon RDS MySQL database.
The solution was to utilize a db.session.commit() before my db.session.query(Messages).filter(...) even where no writes were pending. This enabled an immediate read from a different user session, and my code commenced to react to the change in message list length properly.

Django local server: Atomic Database from a text file

I made a Web app that takes in a text file, reads each line, takes the 11th character and saves it to SQLite3 db. How do I lock the database or have two or more separate tables while multiple requests are running?
I have added adding ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True to the in Django.
and I tried creating temporary tables for each request, but can't figure it out. I am pretty fresh to Django 2.2
def home(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
return render(request, 'home.html')
if request.method == 'POST':
form = DocumentForm(data=request.POST, files=request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
f = request.FILES['fileToUpload']
print('\033[0;93m'+ "No File uploaded, Redirecting" +'\033[0m')
return HttpResponseRedirect('/tryagain')
print('\033[32m'+ "Success" +'\033[0m')
line = f.readline()
while line:
mst = message_typer.messages.create_message(str(line)[11])
line = f.readline()
print('\033[0;91m'+ "Failed to validate Form" +'\033[0m')
return HttpResponseRedirect('/output')
return HttpResponse('Failure')
def output(request):
s = message_typer.messages.filter(message='s').count()
A = message_typer.messages.filter(message='A').count()
d = message_typer.messages.filter(message='d').count()
E = message_typer.messages.filter(message='E').count()
X = message_typer.messages.filter(message='X').count()
P = message_typer.messages.filter(message='P').count()
r = message_typer.messages.filter(message='r').count()
B = message_typer.messages.filter(message='B').count()
H = message_typer.messages.filter(message='H').count()
I = message_typer.messages.filter(message='I').count()
J = message_typer.messages.filter(message='J').count()
R = message_typer.messages.filter(message='R').count()
message_types = {'s':s, 'A':A, 'd':d, 'E':E, 'X':X, 'P':P,\
'r':r, 'B':B, 'H':H, 'I':I, 'J':J, 'R':R }
output = {'output':message_types}
#return HttpResponse('Received')
return render(request, 'output.html',output)
When the web page loads, it should display a simple break down each character in the 11th position of the uploaded text file.
However, if two requests are running concurrently, the first page that makes the request gets an Operation Error; Db is locked.
Traceback to here:
The second page will sum the total of the two files that were uploaded.
I do want to wipe the table after so that the next user will have an empty table to populate and perform a count on.
Is there a better way?