I am developing a laravel app using vue js where I am using vue router for navigation and I have put the external js files in index.blade.php but in my app the external JS files are not working with vue router when navigating between components or pages but when I refresh the component or page the external JS files are working fine.
I have tried to add external JS files in specific component with below method but no help
mounted() { let appscript = document.createElement("script"); appscript.setAttribute( "src", "/dist/js/app.js" ); document.head.appendChild(appscript); }
I'd like to have multiple Vue3 components. Each as a separate Vue instance, and all automatically loaded.
Why? Because I want to use them on a page where there's potentially many other JS scripts that alter the page so I cannot change the DOM for them (by globally initialising Vue) and I want not to worry that they will mess with my Vue components - so mounting all my components to some one big Vue instance like <body id="app"> is not an option.
With Vue2 it was a bit easier but does not work with Vue3. Now after some fight I worked out a solution for Vue3 it works fine but it seems ugly in my eyes so I assume there's a better one :)
I'm using (laravel-mix - Webpack solution for building my files).
Here's my HTML file with the components embedded:
// index.php
<TestOne data-vue-component="TestOne" />
<TestTwo data-vue-component="TestTwo" />
<TestOne data-vue-component="TestOne" />
And here's my JS file for loading those components:
// index.js
import { createApp } from 'vue';
const vueComponents = document.querySelectorAll('[data-vue-component]');
if (vueComponents.length) {
vueComponents.forEach((elem) => {
const componentName = elem.getAttribute('data-vue-component');
const app = createApp(require(`./components/${componentName}/${componentName}.vue`).default);
So I look for the Vue components using data attribute data-vue-component and then for each one found I get the component's name, create a Vue3 instance importing the component at the same moment. Finally I mount it and do the same with the next one.
I am trying to create a PDF of Vue component which uses Bootstrap Vue for style. I've successfully created PDF using Puppeteer but the styles are missing. I have added style tags also and still it's not working.
await page.addStyleTag({ url: 'https://unpkg.com/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' })
await page.addStyleTag({ url: 'https://unpkg.com/bootstrap-vue#latest/dist/bootstrap-vue.min.css' })
Can some one help?
I'm new to Vue JS and I don't know how to use this component: https://antoniandre.github.io/vue-cal/.
I do not have Babel, webpack, or nothing else but a code editor.
How can I use this in my Vue app?
In the documentation says that if I want to add the component trough a tag just add the tags and then add:
// In your VueJS component.
export default {
components: { 'vue-cal': vuecal },
But I tried and console shows: Unexpected token default
I want to make a Facebook Instant game with Vue. But facebook just has a cdn for the js file.
<script src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbinstant.6.2.js"></script>
If I import the cdn in index file I still cannot use it in the components. Vue shows undefined error.
I tried to import it in index.js just after body tag and initialize it to a window variable.
But that does not seem to work too.
window.onload = function() {
window._FBInstant = FBInstant;
.then(function() {
// Start loading game assets here
FBInstant.startGameAsync().then(function() {
you can store the FB instance on a data property in the created or any other hook
data: () => ({ FBInstance: null}),
created() {
this.FBInstance = window._FBInstant
and if you want to use it globally, you can do the same trick inside a mixin
data: () => ({ FBInstance: null}),
created() {
this.FBInstance = window._FBInstant
Insert the Facebook Instant Game CDN script tag just after <body> tag.
Don't use cdn or direct <script> include for importing vuejs in your project.
Download the vuejs production version and save it in the project folder and compress (bundle) it along with other game files in the zip during the uploading in web hosting.
after fb cdn, include the <script src="js/vue.js"></script> from the files.
This way you can use facebook sdk as well as vuejs in the instant games.
I'm just started to study how to do an laravel api with vuejs framework and I have a lot of doubts. On of them is: how can I include js files on a specific vue component? Nowadays, I'm importing all my js files on index of my vue client but what I whised it's how to load specific js file on its specific vue component. I've already tried require('assets/path/to/jsfile'), import('assets/path/to/jfsile') and nothing works.
For example:
in my folders I have this structure: myapp -> static -> myjsfolder -> myjsfile
and in my vue-component I want to import my myjsfile. The admin template I'm using is AdminLTE, laravel as backend and webpack as client on vuejs.
Are your js files exporting anything?
If so, try using:
import * as Something from 'assets/path/to/jsfile'
The path will be relative to the component so you may need to use ./ or ../path for example.
Edit: Does the following work? Assuming a single file component is being used:
<script type="text/javascript" src="some/js/file.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
export default {
Within teste.js either add a function:
function printToConsole() {
then later call printToConsole() within your component.
or use an IIFE
(function () {