Replace PHPUnit method `withConsecutive` - testing

As method withConsecutive will be deleted in PHPUnit 10 (in 9.6 it's deprecated) I need to replace all of occurrences of this method to new code.
Try to find some solutions and didn't find any of reasonable solution.
For example, I have a code
[$personFirst, $employeeFirst],
[$personSecond, $employeeSecond],
->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls($personDTO, $personSecondDTO);
To which code should I replace withConsecutive ?
P.S. Documentation on official site still shows how use withConsecutive

I've just upgraded to PHPUnit 10 and faced the same issue. Here's the solution I came to:
->willReturnCallback(fn($person, $employee) =>
match([$person, $employee]) {
[$personFirst, $employeeFirst] => $personDTO,
[$personSecond, $employeeSecond] => $personSecondDTO
If the mocked method is passed something other than what's expected in the match block, PHP will throw a UnhandledMatchError.

Looks like there are not exists solution from the box.
So, what I found - several solutions
Use your own trait which implements method withConsecutive
Use prophecy or mockery for mocking.


Cab Dafny use an imported ADT in a match command

Hi I am running into time out problems and am trying to decompose my file into different modules on the hope that a verified module will not have to be reverified, in VS code, when working on a module that imports it.
If any one knows if this is a reasonable way to avoid time out problems I would like to hear.
But the more basic problem I found is that once I import an ADT I can make use of in in if statements but not in match statements. See code below for an example. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
module inner {
datatype Twee = Node(value : int, left : Twee, right : Twee) | Leaf
function rot(t:Twee) :Twee
match t
case Leaf => t
case Node(v,l,r) => Node(v,r,l)
module outer {
import TL = inner
function workingIf(t:TL.Twee) :TL.Twee
{ if (t == TL.Leaf) then TL.Leaf else t }
function failingMatch(t:TL.Twee) :TL.Twee
match t
case TL.Leaf => t // error "darrow expected"
case TL.Node(v,l,r) => TL.Node(v,r,l)
Sorry for asking the question - the following worked.
function failingMatch(t:TL.Twee) :TL.Twee
match t
case Leaf => t
case Node(v,l,r) => TL.Node(v,r,l)
Well that worked but the following failed
function rotateLeft(t:TL.Twee) :TL.Twee
match t
case Leaf => t
case Node(v,Leaf,r) => TL.Node(v,TL.Leaf,r)
case Node(v,Node(vl,ll,rl),r) => TL.Node(vl,ll,TL.Node(v,rl,r))
The answer to the first question was given by James Wilcox and can be found in What are the relationships among imports, includes, and verification in Dafny?
but for convienience I repeat below:
"import has no direct influence on whether the imported module is verified or not. Modules in other files will not be verified unless their file is listed on the command line. Modules in the current file are always verified (whether or not they are imported by anyone)."
The main question I have raised in
Many thanks to everyone - teaching how to use Dafny with out stack overflow would be so much harder.
Somewhat oddly, the constructor names that follow each case keyword are expected to be unqualified. They are looked up in the type of the expression that follows the match. It's quirky that qualified names are not allowed, and this is likely something that will be corrected in the future (I thought there was a Dafny issue on github about this, but I can't find it).

Karate Netty - CallSingle but not so single

What I had till today:
I have get_jwt.feature and I call it as a part of karate-config.js. Since I have used one account I needed only one jwt and I can reuse it across scenarios. callSingle worked as a charm in this case.
Suddenly I have need for jwt's from two accounts which I dont want to generate for each scenario, callSingle falls short of this task as it does exactly what its supposed to be doing. Now I have hacky idea, I can simply make two files, get_jwt.feature and get_jwt_user2.feature, and single call them each.
So my question: Is there a better way of doing this?
You can use "2 levels" of calls. So point the callSingle() to a JS function that calls get_jwt.feature 2 times, maybe with different arguments and then return a JSON. Pseudo-code below. First is get_jwts.js:
function fn(users) {
var jwt1 ='get_jwt.feature', users.user1);
var jwt2 ='get_jwt.feature', users.user2);
return { jwt1: jwt1, jwt2: jwt2 };
Then in karate-config.js
config.jwts = karate.callSingle('classpath:get_jwts.js', users);
And now you should be able to do this:
* print jwts.jwt1
* print jwts.jwt2
You can also do a feature-->feature call chain. Do let me know if this works !
EDIT: see Babu's answer in the comments, looks like you can pass an array to callSingle() ! so that may be quite convenient :)

Rails 3 Symbol.gte method

I saw the following code example:
Subscription.where(:created_at.gte => t0)`
To me, this seems a little more ruby/rails-like as opposed to:
Subscription.where("created_at > ?", t0)`
However, attempting to reproduce this in my own code on results in:
undefined method `gte' for :created_at:Symbol
I'm not certain, but I believe this is a MongoDB method. If so is there any way I can extend ActiveRecord to make use of it?
You are correct. This is mongoid query DSL.
Similar way to extend ActiveRecord is achieved using squeel gem. However, it is slightly different.
Subscription.where{ created_at.gte => t0 }
Notice different brackets and created_at is not a symbol.

How to access a stored value in PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase

How can I store a value within Selenium-RC (through PHPUnit) and then retrieve/access it later using PHPUnit?
Suppose I run a command like the following in a test:
$this->storeExpression( "foo", "bar" );
If I understand the Selenium API documentation correctly, I could access this data using javascript{storedVars['foo']} using good 'ol fashioned Selenese. It should contain the value "bar".
My question is this: how can I access this javascript{storedVars['test']} expression (or, more generally, javascript{storedVars} in PHPUnit?
For example, here's a simple test I've run:
public function testStorage()
$this->open(''); // for example
$this->storeExpression( 'foo', 'bar' );
$foo = $this->getExpression('foo');
echo $foo;
The output of which is "foo" (among the other standard PHPUnit output), while I expect it should be "bar". It's just giving me back the name of the expression, not its value.
Can anyone with experience in this give me some guidance?
Good posts in this thread, but looks like no 100% working answer so far.
Based on the Selenium reference here
It would seem the correct code syntax would be:
$this->storeExpression( 'bar', 'foo' );
$foo = $this->getExpression("\${foo}");
I haven't tested that exactly, but doing something similar with
$val = $this->getExpression('\${srcTxt}');
print $val;
did the trick for me.
The PHPUnit Selenium Testcase driver actually understands storeExpression and getExpression; have a look at its source code. You can do
$this->storeExpression('foo', 'bar');
As Selenium Stores the expression result in second argument it stores value in "bar" and when u need to call it you should call the stored name to get the expression.
$this->storeExpression( 'foo', 'bar' );
$foo = $this->getExpression("bar");
May this helps you it worked for me.
$evaluated = $this->getEval("regex:3+3");
$expressed = $this->getExpression("regex:3+3");
The First Evaluated will give the evaluated output for expression
and the second will show the expressed output.
The secound is used to verify that the specified expression is genrated or not by the alert.

nHibernate 3.0 queries

Working through the summer of nHibernate tutorials have gotten to the section on queries. Seems there have been changes since that series was made. So I went to the online docs for nHB 3.0 but code such as:
IList cats = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Cat))
.Add(Expression.Like("Name", "Fritz%"))
.Add(Expression.Between("Weight", minWeight, maxWeight))
Generates the error "The name 'Expression' does not exist in the current context"
Code like:
return session.CreateCriteria(typeof(DataTransfer.Customer))
.Add(new NHibernate.Criterion.LikeExpression("Firstname", firstname))
.Add(new NHibernate.Criterion.LikeExpression("Lastname", lastname))
Works but it seems that it is missing a number of query methods like GtExpression.
Are the online docs up to date, and if so, why can't I use Expression...
If the online docs aren't up to date then where do I get a description of the Criterion interface?
You forgot to add using NHibernate.Criterion;.
Anyway, the Expression class is deprecated. Use Restrictions instead.
Weird thing. I still use Expression.* static methods and these are still work. Are you sure you use the latest version of NH3.0? I use Alpha 2 version.
If you need to make it work urgently, let's try the QueryOver<> feature:
return session.QueryOver<DataTransfer.Customer>()
.WhereRestrictionOn(u => u.Name).IsLike("Fritz%")
.AndRestrictionOn(u => u.Weight).IsBetween(minWeight).And(maxWeight)
It works well for simple queries