SQL French char encoding issue - sql

I have an address with French chars - Vétéran. In table column it is read as Vétéran when using SMS select. The server language is English.
When I copied Vétéran to Word, it remained the same. I saved the Word doc as plain text using Windows default encoding (Western Europe), it is changed to Vétéran.
I cannot find a way to display it correctly in SMS. The data is copied from Oracle 12. It is displayed as Vétéran by Oracle SQL Developer.
Need some help.
I tried different case and accent setting in collate. Does not work.


Not able to display Chinese character in application

I have a column in which Chinese characters are stored and the column contains a customer name in Chinese language.
When I select the column in SSMS I can see all the names in Chinese language but when the same is done from application the application displays '??????' in all the fields of that columns.
I tried to collate the column with 'Chinese_Simplified_Pinyin_100_CI_AS' in a select statement still no use.
Does anyone knows what should I do to display Chinese character in the application.
This issue due to application problem. its not an sql server issue. check in application. if ?????? comes in sql server, then only its sql server issue. hence its not an sql server issue

Encoding in Oracle database

I have a problem when inserting values into my Oracle database. I have to insert French characters like à or è and when I try to insert them through an INSERT statement it will convert the character to ¿ or ?.
Is there any possibility to set the encoding of that specific script, or what can I do in this situation ?
Thank you
Usually you would set the character set when you install your database. You can, however, change it post-setup if required (Look up CSALTER). If your database needs to support multiple languages, then you should take a look at this: Supporting Multilingual Databases with Unicode
I have fixed this problem by adding an Environment Variable called NLS_LANG with the value .AL32UTF8 . This worked even though the database has as language American and territory America. The problem that I have faced here was that once I changed the NLS_LANG variable, it started to encode my characters also in the application.
Also you can try to change the encoding of the script that you are running. For example I have used ANSI encoding (you can do it by opening a script in notepad++ and from the Encoding menu, select Convert to ANSI) and it worked properly.
Thank you guys for your help :)

How to change character set to UTF8 in visual basic express 2013?

I am writing a clinic program using visual basic express 2013, I wrote the whole program then I noticed that when inserting patients in Arabic language my sql database showing ??????? in every field, people told me I have to change my database character set to UTF8 but I don't know how, any solution would be great.
note: I tried changing table definition with collate Arabic but no luck.
thanks in advance
In .net all strings are in Unicode which supports all character sets. What I would guess is missing is to set your table columns to nvarchar.

PL/SQL arabic displayed as?

When I query for data that have arabic text in PL/SQL Developer, It is showed as question marks (????).
I am sure the data is correctly stored in DB because it shows on website properly, also on the server.
So I think it is a problem related to my PL/SQL Developer (v8.0.4.1514).
Is there any way to change how PL/SQL Developer shows/encodes arabic text?
How to check in what format/encoding the arabic text is stored?
My question might be missing some details, So Just ask me and also keep in mind that I am very beginner in PL/SQL and in SQL.
Thank you.
I found a solution (which might also work with other languages that shows as '????')
I changed the NLS_LANG in registry to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
(I found 3 NLS_LANG's in registry, check with each one or just change them all like I did.)
then restarted PL/SQL developer, test a query and arabic text is showing normally.
Thank you all.
it could be the solution, if not can you provide more information about O/S and it's version, ... etc
There might be multiple instance of oracle installed so you must set default enconding for all of them. Just follow this instructions:
Open reg edit and go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle. There is one or more keys related to each instance:
For each of this keys right click and create a string value named NLS_LANG if not already there:
Then set it's value to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 and done just refresh your query in PL/SQL.
in registery find NLS_LANG and change its value from AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252 to AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8
it works fine for me for persian characters.

Inserting Japanese characters to Sybase db from Excel

I can see the Japanese test in the excel cells. I've built the insert query using ADO. It does the insert in the DB, but Japanese characters are simply represented as "????"
Any help would be appreciated.
Is it the Sybase client where you are seeing the Japanse characters misrepresented? If you are lucky then it's just a mix-up between the server and a client. You can try running:
set char_convert off
in the Sybase client which will turn off Sybases automatic character conversion that it attempts to do.
If the above doesn't work then you have to find out what your Sybase servers default charset is. You can do this with:
This will return the default charset for your Sybase server (e.g roman8 ). Check the charset your server returns supports Japanese characters.